Page 257 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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224 SECTION | II Organ Toxicity  inadvertently given zinc phosphide were found dead with  proteolysis, tissue destruction, emphysema, and death
                                                                  At high doses, MI leads to pulmonary edema, excess
             no clinical signs after the flooring of a slat-and-litter
                                                                within 6 24 h after the onset of clinical signs (Pickrell
             house was breached (Tiwary et al., 2005). Gross necropsy
             revealed intense congestion of the viscera; histopathologic  and Oehme, 2004). Several pounds of green forage con-
             examination revealed severe pulmonary edema and con-  taining 4-ipomeanol may be fatal to a cow within 1 2
             gestion of the chickens’ lungs, hearts, livers and kidneys  days (Nicholson, 2004). At lower exposure levels, animals
             (Tiwary et al., 2005).                             may have respiratory signs (depression, respiratory grunt,
                                                                wheeze, and froth flowing out of the nostrils) but will
             Smoke                                              recover within 24 72 h with minimal to no physiological
                                                                impairment. However, proliferation of type II alveolar
             Smoke inhalation injury is common in animals when con-
                                                                cells may persist with no demonstrable physiological con-
             finement does not allow them to move away from smoke-
                                                                sequences. If exercised, cattle with intermediate signs can
             filled air. Cardiac dysfunction in sheep following com-
                                                                be pushed into the acute syndrome; they will worsen rap-
             bined burn and smoke injury was mostly related to hypo-
                                                                idly, develop significant lung edema and may die
             volemia, and was improved by aggressive fluid therapy.
                                                                (Pickrell and Oehme, 2004).
             However, later myocardial contractile dysfunction seemed
             to be correlated with smoke inhalation injury (Soejima
             et al., 2001). In chickens, the interparabronchial septal
             spaces were measurably thickened and engorged as a  REFERENCES
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