Page 253 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 253

220 SECTION | II Organ Toxicity  mammals is typical of acute high-level oxidant exposure  heavily on pulmonary alveolar macrophages and the
                                                                mucociliary escalator. Alveolar macrophages phagocytose
             of a somewhat more intense nature than that associated
                                                                particles, then migrate to the bronchi and trachea for
             with pulmonary edema (Pickrell et al., 1987a).
                                                                clearance. Ultrafine particles that enter the alveolar inter-
                                                                stitium may be cleared at a much slower rate (Shinohara
             Particle Size and Clearance
                                                                et al., 2010). Particles can leave the lung and enter the
             Particle Size and Deposition Mechanisms            vascular system, causing a risk to organs downstream
                                                                from the lung (Nemmar et al., 2001; Borm et al., 2006).
             Inhaled aerosol particles are frequently of multiple sizes
                                                                Alternatively, particles may be soluble in aqueous media
             (polydispersed). Particles of different aerodynamic sizes
                                                                and can be dissolved in mucus. Fine and ultrafine (nano)
             deposit in different anatomic areas of the mammalian and
                                                                particles with much of their mass in contact with the sur-
             avian respiratory tracts. In mammalian lungs, particles
                                                                face are especially subject to such dissolution. Factors
             with aerodynamic diameters of 5 30 μm mostly deposit
                                                                affecting this solubility are quite complex; they include
             by inertial impaction in the nasopharyngeal region
                                                                but are not limited to composition of the aqueous fluid,
             because they do not follow curving airflow well (Witschi
                                                                particle size, particle chemical composition, steepness of
             and Last, 2001). Inertial impaction in bird respiratory
                                                                concentration gradient, curvature, agglomeration, and
             tracts is influenced by flow velocity and Reynolds num-
                                                                aspect ratio (Nemmar et al., 2001; Borm et al., 2006).
             bers (Re) (trachea 100 cm/s at Re 5 700; primary bronchi
                                                                Some ultrafine particles that are deposited in the nasal
             130 cm/s and Re 5 600; narrowed primary bronchus
                                                                mucosa can be transported to the brain via the olfactory
             200 cm/s and Re 5 550). The expected sites of inertial
                                                                bulb (Oberdo ¨rster et al., 2004).
             impaction in birds are similar to those in mammals
                                                                  Particle solubility and chemical reactivity are influ-
             (Brown et al., 1997).
                                                                enced by the physical chemical environment. Bicarbonate
                Slightly smaller particles (1 5 μm in aerodynamic
                                                                in lung simulant fluid, e.g., can enhance solubility in parti-
             diameter) mostly deposit by gravitational sedimentation
                                                                cles moderately soluble in aqueous media. To obtain rele-
             in the conducting airways—the trachea, bronchi and
                                                                vant data solubility and reactivity should be measured in
             bronchioles—as airflow speed progressively slows down
                                                                an environment as near to that of the lung environment as
             towards the airway terminals. In the human lung, sedi-
                                                                possible. This can sometimes be accomplished with
             mentation is an important mechanism for deposition at
                                                                in vitro conditions closely simulating biological solutions
             sizes greater than 0.2 μm in diameter (Witschi and Last,
                                                                (Powers et al., 2006). Solubility is thought to be a function
             2001). In birds, deposition probability is a product of (res-
                                                                of chemical activity, specific surface area, radius and cur-
             idence time)(aerodynamic diameter). In parabronchi,
                                                                vature, agglomeration, and specific chemicals that are
             where flows are as low as 3 cm/s (Re 5 2), and residence
                                                                adsorbed to the NSP (Borm et al., 2006). It is important to
             times may be up to 1 min for complete change of air sac
                                                                consider not just solubility in water, but in fluids that bear
             volume at rest, deposition probabilities can be quite high
                                                                significant resemblance to that of the epithelial lining fluid
             (Brown et al., 1997).
                                                                (ELF). ELF is the fluid than lines the epithelial cells in the
                Particles ,1 μm in aerodynamic diameter have a good
                                                                respiratory tract. A volume of 40 100 mL is predicted for
             probability to deposit by Brownian diffusion when their
                                                                mature humans. The pH varies from 6.9 at the end of inspi-
             random movement causes them to bump into wet surfaces
                                                                ration to 7.5 at the end of expiration. Bicarbonate is a
             (Witschi and Last, 2001). Diffusion, like sedimentation, is
                                                                major buffer, and the pH variation is caused by varying
             most important where residence times are the longest.
                                                                CO 2 during expiration (Langmuir, 1965). Bicarbonate in
             The probability of deposition by diffusion increases with
                                                                lung simulant fluid increases the solubility of magnesium
             decreasing particle size, so that deposition of particles
                                                                oxide (MgO) (Pickrell et al., 2006). Stoichiometry of the
             with aerodynamic diameters of less than 0.5 μm is largely
                                                                likely chemical species suggests a conversion of MgO to
             by diffusion. Breathing pattern can be important. During
                                                                magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH) 2 ) in aqueous media, and a
             exercise particles acquire higher velocity, momentum and
                                                                subsequent  conversion  to  the  hydrated  carbonate
             inertia that increase impaction deposition higher up the
             respiratory tract. Alternatively, breath holding causes
                                                                  In chickens, small dust particles were found trapped in
             more deposition by gravitational sedimentation and
                                                                the respiratory epithelial cell trilaminar surfactant (Brown
                                                                et al., 1997). No particles were found in the vascular sys-
                                                                tem, kidneys and heart, suggesting that at least those par-
             Particle Clearance                                 ticles did not enter the vascular system. After 1 h 54% of
             Particle clearance in mammals is important to defense of  the particles remained, while after 36 h approximately
             the lung. Rapid clearance lessens exposure time and  36% remained, suggesting that appreciable clearance took
             extent of injury. Clearance of intact particles depends  place. The mechanism of the clearance is not completely
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