Page 89 - Feline Cardiology
P. 89

Chapter 10: Congenital Heart Malformations  87

              Gross Pathology                                    the morphology of the tricuspid valve should be normal
              Tricuspid valve dysplasia is characterized by long, thick-  in a cat with ARVC.
              ened  septal  valve  leaflets,  which  can  be  focal  or
              diffuse (Liu and Tilley 1976). The leaflets may adhere   Diagnostic Testing
              directly to the septum with absent or short, abnormal   Electrocardiography
              chordae tendinae. The papillary muscles may be hyper-  Cats with tricuspid valve dysplasia may have a normal
              trophied  and  attach  directly  to  the  valve  leaflet  (Liu   sinus rhythm, a normal axis, and normal QRS morphol-
                                                                 ogy.  Alternatively,  they  may  also  have  a  splintered
                                                                 (notched) QRS or evidence of right ventricular enlarge-
                                                                 ment (with a right axis shift of >160° and prominent S   Congenital Heart Disease
              There are no known breed predispositions. The breeds   waves in leads I, II, III and aVF) (Liu and Tilley 1976;
              reported in the literature include the domestic shorthair,   Kornreich  and  Moïse  1997).  Occasional  atrial  or  ven-
              Siamese,  Birman,  Persian,  and  Chartreux  (Lord  1968;   tricular premature beats have been observed (Chetboul
              Liu and Tilley 1976, Fossum et al. 1994; Kornreich and   et al. 2004).
              Moïse 1997; Chetboul et al. 2004).

              History and Chief Complaint
                                                                 Depending  on  the  severity  of  the  defect  and  the  age
              There  is  a  spectrum  of  clinical  presentations.  Some
              kittens or even adult cats are diagnosed at the time of a   of the cat, the radiographs may be normal or may dem-
              routine evaluation when a heart murmur is detected and   onstrate signs of right-sided or generalized cardiomeg-
              a thorough evaluation is performed. One cat presented   aly (Chetboul et al. 2004). A dilated caudal vena cava
              with  exercise-induced  tachypnea  and  two  have  been   and pleural effusion suggest right heart failure (Figure
              reported to present for syncope (Chetboul et al. 2004).   10.1).
              Some cats are only diagnosed when they have progressed
              to congestive heart failure and present with tachypnea   Echocardiography
              and dyspnea (Liu 1977).                            Two-dimensional echocardiography should identify the
                                                                 abnormal, thickened appearance and movement of the
              Physical Examination                               tricuspid valve and its abnormal attachment to the pap-
              Cats  with  tricuspid  valve  malformation  would  be   illary muscles or wall of the ventricle. Right atrial and
              expected to have a holosystolic murmur over the 3rd–  ventricular dilation can be observed as well. In milder
              5th intercostal spaces on the right thorax. However, in   cases,  only  a  small  amount  of  tricuspid  regurgitation
              some  cases  the  degree  of  the  abnormality  may  be  so   may be noted on color-flow Doppler examination as the
              severe that right atrial and ventricular pressures seem to   sole abnormality. Ebstein’s anomaly, a malformation of
              equilibrate and the heart murmur may be very soft or   the  tricuspid  valve  where  the  basal  attachment  of  the
              even not detectable. Additionally some cats have mul-  valve is more apically placed than normally, is another
              tiple  congenital  cardiac  malformations  and  have   differential for the abnormal appearance of the tricuspid
              murmurs that characterize their other defects.     valve and may be considered as well. Ebstein’s malfor-
                 Cats  with  severe  tricuspid  valve  dysplasia  that     mation is a specific type of tricuspid valve dysplasia, and
              have progressed into heart failure may have distended   it  appears  to  be  uncommon  in  the  cat.  Color-flow
              jugular  veins  and  tachypnea  associated  with  pleural    Doppler should indicate the presence of tricuspid valve
              effusion.  In  rare  cases,  cyanosis  can  develop  if  a     regurgitation  in  virtually  all  cases.  Valvular  stenosis
              stenotic tricuspid valve or severe tricuspid regurgitation   appears to be uncommon.
              leads  to  elevated  right  atrial  pressure  and  a  patent   A staging scheme for tricuspid valve dysplasia based
              foramen  ovale  results  in  a  right-to-left  shunt  at  the    on echocardiographic identification of tricuspid regur-
              atrial level.                                      gitation was suggested by Chetboul et al. (2004):

              Differential Diagnosis                             •  Stage 1: Tricuspid valve is structurally abnormal but
              Cats with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomy-  the right atrium and right ventricle appear normal.
              opathy  (ARVC)  can  have  a  similar  echocardiographic   •	 Stage	2:	Tricuspid	valve	is	structurally	abnormal	and
              appearance. However feline ARVC is generally observed   right	atrial	dilation	is	present.
              in older cats and should have a lesser degree of tricuspid   •	 Stage	3:	Tricuspid	valve	is	structurally	abnormal	and
              regurgitation noted on echocardiography. Additionally,   both	right	atrium	and	ventricle	are	dilated.
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