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Chapter 11: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy  109

              of this polymorphism accounts for approximately 6% of   familial HCM in humans. Aside from the Maine coon
              the  variability  of  LV  hypertrophy  in  humans.  TNF-α   cat  model,  the  transgenic  β-MHC  rabbit  model  most
              provokes a dose-dependent increase in hypertrophy by   closely approximates human HCM. Transgenic rabbits
              increasing synthesis of actin and myosin in the cardio-  have myocyte disarray involving 10–20% of the LV, 2–3-
              myocyte.  TNF-α  also  interacts  with  the  renin-  fold increase in interstitial fibrosis, concentric LV hyper-
              angiotensin-aldosterone  system  (RAAS)  and  increases   trophy, sudden cardiac death, and diastolic dysfunction
              expression of angiotensin II receptor type 1.      (Marian et al. 1999). This mirrors the same pathologic
                 There are four polymorphisms in genes that encode   abnormalities  and  clinical  correlates  described  in  cats
              for  proteins  in  RAAS  that  are  associated  with  higher   with HCM (Fox 2003a; Fox et al. 1995). A spontaneously
              activation of RAAS and have been identified as “pro-left   developing,  moderately  heritable  model  of  HCM  has
              ventricular  hypertrophy”  genotypes  in  some  familial   been identified in pigs from a breeder farm in Taiwan
              HCM-related  mutations  (Ortlepp  et  al.  2002).  These   (Huang et al. 1996; Dai et al. 1996). Pigs develop similar
              polymorphisms  are  an  insertion/deletion  polymor-  phenotypic abnormalities to those of Maine coon cats   Cardiomyopathies
              phism of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene, a   and  humans,  including  concentric  LV  hypertrophy,
              T/C exchange in the angiotensinogen gene, an A/C poly-  SAM, and left atrial enlargement (Lin et al. 2002). Like
              morphism of the angiotensin II receptor type I gene, and   people  and  cats,  these  pigs  also  develop  the  hallmark
              a C/T exchange of the aldosterone synthase gene (Ortlepp   histopathologic abnormalities of HCM including myo-
              et al. 2002; Kupari et al. 1998). The ACE-DD polymor-  fiber disarray, intramural coronary arteriosclerosis, and
              phism causes a higher tissue concentration of ACE, and   myocardial  fibrosis  (Dai  et  al.  1996).  Therefore,  these
              has been associated with more severe LV hypertrophy in   pigs may serve as models for feline HCM, and future
              patients with β-MHC mutations. Approximately 15% of   diagnostic and therapeutic discoveries could possibly be
              the variability of LV mass index in humans with familial   relevant to cats with HCM.
              HCM is due to the type of ACE genotype present in an
              individual (Lechin et al. 1995). However, the relation-
              ship of the RAAS system and ACE in feline HCM is not   Relationship Between HCM and Other
              clear, given the lack of any measurable improvement in   Cardiomyopathies
              left  ventricular  hypertrophy  in  asymptomatic  Maine   Although  cardiomyopathies  are  classified  into  specific
              coon cats with HCM given an ACE inhibitor daily for 1   and  very  different  functional  categories  (i.e.,  dilated,
              year (MacDonald et al. 2006b). The angiotensinogen CC   restricted, hypertrophic), there are many similarities of
              polymorphism results in greater production of angio-  molecular genetic mechanisms in humans with various
              tensinogen, the catalytic enzyme that converts renin to   cardiomyopathies. Historically, it was hypothesized that
              angiotensin  I.  The  angiotensin  II  receptor  type  I  CC   the  different  functional  classes  were  manifestations
              polymorphism  is  associated  with  higher  receptor   along  a  continuum  of  one  disease,  spanning  HCM  at
              responsiveness.  All  four  prohypertrophic  RAAS  poly-  one  extreme,  DCM  as  end-stage  myocardial  failure  at
              morphisms are independently related to the degree of   the  other,  and  intermediate  cardiomyopathy  (currently
              penetrance and severity of LV hypertrophy in humans   recognized  as  restrictive  or  unclassified  cardiomyopa-
              with familial HCM due to a MBPC mutation (Ortlepp   thy) as a transitional stage from HCM to DCM (Harpster
              et al. 2002). Given the highly variable nature of feline   1977).  Continued  research  (molecular  genetic  studies,
              HCM,  it  is  an  intriguing  hypothesis  that  these  RAAS   clinical  observation),  however,  has  not  supported  this
              polymorphisms exist in cats. Given the wide spectrum   hypothesis and the different cardiomyopathies are now
              of HCM phenotype and clinical course in cats, it is pos-  considered  distinct  entities  (Spaendonck-Zwarts  et  al.
              sible that there are different modifiers (gene, environ-  2008; Maron et al. 2006). However, while transition from
              ment,  etc.)  that  occur,  which  makes  it  impossible  to   HCM  to  RCM/UCM  to  DCM  does  not  represent  the
              extrapolate  results  of  clinical  therapeutic  studies  in  a   natural evolution of cardiomyopathy in the cat, muta-
              group of cats (maybe within a specific breed or family)   tions in many of the same sarcomeric proteins linked
              to apply to all cats with HCM.                     to  familial  HCM  have  been  shown  to  cause  familial
                                                                 dilated  cardiomyopathy  or  restrictive  cardiomyopathy
              Experimental Animal Models of Familial HCM         in  people  (Maron  et  al.  2006).  Since  mutations  affect
              There  are  several  transgenic  or  knockout  mice  with   some  of  the  same  proteins  in  HCM  and  DCM  –  two
              mutations in β-MHC, tropomyosin, TnT, TnI, MBPC,   clinically distinct diseases with opposite pathophysiol-
              and essential light chains, as well as a transgenic TnT   ogy – the mutations likely confer different structural and
              mutation rat model (Marian et al. 2001). Often there is   functional consequences to explain the disparate pheno-
              a  substantial  discrepancy  between  the  phenotype  of   types.  Although  previously  described  as  idiopathic,
              rodent  models  compared  with  the  phenotype  seen  in   RCM is now known to be a familial heritable disease in
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