Page 267 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 267

234 SECTION | II Organ Toxicity  hyperammonemia, metabolic acidosis that expressed itself  pigs, and 800 mg/kg b.w. in sheep. Similarly, among car-
                                                                bamates, methomyl has an LD 50 of 17 mg/kg b.w. for
             on the cardiac system as ventricular tachycardia translat-
                                                                dogs and 17 24 mg/kg b.w. for rats.
             ing into ventricular fibrillation and death, though on post
             mortem no alterations were noted in the histopathological  Animals are exposed to OPs in a large number of
             examination of the heart. There is no specific antidote for  ways. For control of cattle grubs (Hypoderma lineatum),
             fertilizer poisoning.                              the cattle are sprayed with OPs and poisoning may occur
                                                                (Khan et al., 1961; Khan, 2001). Feedstock treated with
                                                                terbufos has also led to poisoning with cardiac signs in
                                                                cattle. Animals that are kept indoors, e.g., marmosets, are
             There are a large number of herbicides (Gupta, 2012),  also liable for poisoning (Brack and Rothe, 1982).
             characterized by differing chemical constituents, causing  Classic signs of OP poisoning include prolonged QT
             various effects on the heart. The ingestion of plants trea-  interval (Abraham et al., 2001), ST T changes, sinus
             ted with herbicide can induce electrolyte abnormalities  tachycardia or bradycardia, and hypertension or hypoten-
             and lower blood pressure.                          sion (Saadeh et al., 1997; Karki et al., 2004).
                Paraquat is a widely used herbicide meant for killing  Antidotes for OP poisoning are anticholinergics that
             green plants on contact although its use is restricted in the  are antagonistic to anticholinesterase activity at musca-
             United States. Paraquat accumulates in the lungs and gen-  rinic receptors. Atropine, which is widely used as a mus-
             erates ROS (Ge et al., 2010). In rats, e.g., paraquat causes  carinic antagonist, does not bind to nicotinic receptors.
             severe heart damage as seen on an ECG (Noguchi et al.,  Also, oximes are available to counter inhibition of AChE
             1990) including hemorrhage in the myocardium. Paraquat  (Boelsterli, 2007; Kose et al., 2009).
             also elicits sinus tachycardia but no arrhythmia.
                The oral LD 50 in monkeys is 50 mg/kg b.w., and 48 mg/  Amitraz
             kg b.w. in cats. Dermal LD 50 is 236 325 mg/kg b.w. in
             rabbits. An effective antidote is not available but activated  Amitraz is a triazapentadiene compound used in flea col-
             charcoal, for oral ingestion, has been used.       lars of dogs, and is a member of the amidine chemical
                                                                family. As an insecticide and acaricide, it exerts toxicity
                                                                by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme monoamine oxi-
             INSECTICIDES AND OTHER PESTICIDES                  dase and works as an alpha2-adrenergic receptor agonist.
                                                                The cardiac effects of alpha2-adrenergic agonists include
             Organophosphates and Carbamates
                                                                bradycardia, first- and second-degree AV blockage, and
             While insecticides are specifically formulated against  diminished cardiac output (Malmasi and Ghaffari, 2010).
             insects, pesticides in addition work on plants, weeds and  ECGs performed on an English bulldog poisoned with
             fungi. Animals by contact or ingestion may develop dan-  amitraz showed QT elongation, a precursor to ventricular
             gerous cardiac symptoms.                           arrhythmia. Amitraz apparently lengthened the QT inter-
                Pesticides used in agriculture and around the house  val by reduction of the heart rate. Thermogenesis was
             contain organophosphates (OP) or carbamates. OP and car-  also affected. Hypothermia decreased the depolarization
             bamates differ, though their effects are similar. Their mode  of the pacemaker cells, so that bradycardia ensued (Aslan
             of action is similar, as they bind to an active site serine of  et al., 2007). The EPA classifies it as Class III, which is
             AChE and inhibit its functionality, thus reducing the  slightly toxic. The oral LD 50 of amitraz in rats is
             availability of AChE so that overstimulation of cholinergic  523 800 mg/kg b.w., .1600 mg/kg for mice, and
             system occurs. The inhibitory effect of carbamates on  788 mg/kg b.w., for bobwhite quail.
             AChE is shorter than that of OPs. The function of AChE is
             to hydrolyze acetylcholine (ACh) to choline and acetic  Metaldehyde
             acid. Inhibition of AChE results in excessive ACh accumu-
             lation in synapses and at neuromuscular junctions, leading  The molluscicide metaldehyde, used to kill slugs and snails
             to muscarinic and nicotinic ACh receptor associated hyper  and for the protection of crops, comes in the form of sprays
             cholinergic  signs.  Carbamates  do  not  age  AChE,  and pellets. It is toxic when inhaled or ingested. Upon
             while some OPs do. Aging refers to the fact that OPs irre-  ingestion, mataldehyde is partially hydrolyzed by the acids
             versibly inactivate AChE, thereby preventing its normal  in the stomach to acetaldehyde, which decreases serotonin
             physiological function.                            in the brain, noradrenaline, and γ-aminobutyric acid (inhib-
                OPs are extremely toxic and cause severe electrophys-  itory neurotransmitter of the CNS). Severe muscle tremors
             iological abnormalities. Acute toxicity of OPs widely  ensue. The LD 50 in rats is 227 690 mg/kg b.w., in rabbits
             vary in different species, e.g., chlorpyrifos has an LD 50 of  290 1250 mg/kg, and in cats 100 300 mg/kg. Cardiac
             32 mg/kg b.w. in chickens, 500 mg/kg b.w. in guinea  symptoms  (Longstreth  and  Pierson,  1982)  include
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