Page 8 - Feline Cardiology
P. 8
x Preface
way and is titled simply “Which Drug for Which Dis- desktop-synchronized teleconferences. As a result, each
ease?”; Chapter 24 describes managing heart disease one of us has reviewed and discussed every chapter. We
in cats that have concurrent kidney disease, allergic hope readers find that the result is a textbook that is both
airway disease, and other comorbidities; and Chapter insightful and cohesive.
30 is a drug index that serves as a quick reference to This book is resolutely and unapologetically devoted
the commonly—and less commonly—used cardio- to the cat. Nevertheless, we strived to present cardiology
vascular medications for cats. concepts and medical reasoning with the greatest pos-
• Presentation of new and innovative information, sible clarity, and our hope is that readers not primarily
ranging from cardiac biomarkers and cardiac mag- interested in learning about cats will still find that our
netic resonance imaging to current approaches for ge- explanations help them understand cardiology in
netic screening programs and prebreeding evaluation general.
of cats for heart disease.
• Full-color illustrations. Photographs present physical REFERENCES
abnormalities, diagnostic images, and other visually Campbell F, Kittleson MD. The effect of hydration status on the
engaging material as clearly as possible. echocardiographic measurements of normal cats. J Vet Intern Med
• Inclusion of reference citations in print at the end of 2007;21:1008–1015.
each chapter to allow for quick referencing without Chambre Syndicale des Fabricants d’Aliments Préparés pour Chiens,
needing to consult a CD or website. Chats, Oiseaux, et Autres Animaux Familiers (FACCO). Survey of
• Comprehensive normal feline reference values for car- pet ownership in France, 2006.
enquete-2006. Accessed July 14, 2010.
diovascular parameters and diagnostic tests including Ettinger SJ, Suter PF. Canine Cardiology. Philadelphia, Saunders,
electrocardiography, echocardiography, and thoracic 1970.
radiography are available on the inside covers for im- European Pet Food Industry Federation (EPFIF). Survey of Pet
mediate access. Ownership in Europe.
Accessed July 14, 2010.
Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).
We were fortunate to benefit from the advantages of pets/issues_affecting_our_pets/pet_overpopulation_and_owner-
communications technology throughout the creation of ship_statistics/us_pet_ownership_statistics.html. Accessed 7/14/10.
this book. We wished to have the best of both worlds: Murray JK, Browne WJ, Roberts MA, Whitmarsh A, Gruffydd-Jones
taking advantage of our individual strengths and regional TJ. Number and ownership profiles of cats and dogs in the UK.
exposure, while creating a textbook that is seamless and Vet Rec 2010;166:163–168.
uniform in style. This was made possible by numerous Paige CF, Abbott JA, Elvinger F, Pyle RL. Prevalence of cardiomyopa-
thy in apparently healthy cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2009;234:
conference calls and a 6-month comprehensive review 1398–1403.
period that involved all four of us in a series of 15