Page 60 - Feline Cardiology
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Chapter 7: Echocardiography  55      Diagnostic Testing

              Figure 7.3.  A	young	cat	restrained	in	lateral	recumbency	for	an	echocardiogram	with	the	transducer	located	on	the	right	parasternum.

                •  Butorphanol  and  midazolam  (0.3 mg/kg  of  each,   ideally suited to identification of structural lesions, but
                  IM or IV)                                      quantitative assessment of cardiac dimensions and func-
              •	 Deep sedation                                   tion  is  also  important.  Most  sonographers  begin  the
                •  Dexmedetomidine  0.01 mg/kg  IM  or  IV  alone,  or   examination  at  the  right  parasternal  window  (most
                  with either diazepam (0.2 mg/kg IV) or midazolam   often the right 4th or 5th intercostal space). By conven-
                  (0.05–0.3 mg/kg IV or IM) if hypertrophic cardio-  tion,  the  marker  on  the  probe  is  directed  toward  the
                  myopathy has been confirmed previously and the   patient’s elbow to obtain the short axis views and toward
                  patient is not hypertensive (for deep sedation), or  the shoulder to produce the long axis views. Both short
                •  Low-dose ketamine (1–2 mg/kg IV or PO) with or   and long axis views are required to thoroughly image a
                  without diazepam (0.02 mg/kg IV) or acepromazine   3D  structure  like  the  heart  using  a  2D  modality  like
                  (0.11–0.22 mg/kg IM or SQ) for severely fractious   echocardiography. A simple analogy is to think of the
                  cats                                           heart as a carrot and the ultrasound beam as a knife. The
                                                                 knife both slices the carrot longitudinally (long axis) for
              It is very important to obtain a simultaneous electrocar-  a global overview of the carrot and, with a 90° rotation
              diogram (ECG) during the echocardiographic examina-  of the direction of the blade, chops the carrot from tip
              tion to allow accurate timing of measurements. Without   to top (series of short axis views) to provide a compre-
              a simultaneous ECG, timing of cardiac measurements   hensive evaluation of the structure.
              can easily be incorrect and erroneous diagnoses are pos-  Once the heart is visualized, the depth setting is opti-
              sible. The teeth on metal alligator clips can be sanded   mized and the time gain compensation controls, reject,
              away to make the clips more comfortable for the patient.   and compression settings are adjusted to ensure struc-
              Alternatively, atraumatic clips may be used or human   tures of interest are ideally visualized. Panning along the
              ECG  electrode  patches  can  be  applied  with  the  gelled   entire heart in this plane is important for  a complete
              surface directly against the patient’s metacarpal or meta-  assessment. Specifically, the short axis view is evaluated
              tarsal pad and a soft wrap to secure the electrode for the   at the ventricular level (Figure 7.4A) and at the heart base
              duration of the examination.                       where the aorta and left atrium are visualized (Figure
                                                                 7.4B).  In  addition,  M-mode  studies  at  three  standard
                                                                 short  axis  planes  should  be  obtained:  the  ventricular,
                                                                 atrioventricular (AV) valve, and aortic valve levels (Figure
              Accurate  interpretation  of  echocardiographic  findings   7.5).  The  left  ventricular  measurements  are  obtained
              requires a complete and thorough examination. The best   from the M-mode obtained at the level of the chordae
              way to ensure one always obtains a complete study is to   tendinae and include the interventricular septum and left
              adopt  a  consistent  technique.  Echocardiography  is   ventricular free wall and the left ventricular end-diastolic
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