Page 252 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Respiratory Toxicity Chapter | 13  219  Carbon Monoxide                                  damage. Data from rats trained to run a reversed contin-
                                                                gency maze suggested that H 2 S may impair learning by
             CO is a product of incomplete combustion of hydrocarbon
                                                                increasing the animals’ susceptibility to interference from
             fuels. It has background levels of about 0.02 ppm in rural
             areas, 13 ppm in urban areas and 40 ppm in areas of high  irrelevant stimuli (Partlo et al., 2001).
             urban traffic. Improperly vented or adjusted heaters, and  Hydrogen sulfide is readily detectable as a rotten egg
             fires, especially those burning more coolly, are frequent  smell. Humans and presumably animals can detect hydro-
             sources of increased CO.                           gen sulfide at 0.025 ppm (Carson, 2004). Above 200 ppm,
                                                                however, hydrogen sulfide paralyzes the olfactory appara-
                CO binds about 250 times as tightly to hemoglobin
                                                                tus so it may not be detectable by smell. Higher concen-
             as  oxygen,  forming  carboxyhemoglobin  (COHb).
                                                                trations seem to paralyze smell more rapidly. Thus,
             Oxygen is displaced by CO, limiting the ability to take
                                                                animals or humans may have only a very brief instant to
             up oxygen and give off carbon dioxide in the lungs.
                                                                smell hydrogen sulfide at high concentrations; it is dan-
             Because of their high respiratory exchange efficiency,
                                                                gerous to ignore the smell because its duration can be so
             birds are unusually sensitive to CO (Brown et al., 1997).
             They often require relatively more oxygen per unit body
                                                                  Hydrogen sulfide is heavier than air and insoluble in
             weight because they have smaller body sizes and more
                                                                the water of manure pits (Carson, 2004). Thus it can exist
             active metabolisms.
                                                                as bubbles in swine manure pits inside hog houses, ready
                Measurement of COHb is diagnostic of CO intoxica-
                                                                to be released and expose animals and workers on agita-
             tion (Carson, 2004). In humans, ,3% COHb is
                                                                tion. Taking appropriate steps to protect rescuers, exposed
             considered normal; 6% 8% causes drifting of atten-
                                                                people or animals not breathing should be dragged out-
             tion;  10% 20%   headaches;  20% 30%    dizziness;
                                                                side. If breathing is not reestablished spontaneously, arti-
             30% 60% tachypnea, tachycardia and confusion; and
                                                                ficial respiration should be applied until spontaneous
             60% fatality. Birds respond more acutely than mam-
                                                                respiration returns.
             mals, and canaries have been used as sentinels for
             miners (Brown et al., 1997; Carson, 2004). Treatment
             requires, at a minimum, fresh circulating air; 100%  Nitrogen Dioxide and Ozone
             oxygen may be lifesaving. Prognosis depends on the
             amount of COHb and the hypoxic brain damage.       NO 2 is considered with ozone (O 3 ), because NO 2 is a
             Pulmonary function should be monitored for at least 2  prooxidant and O 3 an oxidant. In agriculture, NO 2 can
             weeks, and in some cases 6 weeks.                  come from silage or relatively airtight silos, where it is
                                                                usually found towards the top (Carson, 2004). Indoor air
             Methane                                            NO 2 and O 3 can come from second-hand cigarette smoke.
                                                                NO 2 exposure from newly opened silage bags may mod-
             Methane (CH 4 ) becomes an asphyxiant at .85%; it is an
                                                                estly affect hungry cattle if exposure levels are unusually
             explosion hazard at 10% 15%. It is substantially lighter
                                                                high (i.e., in large confined animal feeding operations
             than air and will flow above water in a swamp (Carson,
                                                                dairies), but usually they are more likely to affect care-
                                                                takers in upright silos. NO 2 has low water solubility, and
                                                                can pass through the upper airway and permanently dam-
             Hydrogen Sulfide                                   age pulmonary parenchyma where residence times are
             Since hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) is insoluble in water, it may  longer. At ambient NO 2 (2 3 ppm) there is little damage
             expose the deepest recesses of the lung. At 50 150 ppm  or clinical signs. At higher levels, e.g., 20 ppm, it induces
             level H 2 S causes pulmonary edema (Carson, 2004). In  lung edema. Animals develop coughing, some fluid in the
             vitro, H 2 S induces apoptosis of aorta smooth muscle cells,  lungs, death of type I epithelial cells, coalescing alveoli,
             regulated by mitogen-activated protein kinase (ERK  and an increased collagen production but no morphologic
             MAPK) that activates caspase-3 (Yang et al., 2004). H 2 S  evidence of fibrosis (Gregory et al., 1983; Pickrell et al.,
             is  less  toxic  to  birds  than  to  other  animals;  1987a; Mauderly et al., 1987; Carson, 2004). Animals
             2000 3000 ppm will change respiratory rate and depth,  that die at varying times after exposure have evidence of
             while 4000 ppm will kill them in about 15 min. The  pulmonary edema and emphysema.
             mechanism may relate to the greater gas exchange effi-  Birds are unusually sensitive to NO 2 and O 3 , depend-
             ciency of parabronchi (Brown et al., 1997).        ing on exposure level. Caged pet birds may be sensitive
                Hydrogen sulfide’s ability to paralyze the respiratory  to second-hand cigarette smoke, especially in the presence
             tract is its greatest danger to animals and humans  of heating/combustion sources. Newly hatched chicks die
             (Carson, 2004). Above 500 2000 ppm, mammals are    after 5 days’ exposure to 1 4ppm O 3 ; exposure to
             said to take the second, but not the third, breath. Above  0.3 0.7 ppm O 3 causes pulmonary hemorrhage in these
             500 ppm, H 2 S begins to cause permanent neurologic  chicks (Brown et al., 1997). Pulmonary hemorrhage in
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