Page 239 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 239

206 SECTION | II Organ Toxicity  exert their toxic effects via effects on dopaminergic, sero-  changes occur. Nature provides us with several examples
                                                                of neurotoxicants which affect the sodium channel.
             tonergic, and adrenergic pathways. Successful recovery is
                                                                Tetrodotoxin (TTX), present in various genera of puffer
             aimed at early diagnosis, when signs such as ataxia and
             confusion are reversible, and removal of the contaminated  fish,  in  the  venom  of  the  blue-ringed  octopus
             feed source is possible (Evans et al., 2004). The effects of  (Hapalochlaena spp.), the rough-skinned newt (Taricha
             the ergoline alkaloids, in particular, can also be seen with  spp.), and many other creatures, exhibits a profound bind-
             ingestion of the seeds of Ipomoea or morning glory and  ing affinity for the sodium channel peptide complex.
             are very similar to those of the related street drug lysergic  Whereas the Na ion normally reversibly binds to the pep-
             acid diethylamide, also known as LSD (Burrows and  tide complex for just nanoseconds, TTX binds to the exter-
             Tyrl, 2013).                                       nal surface of the peptide ion channel, remains bound for
                α-Latrotoxin, the toxin in the venom of the black  tens of seconds, and halts the action potential. A progres-
             widow spider (Latrodectus), causes the release of cate-  sion of signs occurs with TTX poisoning in people: (1) ini-
             cholamine neurotransmitters as well as ACh, GABA and  tial numbness around the mouth with or without nausea;
             glutamate. The toxin mediates its catecholamine effects  (2) numbness of the tongue, face and skin, early motor
             by forming a transmembrane pore through which Ca 21  paralysis, and incoordination manifested as slurred speech;
             can influx, allowing release of presynaptic vesicles con-  (3) more widespread paralysis resulting in dyspnea, hypo-
             taining neurotransmitters. Clinical signs associated with a  tension, an inability to speak, and fixed and dilated pupils;
             bite from Latrodectus species include abdominal pain,  and (4) severe paralysis involving respiratory muscles, hyp-
             ataxia, muscle fasciculations, muscle rigidity, and flaccid  oxia, hypotension, and cardiac arrhythmias. Consciousness
             paralysis, which can ascend to involve the respiratory  may be lost followed by death because of respiratory fail-
             muscles. Cats are more sensitive than dogs to the effects  ure as early as 17 min after ingestion or as late as 24 h. No
             of α-latrotoxin, but all mammalian species are suscepti-  antidote currently exists. Treatment is aimed at decontami-
             ble. Antivenin is commercially available for black widow  nation and symptomatic and supportive care (Kaku and
             spider bite victims. Like all products derived from equine  Meier, 1995; White, 1995).
             serum, a test dose should be administered intradermally to  Saxitoxin, the causative toxin for paralytic shellfish poi-
             determine if hypersensitivity to the product exists. If none  soning (PSP), is produced by several dinoflagellates, most
             exists, the contents of the antivenin vial (2.5 mL) can be  notably Alexandrium and Pyrodinium species, and causes a
             diluted 4 20 3 (10 50 mL) with sterile saline and  similar clinical picture as that of TTX toxicosis also because
             administered slowly intravenously over approximately  of binding to the sodium ion channel (Smart, 1995).
             15 min. A slow, IV injection of 10% calcium gluconate  Local anesthetics exert their pharmacologic effects by
             may be given to treat the muscle fasciculations and weak-  binding to the fast sodium channel complex when it is inac-
             ness as well. Aggressive pain management with opioids  tive, inhibiting its recovery after depolarization. Lidocaine,
             or benzodiazepines is indicated (Roder, 2004d).    as an example, rapidly dissociates from the sodium channel
                                                                complex and is also rapidly metabolized in the liver.
                                                                Consequently, adverse events associated with therapeutic
             ION CHANNELS
                                                                dosages are rare. In an overdose situation, however, CNS
             The propagation of an impulse along an axon depends on  depression, ataxia, seizures, and circulatory collapse can
             an electrochemical gradient that is intricately regulated by  occur (Welch, 2000; Plumb, 2015). Dibucaine HCl is 10
             various ion channels in an excitable membrane. Initiation  times more potent than lidocaine and much more likely to
             of action potentials, release of neurotransmitters, axonal  result in adverse effects as a result. Cats are especially sus-
             transport, and healthy muscle activity rely on control of  ceptible to the methemoglobinemic potential of local anes-
             ions such as sodium, potassium, chloride, and calcium  thetics. Treatment of clinical signs is largely symptomatic
             (Spencer, 2000). Specific veterinary examples follow  and supportive, aimed at maintenance of blood pressure,
             regarding the variety of natural and synthetic toxicants  addressing cardiac arrhythmias, and management of sei-
             that target the ion channels of the nervous system.  zures  (Welch,  2000).  The  experimental  report  of
                                                                bupivacaine-intoxicated dogs successfully treated with IV
                                                                lipid emulsion (Weinberg et al., 2003) holds promise for
             Sodium Channels
                                                                future use with local anesthetic toxicoses.
             The sodium channel of mammals is made up of three pro-  Several toxins affect the sodium ion channel by enhanc-
             tein subunits, the largest of which is the transmembrane  ing its activity, resulting in repetitive and prolonged neuro-
             alpha (α) subunit, which contains the Na pore and which  transmission. Brevotoxins, produced by the dinoflagellates
             is flanked by two smaller β subunits. The pores are  Karenia brevis and Gymnodinium breve,prolong theopen-
             voltage-gated, allowing sodium ion entrance into the cyto-  ing of the sodium ion channels, perpetuating the propaga-
             plasm  only  when   charge-dependent  conformational  tion of the action potential. Bossart et al. (1998) implicated
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