Page 296 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Renal Toxicity Chapter | 16  263  TABLE 16.1 Urinary Tract Toxicants Listed by Site of Injury            Comment

               Glomerular Injury
               Bacterial endotoxin (hemolytic-  All       Mesangiolysis               Intravascular fibrin deposition of
               uremia syndrome)                                                       glomerular capillaries
                                                                                      (Schwartzman reaction)
               Crotalid snake venom        All            Mesangiolysis               Also tubular degeneration
               Cyclosporine                Dogs, cats     Thrombotic microangiopathy
               Gold salts                  Dogs           Membranous glomerulonephritis  Also acute tubular necrosis,
                                                                                      vasculopathy, interstitial fibrosis
               Mercury                     Oxen           Membranous glomerulonephritis;  Affects S 1 segment of proximal
                                                          proximal tubule degeneration and  tubule
               Proximal Tubular Injury
               Acer rubrum (red maple)     Horses         Acute tubular degeneration and
                                                          necrosis; hemoglobin casts in tubules
               Acetaminophen               All            Acute tubular degeneration and  Metabolic activation results in
                                                          necrosis                    damage to S 3 ; hepatotoxicity
                                                                                      more common
               Amaranthus spp.             Herbivores,    Acute tubular degeneration and  See text for more information
                                           especially pigs,  necrosis; perirenal edema
               Aminoglycoside antibiotics  All            Acute tubular degeneration and  Predominantly S 1 and S 2
                                                          necrosis                    segments; see text for more
               Amphotericin B              Dogs, cats     Acute tubular degeneration and  Arteriolar vasoconstriction results
                                                          necrosis; tubular dilatation;  in decrease in GFR
                                                          glomerular and interstitial
               Arsenic                     All            Acute tubular degeneration and  All segments
                                                          necrosis, cortical necrosis (dogs)
               Cadmium                     All            Acute tubular degeneration and  Glomerular injury reported in
                                                          necrosis                    seals a
               Cantharadin (blister beetle,  Herbivores,  Acute tubular degeneration and  Vesicant effect on mucosa of
               Epicuata spp.)              especially horses  necrosis; renal cortical  alimentary tract, cardiac lesions
                                                          hemorrhages; hyperemia and
                                                          hemorrhage of mucosa of renal
                                                          crest, ureter, bladder, urethra
               Carbon tetrachloride        All            Tubular degeneration and necrosis  Hepatic injury most prominent
               Cephalosporin antibiotics (and  All        Tubular degeneration and necrosis  High intracellular concentrations
               other β-lactam antibiotics)                                            in S 3 segment due to action of
                                                                                      organic ion transporter result in
                                                                                      cell injury
               Cholecalciferol (1,25-dihydroxy  All       Tubular degeneration and necrosis;  Renal ischemia due to
               cholecalciferol, vitamin D 3 ), calcitriol,  mineralization            vasoconstriction and
               calcipotriene, Cestrum diurnum,                                        mitochondrial calcification
               Solanum spp., Trisetum spp.                                            secondary to hypercalcemia b
               Cisplatin                   Dog            Tubular degeneration and necrosis  Primary effect on S 3 segment due
                                                                                      to metabolic activation
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