Page 251 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 251

218 SECTION | II Organ Toxicity  proximity to blood with the lowest oxygen concentration.  reached in 30 90 min. Patients only infrequently require
                                                                more than monitoring and rudimentary support measures.
             Oxygen is extracted about twice as efficiently as in mam-
                                                                Full recovery from such injuries is likely, but permanent
             mals, which is necessary for the increased oxygen demand
             associated with sustained flight. Air sacs and air mem-  loss of function is possible in cases of exposure to very
             brane spaces provide a reduction in density to birds;  high levels of chlorine (Winder, 2001). Humans exposed to
             reduced density is helpful in staying afloat on water. The  chlorine may have a decreased VC (limited forced expira-
             increased gas exchange efficiency in birds makes them  tory volume) (Mehta et al., 2005). This limitation is fre-
             more susceptible to some inhaled toxicants, such as the  quently reversible and less than that of seasonal allergic
             fumes released from overheated nonstick cookware coated  rhinitis (Shusterman et al., 2004).
             with polytetrafluoroethylene (Lightfoot and Yeager,
             2008). This sensitivity can also be exploited as a very sen-  Ammonia
             sitive monitor of air quality. An example of this is the
                                                                Animals and caretakers are frequently exposed to elevated
             canary in the mine that predicts toxicity to the miners
                                                                levels of ammonia (NH 3 ) gas in swine confinement facili-
             (Brown et al., 1997; West et al., 2006).
                                                                ties (Carson, 2004). At greater than 100 ppm, ammonia
                                                                irritates eyes and respiratory membranes, increases the
                                                                incidence and intensity of microbial or parasitic infec-
                                                                tions, and reduces growth rate. High levels of ammonia
                                                                found in poultry houses have about the same level of tox-
             CAUSED BY CHEMICALS                                icity to birds as they would to other animals (Brown
                                                                et al., 1997). Ammonia concentrations greater than
             Oxidant Burden
                                                                60 ppm cause kerato-conjunctivitis in broilers; reduced
             Oxidant burden in the lung is frequently associated with  bacterial clearance and enhanced sensitivities to bacterial
             airborne prooxidants such as nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), sul-  infections (Carson, 2004).
             fur dioxide, oxidants such as ozone, free radicals, tobacco
             smoke, or is caused by an overzealous defense by phago-  Anhydrous Ammonia
             cytic cells (Pickrell et al., 1987a; Pickrell and Mageed,
                                                                Anhydrous ammonia (NH 3 ) is injected from pressurized
             1995; Witschi and Last, 2001). Exposure to oxidants can
                                                                tanks into the ground as a fertilizer nitrogen source. It can
             lead to changes in lung structure and biochemistry
                                                                be lethal to animals and humans if pressurized tanks are
             (Pickrell et al., 1987b; Witschi and Last, 2001). Pivotal
                                                                breached or large containers are spilled in transit (Carson,
             roles have been established for superoxide, prooxidant
                                                                2004). Anhydrous ammonia reacts with air moisture to
             peroxy nitrites, and hydroxyl radicals. Responses depend
                                                                form a vapor cloud that can either remain for several
             on the oxidant burden in combination with the glutathione
                                                                hours or disperse efficiently, depending on wind velocity
             or biological antioxidant concentration. With sufficient
                                                                and humidity. In animals and man, the eyes and upper
             oxidant burden and depletion of glutathione, all lung tox-
                                                                respiratory tract are prime targets. If the air ammonia con-
             ins have an inflammatory disease component. In the pres-
                                                                centration is higher than 5000 ppm, it can cause a fatal
             ence of significant oxidant burden, but in the presence of
                                                                apnea or laryngeal edema. Survivors may be blinded by
             high levels of glutathione, lung defensive metabolic
                                                                corneal lesions and sloughed epithelium. Removal of ani-
             enzymes are activated. At intermediate glutathione levels,
                                                                mals is important if the vapor cloud does not disperse rap-
             inflammation is activated using nuclear factor kappa beta.
                                                                idly. Supportive therapy may be curative in moderate
             At lower levels of glutathione, mitochondrial enzymes are
                                                                exposures. In humans, loss of olfactory ability was associ-
             activated. The relation of programmed cell death (apopto-
                                                                ated with exposure to anhydrous ammonia, as well as a
             sis) to mitochondrial enzyme activation is being investi-
                                                                history of wheezing and asthma, and of flu-like illness
             gated (Nel et al., 2006).
                                                                (Snyder et al., 2003).
             Toxic Inhalant Gases                               Carbon Dioxide
                                                                Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) is well tolerated, even at concentra-
             Chlorine                                           tions as high as 5%. Higher concentrations stimulate the
             Exposure to chlorine may originate from the manufacture  rate and depth of respiration (Carson, 2004). It is, however,
             of pulp, paper, plastics, and chlorinated chemicals (Witschi  being explored as a novel human stressor (Kaye et al.,
             and Last, 2001). Chlorine gas is irritating to the upper air-  2004). It is an asphyxiant at extremely high concentrations
             ways, and can cause hemoptysis, dyspnea, tracheobronchi-  (.40%). Because it is heavier than air, it collects in the
             tis, or even bronchopneumonia in animals inhaling  lower portion of animal facilities (Carson, 2004). It is used
             sufficient concentrations. Peak symptoms are typically  as a euthanasia agent in some laboratory animal species.
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