Page 313 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 313

280 SECTION | II Organ Toxicity  mammals is DNA methylation of CpG nucleotides in the  11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSD) which
                                                                play key roles in glucocorticoid metabolism (Gru ¨n and
             promoter regions of genes, which results in methylated genes
                                                                Blumberg, 2006). Because of increased societal concerns
             being “turned off” and unmethylated or demethylated genes
             being “turned on” (McLachlan, 2001; Anway and Skinner,  about obesity, there is likely to be greater future interest
             2006). Patterns of DNA methylation are generally established  in organotins and other EDCs with similar “obesogenic”
             during development at the gastrulation stage (i.e., lineage-  activities.
             specific pattern in somatic cells) and after sex determination
             (i.e., germ line-specific lineage pattern in the gonad) (Anway  NORMAL ANIMAL REPRODUCTION
             and Skinner, 2006). DNA methylation can facilitate “geno-
             mic imprinting,” a form of epigenetic gene regulation result-  Reproduction is a complex and dynamic process involv-
             inginthe expression of theallele from only one parent (i.e.,  ing precise coordination and integration of the functions
             monoallelic expression) (McLachlan, 2001; Anway and  of multiple organs within the body. The production of
             Skinner, 2006). The ability of developmental exposures to  viable and functional gametes and their transport and
             xenobiotics to provide a basis for adult disease, such as neo-  union to form a zygote which develops into a healthy and
             plasia, might very likely involve epigenetic changes involv-  fertile individual require that many stringent physiological
             ing methylation or demethylation of the promoters for  and metabolic needs be met. A thorough understanding of
             specific genes (Newbold et al., 2006). Epigenetic modifica-  the mechanisms involved in reproduction is absolutely
             tion by alterations in DNA methylation patterns in the germ  essential in order to recognize which steps in the repro-
             line might be one mechanism for observed xenobiotic-  ductive process are most susceptible to the adverse effects
             induced transgenerational (vertically transmitted) effects  of potential toxicants. It is critical that one be able to
             associated with infertility and tumor susceptibility in rodents  understand the pathophysiological basis for reproductive
             (Anway and Skinner, 2006; Newbold et al., 2006).   abnormalities. In addition, it is necessary, from a clinical
                                                                perspective, to identify what constitutes “normal” repro-
                                                                duction in order to recognize abnormal reproductive beha-
             Disruption of “Non-Reproductive”
                                                                viors and morphological changes in both domestic and
             Endocrine Systems                                  wild animals. Impaired reproductive function in domestic
             Although it can be argued that almost all endocrine sys-  animals, which is associated with exposure to toxic
             tems are “reproductive” to some extent, there are multiple  amounts of xenobiotics, necessitates the use of diagnostic,
             systems with primary functions which are not directly  prognostic and therapeutic procedures which require a
             related to reproduction, and several of these systems have  thorough knowledge of normal reproductive anatomy and
             also been identified as potential targets of EDCs. In addi-  physiology.
             tion, gonadal steroids and xenobiotics which mimic these  Normal reproduction will be reviewed in this chapter
             endogenous hormones can have “non-reproductive”    to provide a basis for discussion concerning specific
             effects. The synthesis of triiodothyronine (T 3 ) and thyrox-  reproductive toxicants. Although the emphasis will be on
             ine (T 4 ) by the thyroid gland can be decreased by chemi-  mammalian reproduction, many of the principles will be
             cals which inhibit the uptake of iodine (e.g., perchlorate  applicable to other classes of vertebrates. If additional
             and thiocyanate) and also by xenobiotics which inhibit  information is needed, textbooks are available which pro-
             thyroperoxidase (e.g., thiourea, propylthiourea (PTU),  vide a comprehensive overview of animal reproduction
             some sulfonamides, methimazole, carbimazole, aminotria-  (Hafez and Hafez, 2000; Senger, 2003), as well as general
             zole and acetoacetamide) (Capen, 2008). Polybrominated  veterinary anatomy (Dyce et al., 2002). Other references
             diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been shown to have antith-  can be consulted for descriptions of various aspects of
             yroidal activity (Guillette, 2006), and thyroid hormone  normal reproduction in species of domestic or laboratory
             secretion can be inhibited by exposure to excessive  animals, which might be of particular interest to the
             amounts of iodine or lithium (Capen, 2008). Xenobiotics,  reader (Johnston et al., 2002; Hedrich and Bullock, 2004;
             such as the o,p -DDD metabolite of dichlorodiphenyltri-  Suckow et al., 2006; Youngquist and Threlfall, 2007).
             chloroethane (DDT), can interfere with glucocorticoid
             metabolism (Guillette, 2006), and there has been increas-  Neuroendocrine Control of Reproduction
             ing interest in the relationship between gestational and
             neonatal exposures to xenoestrogens and the development  In humans and animals alike, visual, olfactory, auditory
             of obesity (Cooke and Naz, 2005; Newbold et al., 2005,  and other sensory data are integrated within the brain and
             2006). Some EDCs (e.g., organotin compounds) have  are reflected in endocrine events. The neuroendocrine
             recently been described as “obesogens” because of their  functions of the pineal gland, hypothalamus and pituitary
             ability to affect adipogenesis by several different mechan-  gland play an important role in the integration and endo-
             isms, including interactions involving the isoforms of  crine regulation of the body’s physiological processes and
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