Page 38 - Feline Cardiology
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                                                 No palpable pulse + no palpable/audible heartbeat +
                                                       no spontaneous respirations

                                                     Initiate chest compressions
                                                • Lateral recumbency
                                                • Rate of compressions: Mimic patient's normal resting heart rate
                                                • Cat: 140/minute                                                       Clinical Entities

                                                   Attach electrocardiographic (ECG) monitor
                     Intubate airway                                                            Place intravenous
                                                   • Ensure adequate contact between clips        catheter
                 • Brief pause(s) in chest          and patient (e.g., use alcohol + gel) to
                  compressions as needed            avoid artifact mimicking fibrillation
                  for tube placement
                 • Ensure mouth gag is
                  placed securely                                                              Administer reversal
                 • Ensure accurate                   Is the rhythm ventricular fibrillation?   agents if sedatives/
                  intubation of trachea                                                         analgesics were
                                                                                                given in excess
                  (visualize tube in glottis)  • Wavy baseline without clear QRS complexes, T waves, or P waves
                                          Yes  • Ensure contact between ECG clips and patient is EXCELLENT—
                                               use isopropyl alcohol
                                              • Stop chest compressions briefly, to eliminate motion artifact
                                              • ALWAYS check more than one channel/ECG lead    Initiate fluid therapy
                                                                                              • Crystalloid (e.g.,
                 Inflate cuff judiciously                                   No                 sodium chloride 0.9%,
                 Positive pressure ventilation   Defibrillate                                  lactated Ringer’s
                 using 40%–100% oxygen                                                         solution, Plasmalyte
                 • 12–20 breaths/minute     External:  Internal:    Asystole                   148, Normosol R)
                 • Coinciding with cardiac  For most cases  If pericardial or  →   Epinephrine  40 ml/kg.
                  compressions is likely  • Turn defibrillator  pleural effusion,           (1:10 000) 0.02−0.2  • Consider simultaneous
                  beneficial; continue    on        pneumothorax              ml/kg IV; if     colloids if hypo-
                  steady rhythm of       • Charge (5 J/kg)  •   Turn defibrillator           no response,  albuminemic
                  respirations irrespective  • Rapidly clip hair       on           repeat epinephrine
                  of cardiac compressions  (15 seconds) over  •   Charge (0.5 J/kg)  Ventricular tachycardia
                                          both hemithoraces  •   Rapidly clip hair;  (pulseless)
                                         • Apply defibrillator      thoracotomy (30  →   Lidocaine 2 mg/kg
                                          gel (NOT ultra-      seconds)           IV bolus
                Spontaneous  Persistent   sound gel) to skin  •   Apply paddles  →   Check for hypo-  Administer IV  Monitor:
                respirations  apnea       and paddles      directly to ventricles           kalemia and treat  drugs and additional  • Arterial blood
                ± regains                • Apply paddles to      (pericardiotomy if           (0.25 mEq/kg/h)  fluids as indicated  pressure (BP)
                consciousness             patient: “apex” on      pericardial           if serum K < 3.0  • Pulse oximetry
                                          left, “sternum” on      effusion), on           mEq/l       (if return of
                                          right         opposite sides of  →   Repeat lidocaine
                                         • Ensure no contact      heart           bolus if venticular  spontaneous
                                          between humans  •   Ensure no contact           tachycardia persists
                  Titrate/  Either mea-   and patient, table,      between humans  →   May give lidocaine  • Central venous
                 wean from  sure arterial  or defibrillator      and patient, table,           as constant rate  pressure (if
                ventilation as  blood gas  • Administer shock      or defibrillator           infusion 40−80  jugular catheter
               for an anesthetic  (rule out         •   Administer shock           microg/kg/min IV   in place)
               recovery patient  hyperventila-                      Supraventricular
                           tion, e.g., if                           tachycardia
                           PCo 2  < 20-                                 (> 240/min; QRS
                           25 mmHg)                                     complexes look
                            or if not                                   normal)              Vasopressin 0.4 µg/kg
                           available,                               →   Vagal maneuver       IV for hypotension, or
                            continue     Persistent        Other             to slow heart rate  dopamine 2−5 µg/kg/min
                           ventilation   ventricular  Normal  rhythm           and better identify  IV for hypotension
                           until onset   fibrillation  sinus                 the rhythm
                           of sponta-             rhythm            Sinus bradycardia        Sodium bicarbonate 8.4%
                            neous                                          (< 100/min in cats)  0.5−1 mEq/kg IV
                           respirations                              →   Atropine 0.04 mg/kg IV     for confirmed metabolic
                                                                        If ineffective, repeat once     acidosis, or for arrest
                                                                                                >10 minutes. 0.5−1 mEq/kg IV
                                                                        If still ineffective, may     Solution is 8.4% (= 84 mg/ml
                                                  Good work             use epinephrine 1:10 000     = 1 mEq/ml)
                                                  Ensure ongoing        0.02−0.2 ml/kg IV
                                                   effective perfusion  Not sure → Confirm good  Mannitol 1 g/kg IV over 15−30
                                        Double-   Monitor mentation,      contact between ECG
                                        check                           clips and patient, stop     minutes for
                                       diagnosis   cranial nerves,      chest compressions      cerebral edema
                                                   respirations, BP                             Solution is 20% (0.2 g/ml)
                                                  Continue ECG          for a few seconds to  Corticosteroids (controversial)
                                                   monitoring           end motion artifact.
                                                                        If rhythm diagnosis
                                  Ventricular                           is still unclear, record
                                  fibrillation    Other rhythm          strip and consult
                                                                        cardiologist immediately
                                        Defibrillate again        Continue monitoring and treatment
                                        • No treatment is more effective  Goals:
                                         for a patient in ventricular fibrillation  • A perfusing rhythm (good pulse)
                                         than electrical defibrillation  • Spontaneous respirations
                                        • Increase dose to 8 J/kg, then  • Improving mentation and
                                         12 J/kg if necessary      normal neurologic function
              Figure 5.1.  Algorithm	for	treatment,	monitoring,	and	decision-making	during	cardiopulmonary	cerebral	resuscitation.	Copyright	2004,
              Etienne	Côté;	modified	with	permission.
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