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114  Section D: Cardiomyopathies

              equilibrate, and is represented as the pause between the   160                 Normal
              first and second heart sounds. Slower heart rates cause a                      Diastolic HF
              longer  diastasis  period,  which  may  aid  in  ventricular   140             Diastolic HF after furosemide
              filling in a stiff ventricle. Atrial systole contributes the   120
              remaining 20% of diastolic LV volume. In rapid heart   100
              rates, as seen in cats, the diastolic phases may merge.  LV Pressure (mm Hg)  80
                 Compliance is a major factor in the passive filling of   60
              the LV, and is defined as the change in volume for any   40
              given change in pressure. The inverse of compliance is   20
              stiffness. The greater the stiffness, the greater the dia-  0  0  1  2    3     4    5
      Cardiomyopathies  ables involved in diastolic function include heart rate,   Figure 11.5.  Pressure	volume	curves	of	a	normal	cat	and	a	cat
              stolic pressure for a given diastolic volume. Other vari-
                                                                                    LV Volume (ml)
              atrial  contractility,  pericardial  restraint,  and  left  and
              right ventricular interaction (Mandinov et al. 2000). At
                                                                 with	severe	hypertrophic	cardiomyopathy	and	congestive	heart
              rapid heart rates, the three diastolic phases may merge.
              In atrial fibrillation or atrial standstill, there is a loss in
                                                                 ventricular	stiffness	is	reflected	by	the	upward	shift	in	the	dia-
              atrial systolic filling at the end of diastole.    failure	before	and	after	treatment	with	a	diuretic.	Increased	left
                                                                 stolic	pressure	volume	relationship	in	this	cat	with	HCM.	For	each
                                                                 incremental	increase	in	LV	volume,	the	stiff	ventricle	has	a	greater
              Isovolumic Relaxation and Early Diastolic          increase	in	diastolic	pressure	compared	to	the	normal	compliant
              Filling in HCM                                     LV.	Congestive	heart	failure	occurs	once	the	left	ventricular	end-
              In  the  normal  heart,  changes  in  relaxation  exert  the   diastolic	 pressure	 increases	 over	 ∼24	mm	 Hg.	 Diuretic	 therapy
              dominant influence on diastolic function. Beta adrener-  decreases	preload	and	left	ventricular	chamber	volume,	which
              gic activation results in increased cAMP and exerts posi-  causes	a	leftward	shift	of	the	pressure-volume	loop	and	decreas-
              tive  lusitropic  effects  (increased  relaxation).  Impaired   es	left	ventricular	filling	pressure.
              relaxation occurs in HCM, where there is a shift in LV
              filling toward end-diastole (Golden and Bright 1990). In   include decreased coronary flow reserve, systolic com-
              patients with HCM, delayed relaxation may be caused   pression  of  coronary  branches,  degree  of  LV  outflow
              by abnormal calcium handling, altered loading condi-  tract  obstruction,  small-vessel  disease  of  intramyocar-
              tions, and myocardial ischemia.                    dial coronary arteries, and inadequate capillary density
                 Impaired early relaxation in HCM is caused by altered   relative  to  the  increase  in  myocardial  mass  (Kofflard
              calcium handling, increased calcium sensitivity, and calcium   et al. 2007; Cannon et al. 1985). Regional impairment of
              overload (Figure 11.5). In a study of isolated ventricular   coronary flow has been identified in areas of most severe
              muscle  from  people  with  HCM,  there  was  abnormal   hypertrophy. Like in people, a majority (74%) of cats
              calcium  handling  consisting  of  impaired  sarcolemmal   with HCM have abnormal intramural coronary arteries,
              and sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium channel regulation,   based  on  a  comparative  pathology  study  (Liu  et  al.
              which led to increased intracellular calcium concentra-  1993).  Most  of  the  abnormal  coronary  arteries  were
              tions  and  impaired  active  relaxation  (Gwathmey  et  al.   located  within  or  at  the  margins  of  fibrotic  areas.
              1991). Additionally, there may be enhanced calcium sensi-  Diastolic dysfunction and elevated diastolic pressure are
              tivity  of  myofilaments  in  models  of  familial  HCM   further  exacerbated  by  reduced  coronary  flow  reserve
              (Marian et al. 2001). During fast heart rates, there is less   and calcium overload secondary to ischemia (Cannon
              time for reuptake of calcium into the SR, and accumula-  et al. 1985). To worsen matters, the effects of hypoxia on
              tion of cytosolic calcium occurs. In a study using isolated   ventricular  stiffness  are  exaggerated  in  the  hypertro-
              muscle strips from humans with HCM, pacing at higher   phied heart, resulting in impaired or incomplete relax-
              rates  (equivalent  to  60–120 bpm)  resulted  in  reduced   ation.  Alterations  in  afterload  may  also  contribute  to
              developed  tension  (i.e.,  systolic  dysfunction)  and   impaired  early  diastolic  relaxation.  Concentric  LV
              increased  resting  (diastolic)  tension  (Gwathmey  et  al.   hypertrophy reduces end-systolic wall stress and after-
              1991). This illustrates that high heart rates may worsen   load.  Counterintuitively,  there  is  improved  early  dia-
              diastolic dysfunction in patients with HCM.        stolic function in people with HCM when afterload is
                 Myocardial ischemia occurs in people with HCM, and   increased (Hausdorf et al. 1989). When afterload is high,
              may lead to angina, syncope, LV systolic and diastolic   there is greater cytosolic calcium, which causes a greater
              dysfunction, and sudden death. It is likely that myocar-  rate of fall of calcium during relaxation, as long as there
              dial ischemia also occurs in cats with HCM. Causes of   is  adequate  sarcoplasmic  reticulum  function,  and
              myocardial  ischemia  in  HCM  are  multifactorial  and   explains the faster rate of relaxation. It may be inferred
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