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70  Section B: Diagnostic Testing

              B 12  concentrations than the healthy controls. However,   this study validated a human ET-1 ELISA assay in the
              it was unclear whether these changes were secondary or   cat, it also demonstrated that ET-1 was unable to dis-
              primary and further studies are warranted. A separate   criminate  asymptomatic  cats  from  symptomatic  cats
              group of researchers found that plasma homocysteine   with heart failure or arterial thromboembolism (Prosek
              was  significantly  elevated  in  cats  with  CHF  and  ATE   2004a).
      Diagnostic Testing  homocysteine levels were elevated in the CHF (without   that have been best studied in the cat and that are readily
                                                                   At this time in veterinary cardiology, the biomarkers
              compared  to  normal  cats.  However,  although  plasma
                                                                 available for clinical use are the cardiac troponins and
              ATE) group compared to normal cats, it was not signifi-
                                                                 the natriuretic peptides. The remainder of this chapter
              cantly different, nor was there a significant difference in
                                                                 focuses on these biomarkers.
              plasma  homocysteine  levels  between  the  CHF  groups
              with and without ATE (Hohenhaus et al. 1999).
                                                                 CARDIAC TROPONINS
              ENDOTHELIN I
                                                                 Cardiac troponin I and T are specific markers of myocyte
              Endothelin (ET-1) is a powerful stimulant of vascular   injury. Troponins (Tn) are regulatory proteins that are
              smooth muscle contraction and proliferation as well as   part of the contractile apparatus of skeletal and cardiac
              myocardial fibrosis. It also potentiates other neurohor-  muscle tissue. They are not present in smooth muscle
              mones  (Braunwald  2008).  ET-1  is  produced  within   tissue. With  the  proteins  actin  and  tropomyosin,  they
              endothelial cells in response to various stimuli, includ-  make up the thin filaments within the myofibrils that are
              ing shear stress, hypoxia, and the presence of other cir-  essential for the calcium-mediated regulation of muscle
              culating vasoactive hormones such as angiotensin II and   contraction.  The  troponin  complex  consists  of  three
              vasopressin. Along with the RAAS system, ET-1 contrib-  interacting and functionally distinct proteins (troponin
              utes to pathologic cardiac remodeling by inducing car-  I, T, and C). Each troponin protein has specific functions
              diomyocyte  hypertrophy  and  activation  of  cardiac   that regulate muscle contraction (see Figure 11.1).
              fibroblasts.  After  elevated  plasma  B-type  natriuretic   Troponin C binds calcium to initiate muscle contrac-
              peptide levels, an increase in plasma levels of big endo-  tion and is present in two isoforms. Homology between
              thelin (the prohormone that is converted to ET-1) was   the cardiac isoform and one of the skeletal muscle iso-
              the most powerful predictor of mortality and hospital-  forms reduces the cardiac specificity of TnC and there-
              ization for heart failure in a human study (Braunwald   fore  limits  its  diagnostic  usefulness  in  heart  disease
              2008). Moreover, ET-1 levels correlated with the severity   (Schreier et al. 1990). Troponin T attaches the troponin
              of  heart  failure  class  and  degree  of  hemodynamic   complex  to  tropomyosin  and  actin  (Filatov  1999).  In
              impairment (Wei 1994), and elevated ET-1 was associ-  human cardiac tissue four isoforms exist, but only one
              ated with higher 1-year mortality in people with heart   is  characteristic  of  the  adult  heart.  The  other  three
              failure, suggesting that routine monitoring may provide   cardiac isoforms are expressed in fetal tissue. The fetal
              important prognostic information in people with mild   isoforms may be reexpressed during heart failure or in
              to moderate heart failure (Pousset et al. 1997). However,   damaged skeletal muscle. Troponin I inhibits actomyo-
              several  ET-1  receptor  antagonists  have  failed  to  show   sin  ATPase  and  prevents  the  structural  interaction  of
              clinical benefit in more recent human trials (Rich and   myosin  with  the  actin–binding  sites.  The  binding  of
              McLaughlin 2003).                                  calcium to troponin C displaces troponin I and causes a
                 Several  veterinary  studies  have  identified  that  ET-1   conformational  change  in  tropomyosin  so  that  it  no
              may be a prognostic indicator of early mortality in dogs   longer interferes with myosin/actin binding and muscle
              with heart failure or severe pulmonary disease (O’Sullivan   contraction can occur. Three isoforms exist for troponin
              et al. 2007; Tessier-Vetzel et al. 2006). ET-1 was increased   I.  Two  are  present  in  skeletal  muscle  and  the  other  is
              in dogs with heart failure compared to normal dogs or   present  only  in  cardiac  muscle.  Unlike  cardiac  TnT,
              dogs  with  asymptomatic  heart  disease,  but  it  was  not   cardiac  TnI  is  not  expressed  in  fetal  skeletal  muscle
              different between asymptomatic dogs and normal dogs   during development, nor after damage and regeneration
              (Prosek  2004b).  One  feline  study  evaluated  ET-1  in   in adult skeletal muscle (Bodor et al. 1995).
              healthy  control  cats  (n = 12),  asymptomatic  cats  with   Troponins are considered leakage markers. Damage to
              various  cardiomyopathies  (n = 12)  and  symptomatic   cardiac myocytes resulting in loss of membrane integrity
              cats with heart failure (n = 15) or arterial thromboem-  allows  the  release  of  cardiac  Tn  into  the  circulation.
              bolism  (n = 4)  (Prosek  2004a).  ET-1  was  increased  in   Troponin release kinetics are consistent with two sepa-
              asymptomatic  cats  compared  to  normal  cats  and  in   rate intracellular populations. After acute cardiac injury,
              symptomatic cats compared to normal cats. Although   the cytosolic pool is released resulting in an early rise in
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