Page 312 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Reproductive Toxicity and Endocrine Disruption Chapter | 17  279  hydro-carbons” (HAHs or PAHs, respectively) and  development (Petersen et al., 2006). AhR-mediated
                                                                effects of TCDD can interfere with the biosynthesis of
             includes many highly stable and lipophilic organo-
                                                                testosterone by a mechanism which alters the regulation
             chlorine industrial chemicals (e.g., polycyclic aromatic
             hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),  of the synthesis and release of LH (Sikka et al., 2005). It
             polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and poly-  has also been shown in cell cultures that TCDD can dis-
             chlorinated dibenzodifurans (PCDFs)), as well as their  rupt testosterone signal transduction pathways (Jana et al.,
             metabolites (Safe, 2005). In addition, other organic  1999). The liganded AhR/Arnt heterodimer appears to be
             compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons  able to interact with inhibitory DREs (iDREs) in selected
             (PAHs) (e.g., 3-methylcholanthrene and benzo[a]pyr-  tissues to suppress the expression of some genes induced
             ene) (BaP)) and flavones (e.g., β-naphthoflavone), have  by estrogens (Safe, 2005), as well as be able to actually
             also been shown to be AhR agonists (Parkinson and  block the ability of estrogen ER complexes to bind to
             Ogilvie, 2008).                                    their HREs (Kharat and Saatcioglu, 1996; Thomas and
                                                                Khan, 2005). It is likely that a variety of other means of
                                                                crosstalk between TCDD- and estrogen-mediated signal-
             Mechanisms of Aryl Hydrocarbon                     ing pathways exist, and, in fact, TCDD has actually been
             Receptor-Mediated Endocrine Disruption             shown to have the potential for estrogenic activity through
             Many of the mechanisms of action mediated by       interactions between liganded AhR/Arnt heterodimers and
             AhR ligand interactions have been elucidated using  unliganded ERs (both ERα and ERβ)(Ohtake et al.,
             2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) as a proto-  2003; Bigsby et al., 2005; Thomas and Khan, 2005).
             typical AhR agonist (Safe, 2005; Parkinson and Ogilvie,  Ohtake et al. (2003) have reported that these novel inter-
             2008). TCDD is considered by many to be the most toxic  actions resulted in the recruitment of unliganded ERs and
             of all of the HAHs, and it is reported to have the highest  p300 co-activator to gene promoters which are responsive
             AhR-binding affinity of any of the xenobiotics in that  to estrogens. Based on the results of the various experi-
             class of chemicals (Safe, 2005). The AhR, also referred to  ments performed with TCDD, it is important to remember
             as the “dioxin receptor,” is located in the cytoplasm  that the effects observed following exposure to HAHs and
             bound to heat shock proteins (Parkinson and Ogilvie,  EDCs, in general, can be dependent on animal species
             2008). Following ligand (i.e., TCDD) binding and the  involved, as well as the type of tissue, organ or physiolog-
             subsequent disassociation of the heat shock proteins,  ical response being evaluated.
             the AhR is activated by phosphorylation (Parkinson and
             Ogilvie, 2008) and the activated ligand AhR complex
             undergoes a rapid sequence of events involving interac-  Epigenetic Mechanisms of Action
             tions with the AhR nuclear translocator protein (Arnt) and  of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
             relocation of the ligand AhR Arnt complex into the  In recent years there has been increasing interest in the
             nucleus (Safe, 2005).                              association between prenatal exposures to some reproduc-
                Within the nucleus, the liganded AhR/Arnt heterodi-  tive toxicants and the postnatal development of neoplasia
             mer can facilitate a variety of endocrine disrupting  (cancer) involving the reproductive tract, as well as the
             mechanisms. This activated heterodimer complex can  occurrence of transgenerational or vertically transmitted
             interact with dioxin/xenobiotic-response elements (DREs/  adverse reproductive effects (Crews and McLachlan,
             XREs), which function in much the same way as the pre-  2006). These two phenomena are not mutually exclusive
             viously discussed HREs, and with various co-activators to  of one another, and, in fact, there is increasing evidence
             increase the expression of selected genes (Safe, 2005;  of vertically transmitted neoplasia involving reproductive
             Parkinson and Ogilvie, 2008). Depending on the animal  organs (McLachlan et al., 2006). Both tumor formation
             species and the tissue, multiple-phase I drug-metabolizing  and transgenerational reproductive abnormalities can
             enzymes (e.g., cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes (CYP1A1,  occur because of “genetic” mutations or alterations in the
             CYP1A2 and CYP1B1)) and enzymes involved in phase II  genotype (i.e., DNA sequence) or as a result of “epige-
             drug-biotransformation reactions (e.g., glutathione-S-trans-  netic” changes where there are heritable modifications in
             ferase and glucuronosyl transferase), are induced by TCDD  the properties of a cell which do not represent genetic
             (Safe, 2005).                                      changes (inherited phenotypic alteration without geno-
                Although the antiandrogenic and antiestrogenic prop-  typic change) (Lewin, 1998; McLachlan, 2001; Crews
             erties of TCDD have been associated with the ability of  and McLachlan, 2006).
             HAHs to induce enzymes involved in androgen and estro-  Epigenetic changes are a normal part of development and
             gen metabolism, TCDD can interact with androgen-,  most likely represent one means for heritable environmental
             estrogen- and progestagen-modulated pathways in a num-  adaptation (Crews and McLachlan, 2006). One of the
             ber of ways, including interference with neuroendocrine  more common mechanisms of epigenetic modification in
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