Page 58 - Feline Cardiology
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Chapter 7: Echocardiography  53

                                                        A                                                               Diagnostic Testing

              Figure 7.1.  Pulsed-wave	Doppler	echocardiograms
              obtained	at	the	pulmonary	artery	from	a	normal	cat.
              The	flow	velocity	is	approximately	70	cm/sec	in	(A)
              with	a	laminar	flow	pattern.	Note	that	when	the	scale
              is	reduced	excessively	in	(B),	the	velocity	is	beyond
              the	 measurable	 range	 (40	cm/s)	 and	 the	 signal
              “wraps	around	the	baseline”	or	aliases,	preventing
              accurate	interpretation.

              can  be  felt  to  vibrate  during  imaging.  Phased  array   underneath  (the  dependent  chest  wall;  Figure  7.3)
              probes are more expensive because they contain an array   because gravity draws the heart toward the transducer
              of  crystals,  which  are  electronically  fired,  resulting  in   against the thoracic wall, enlarging the acoustic window
              improved focusing. Some commercial probes have a fre-  (Thomas  et  al.  1993).  This  approach  is  particularly
              quency  bandwidth,  which  allows  a  single  probe  to   helpful  in  animals  with  a  normal  heart  size,  or  when
              operate at more than one frequency; this is an advantage   primary respiratory disease is present because hyperin-
              because the optimal frequency can be chosen without   flation of the lungs due to chronic respiratory disease can
              changing  probes  during  the  echocardiogram.  Low-  decrease the size of the cardiac window. Echocardiographic
              frequency probes have deeper penetration and produce   tables can be purchased or manufactured; a cutout allows
              superior Doppler signals; however, the resulting image   imaging from below and facilitates the examination. One
              has  poorer  resolution.  High-frequency  probes  (7.5–  experienced  restrainer  is  often  adequate,  but  for  an
              10 mHz) have low penetrating power but high resolu-  uncooperative cat, 2 restrainers are optimal. Some cardi-
              tion  and  structural  definition;  high-frequency  probes   ologists recommend using an Elizabethan collar when
              are superior in cats. Because cats have high resting heart   restraining  cats  for  echocardiography  to  protect  the
              rates, a system capable of high frame rates will produce   restrainer (Côté 2005). It is important to be certain frac-
              superior image quality.                            tiousness is not related to a medical problem if the patient
                 Most  echocardiographers  position  the  animal  in   becomes uncooperative (pulmonary edema, orthopedic
              lateral recumbency and approach the thoracic wall from   disease, etc.). It is rare that the echocardiographic results
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