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Chapter 7: Echocardiography  65

              systemic hypertension when compared to normal cats   suggesting age and heart rate should not be confounding
              (Koffas  et  al.  2006;  Carlos  et  al.  2006;  Simpson  et  al.   factors  when  using  the  technique  for  diagnostic  pur-
              2009), and systolic velocities are increased over normal   poses in cats with heart disease. Pulmonary venous flow
              in  hyperthyroid  cats  (Simpson  et  al.  2009).  However,   patterns are a useful adjunctive way to interpret diastolic
              fusion of the diastolic waves is common in cats because   function, but similar to TDI indexes, this tool is in the
              of high heart rates, making interpretation of TDI more   early stages of its clinical use. See Table 7.3 for a summary
              difficult than in dogs or humans. Also, from multiple   of the echocardiographically obtained measurements of
              planes, pulsed-wave Doppler TDI results are not always   diastolic function from normal feline subjects.  Diagnostic Testing
              repeatable, which could lead to unreliable results. Finally,   Left  atrial  appendage  (LAA)  flow  velocity  has  been
              there  is  substantial  overlap  between  the  normal  and   studied  in  cats  with  myocardial  disease  (Schober  and
              abnormal published feline TDI ranges, so interpretation   Maerz  2006).  Left  atrial  enlargement,  left  atrial  func-
              of TDI variables can be quite challenging (Simpson et   tional abnormalities, left ventricular diastolic dysfunc-
              al.  2007).  Despite  its  limitations,  this  modality  can   tion,  and  left-sided  congestive  heart  failure  were  all
              provide useful information, especially when other results   associated with decreased LAA flow velocities. Similar to
              are ambiguous or unclear, to add to the entire echocar-  pulmonary  venous  flow  pattern  assessment  and  TDI,
              diographic picture of cardiac function. In general, alter-  LAA  flow  assessment  is  in  the  early  stages  of  clinical
              ations in TDI indexes suggestive of diastolic dysfunction   utility. However, these techniques allow the clinician to
              support a greater frequency of reexamination in breed-  gain insight into a patient’s diastolic function, an assess-
              ing  animals  and/or  caution  when  administering  fluid   ment that can be challenging (yet important in the feline
              therapy or selecting medications that may cause intra-  patient).
              vascular volume expansion. However, treatment recom-
              mendations should not be made based on tissue Doppler   CONTRAST ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
              variables alone.
                 Myocardial velocity gradients can be calculated from   Contrast  echocardiography  is  a  simple  technique  for
              basic TDI measurements, and changes in these param-  evaluating  cardiovascular  shunts,  which  can  be  very
              eters have also been reported with various forms of car-  helpful when Doppler echocardiography is not available
              diomyopathy (MacDonald et al. 2006; MacDonald et al.   or when the results remain ambiguous. The principle is
              2007; Koffas et al. 2006). In normal cats, higher tissue   to alter the echocardiographic appearance of the blood
              velocities are measured at the valve annulus compared   pool through the injection of agitated saline (which pro-
              to the apex, and at the free wall compared to the septum   duces  microbubbles),  iodinated  contrast  solution,  or
              (Chetboul  2005)  and  this  gradient  has  been  validated   various  other  contrast  agents  (Bonagura  1994).  The
              (Koffas et al. 2003; Chetboul et al. 2004; Chetboul et al.   microbubbles reflect the ultrasound beam, thereby alter-
              2006).  Interestingly,  the  myocardial  gradient  has  also   ing the acoustic impedance of blood, and are filtered by
              been shown to be lower than normal in cats with HCM   capillary  beds. When  agitated  saline  is  injected  into  a
              (Koffas et al. 2008). However, these evaluations of myo-  large vein during echocardiographic examination (after
              cardial  velocity  gradients  (in  contrast  to  pulsed-wave   evacuating excess air from the syringe), the echogenic
              TDI,  described  above)  require  specialized  software,   bubbles can be visualized on the echocardiogram enter-
              which is less commonly available on basic echocardio-  ing the right atrium and ventricle and exiting the pul-
              graphic equipment.                                 monary  artery.  Blood  containing  these  bubbles  will
                 Pulmonary venous flow is another Doppler-derived   enter the right atrium from the cranial (if cephalic or
              measurement,  which  yields  information  regarding   jugular  injection)  or  caudal  vena  cava  (if  saphenous
              cardiac  diastolic  function.  Pulmonary  venous  flow   injection). If a right to left intracardiac shunt is present,
              reflects changes in LV compliance and LV filling pressure   bubbles can be visualized in the left heart (left atrium if
              (Schober et al. 1998). Obtaining a high-quality pulmo-  an  atrial  septal  defect  or  left  ventricle  if  a  ventricular
              nary  venous  flow  tracing  can  be  difficult  and  color   septal  defect).  In  animals  with  normal  anatomy,  the
              Doppler  is  often  helpful  to  optimize  transducer  angle   bubbles will be retained by, and dissolve in, the pulmo-
              from the apical 4-chamber view. The normal pulmonary   nary capillary bed and will therefore not enter the left
              venous  flow  pattern  has  been  described  in  cats  and   heart.  A  negative  contrast  effect  can  be  recorded  by
              results from several studies suggest that the pattern, and   noncontrast-containing blood (anechoic) shunting into
              LV  diastolic  function,  change  throughout  a  cat’s  life   a chamber filled with echogenic bubbles when a left to
              (Santilli  et  al.  1998;  Disatian  et  al.  2008).  However,   right shunt exists.
              although age and heart rate were statistically related to   Other  adjunctive  echocardiographic  tests  are  also
              pulmonary venous flow changes, the effect was minor,   available  at  tertiary  care  facilities,  though  not  widely
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