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72  Section B: Diagnostic Testing

              with mild HCM may have normal cTnI levels, several   a  cost-effective  way  (Maisel  et  al.  2006).  Mature ANP
              studies  have  shown  that  cats  with  moderate  to  severe   and  BNP  have  short  half-lives,  so  most  clinical  assays
              HCM have significantly higher levels of circulating cTnI   target  prohormones  (NT-proANP  and  NT-proBNP),
              than normal cats (Herndon et al. 2002; Connolly et al.   which  are  more  stable.  Depending  on  the  assay  being
              2003), and a weak correlation exists between cTnI con-  used, heparinized or EDTA plasma or serum is submit-
      Diagnostic Testing  several studies have shown that plasma cTnI levels may   centrifuged and separated after collection. If analysis is
              centrations and ventricular wall thickness. More recently,
                                                                 ted  to  the  appropriate  laboratory.  Samples  should  be
              be clinically useful for differentiating cardiac from non-
                                                                 delayed more than a day, samples should be frozen. The
                                                                 natriuretic  peptides  are  cleared  by  the  kidneys.
              cardiac causes of dyspnea (Herndon et al. 2008; Connolly
              et al. 2009; Wells [in press]). Now that several cage-side,
                                                                 Hypervolemia and hypertension (characteristic of renal
              point-of-care  tests  are  available,  cTnI  testing  should
              prove  useful  for  rapid  triage  of  cats  presenting  with   failure) enhance  its  secretion and  elevate  the  levels of
                                                                 BNP (because of increased ventricular pressure), espe-
              severe dyspnea.                                    cially NT-pro-BNP. In humans, there is also a moderate
                 Elevated  cTnI  levels  have  also  been  recognized  in   increase in the level of circulating BNP with increasing
              groups  of  cats  without  hypertrophic  cardiomyopathy.   age.  One  must  consider  these  possible  confounding
              Approximately  50%  of  hyperthyroid  cats  (without   factors when interpreting the natriuretic peptide levels
              underlying  heart  disease)  in  one  study  were  found  to   in an individual patient.
              have  elevated  baseline  cTnI  levels,  which  generally   Several studies have evaluated the use of these bio-
              returned  to  normal  within  2  months  of  radioactive   markers  in  feline  heart  disease  patients.  Plasma  NT-
              iodine  therapy  (Connolly  et  al.  2005).  Although  not   proANP immunoreactivity was compared between two
              reaching statistical significance, the cats with cTnI eleva-  groups of cats with and without hypertrophic cardiomy-
              tions also tended to have higher T 4  levels. The mecha-  opathy, and no significant difference was found between
              nism of troponin release was not determined although   the two groups (MacLean et al. 2006). In this study, the
              it was speculated to result from myocardial cell damage   disease group was asymptomatic. In another study using
              associated with intramural coronary ischemia or from   an  assay  for  C-terminal  ANP,  another  group  showed
              the physiological effects of excess thyroid hormone.  C-ANP  levels  increased  from  baseline  in  a  model  of
                 As of the writing of this chapter, two cTnI assays are   feline volume overload, and C-ANP concentration was
              available as cage-side tests (Heska i-STAT® and Biosite   also significantly higher in cats with various forms of
              Triage Meter®). Both assays have reasonable lower limits   cardiomyopathy  compared  to  normal  cats.  Moreover,
              of detection (i-STAT®: 0.00 ng/ml, according to the man-  cats  with  CHF  had  significantly  higher  C-ANP  levels
              ufacturer; Triage Meter®: 0.05 ng/ml), and published ref-  than  did  heart  disease  cats  without  CHF  (Hori  et  al.
              erence ranges for cats are available for both (see Box 8.1).  2008). Another  study  evaluated  NT-proANP  and  NT-
                                                                 proBNP in 28 healthy controls and 50 cats with heart
                                                                 disease. The affected group had various forms of heart
              NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE; ANP AND BNP)                  disease  and  was  farther  broken  down  into  those  with
                                                                 and  without  congestive  heart  failure.  Both  natriuretic
              ANP  and  BNP  are  produced  by  myocardial  tissue  in   peptides were significantly different between the three
              response to increased pressure and wall stress and there-  groups,  with  cats  in  heart  failure  having  the  highest
              fore  are  markers  for  cardiac  dysfunction  and  heart   levels. Although there was overlap of NT-proANP levels
              failure.  Pre-proBNP  is  processed  intracellularly  to   between the three groups, there was no overlap of the
              proBNP,  which  is  secreted  by  the  cell.  ProBNP  then   NT-proBNP levels suggesting this marker is likely supe-
              undergoes further processing to yield the active hormone   rior  (Connolly  et  al.  2008),  although  in  all  of  these
              (BNP)  and  an  inactive  fragment,  NT-proBNP.  The   studies its elevation mirrored the presence and severity
              pattern  for  ANP  production  is  similar.  The  primary   of congestive heart failure (which could be diagnosed
              stimulus  for  ANP  and  BNP  production  is  increased   radiographically  with  shorter  turnaround  time).  The
              transmural pressure or sudden wall stretch of an atrium   7–10-day  variability  of  circulating  NT-proBNP  in
              [ANP]  or  ventricle  [BNP].  However,  sustained  eleva-  normal and cardiomyopathic cats was demonstrated to
              tions are facilitated by increased protein synthesis, which   be  low  and  unlikely  to  confound  its  interpretation
              switches from the atria to the ventricles. BNP is princi-  (Reynolds et al. 2010). However, 23% of the affected cats
              pally  regulated  by  ventricular  wall  stress  and  pressure   (3/13)  had  normal  NT-proBNP  values,  which  could
              load (Connolly et al. 2008). BNP was the first biomarker   have confounded interpretation of the assay. These three
              to  prove  its  value  in  diagnosis,  prognostication,  and   cats  were  asymptomatic  (Reynolds  et  al.  2010).  NT-
              screening of human congestive heart failure patients in   proBNP has also been used in a clinical trial assessing
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