Page 9 - Feline Cardiology
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We thank the group at Wiley-Blackwell, notably Antonia thesia in cats with cardiovascular disease (Chapter 27).
Seymour, Erica Judisch, Erin Magnani, Nancy Turner, We thank him sincerely for his dedication of time and
Nancy Albright, Justin Jeffryes, and Ray Kersey, for the his generous contribution of a truly clinically relevant,
spark that started this project and their unfailing support insightful chapter.
throughout its preparation and completion. Their efforts The American Association of Feline Practitioners and
successfully transformed a series of Word documents the International Association of Cat Doctors kindly
and digital images into this attractive book. responded to our requests by offering dozens of ideas and
We owe a great deal of gratitude to many people suggestions for what a good feline cardiology book should
who helped us make this book possible. Several col- contain. We are truly grateful to them for this contribu-
leagues, notably Drs. John Bonagura, Phil Fox, Steve tion. This feedback “from the trenches” was extremely
Ettinger, Fiona Campbell, and others provided their valuable, both for confirming the importance of what we
feedback, their own materials, or both, for us to include planned to include and for proposing new ideas.
in this book. We are truly thankful for their incredible Many thanks are due to graphic illustrators John
generosity. Doval and Maggie Lillo, who transformed our rudimen-
Dr. Bruno Pypendop, DrMedVet, DrVetSci, Dipl. tary ideas and basic sketches into several beautiful, clear,
ACVA, Associate Professor, Department of Surgical and engaging illustrations.
Radiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Finally, and above all, we thank our coworkers, friends,
University of California, Davis, lent his expertise to our and family. Their understanding and support allowed us
group to create an outstanding chapter on general anes- to make this book a reality.