Page 463 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 463

430 SECTION | V Metals and Micronutrients  exposure and accumulation in the bone. Greater than 95%  exact mechanism of action is not known with certainty,
                                                                fluoride concentrations in blood and soft tissues rapidly
             of the body burden of fluoride will be contained in the
                                                                increase, which leads to hypocalcemia. Sudden death
             bones with bone levels dependent upon the amount of
             fluoride ingested, duration of exposure, bioavailability,  from acute fluoride exposure is thought to involve the
             species, age, and diet of the animal involved. If dietary  development of hyperkalemia or diminished Na/K-
             fluoride exposure decreases, bone fluoride levels will  ATPase activity and the inhibition of glycolysis (NRC,
             decrease slowly over a long period of time. In cattle there  2005). Fluoride can induce oxidative stress and modulate
             appears to be a partial placental barrier to the movement  intracellular redox homeostasis, lipid peroxidation and
             of fluoride to the fetus as even high levels of fluoride in  protein carbonyl content (Ranjan et al., 2009; Dubey
             the diet of the dam did not adversely affect the health of  et al., 2013). Fluoride is thought to inhibit the activity of
             the calves, even though higher fetal blood and bone fluo-  antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase, gluta-
             ride concentrations resulted (NRC, 2005). Fluoride is  thione peroxidase and catalase. Depletion of glutathione
             excreted in the milk but this does not appear to be a sig-  results in excessive production of reactive oxygen species
             nificant source for the neonate.                   at the mitochondrial level, leading to the damage of cellu-
                The major adverse effects of chronic excess fluoride  lar components. In an experimental study, Agalakova and
             ingestion concern the teeth and bones of affected animals.  Gusev (2013) demonstrated that excessive chronic fluo-
             Fluoride substitutes for hydroxyl groups in the hydroxyapa-  ride consumption leads to accelerated death of erythro-
             tite of the bone matrix, which alters the mineralization and  cytes and anemia in rats. Fluoride can also alter gene
             crystal structure of the bone. Bone changes induced by  expression and cause apoptosis (Barbier et al., 2010).
             excess fluoride ingestion, termed skeletal fluorosis or  Genes modulated by fluoride include those related to the
             osteofluorosis, include the interference of the normal  stress response, metabolic enzymes, the cell cycle,
             sequences of osteogenesis and bone remodeling with the  cell cell communication and signal transduction.
             resulting production of abnormal bone or the resorption of
             normal bone. The fluoride content of bone can increase  TOXICITY
             over a period of time without other noticeable changes in
             the bone structure or function. Once lesions start to  There are a number of factors that influence the amount of
             develop, they are usually bilateral and symmetric. The  fluoride required to produce specific lesions and clinical
             most consistent gross changes are abnormal bone formation  signs including the amount of fluoride ingested, duration of
             on the periosteal surface with thickening of the cortex. In  exposure, bioavailability, species, age and diet of the animal
             cattle, earliest clinical changes usually occur on the ribs  involved. The point where fluoride ingestion becomes detri-
             and mandible as well as the medial surfaces of the metatar-  mental to the animal also varies from animal to animal.
             sal and metacarpal bones. Histologically, bones will have  Clinical signs develop slowly and can be confused with
             abnormal remodeling and mineralization with irregular col-  other chronic problems. Animals often show nonspecific
             lagenous fibers and excess osteoid tissues. While an excess  intermittent stiffness and lameness, which appear to be
             of ingested fluorides can adversely affect the bones at any  associated with periosteal overgrowth leading to spurring
             time in the animal’s life, the bones in younger animals are  and bridging near joints as well as ossification of ligaments,
             more responsive to the excess fluoride.            tendon sheaths and tendons. The clinical presentation may
                Dental fluorosis develops when the period of excess  easily be confused with other conditions, such as degenera-
             fluoride intake occurs during the period of tooth develop-  tive arthritis, but the lesions associated with fluorosis are
             ment; in cattle this will generally be before 30 36  not primarily associated with articular surfaces. In severe
             months of age. Teeth are affected during development  cases, affected cattle may become progressively lamer and
             with damage to ameloblasts and odontoblasts and the  eventually may refuse to stand or may stand with rear legs
             resulting abnormal matrix unable to mineralize normally  upright and be on their knees to graze (Shupe and Olson,
             (Shearer et al., 1978). Both enamel and dentine are  1983). Lameness in cattle leads to abnormal hoof wear with
             adversely affected. Affected teeth may erupt with mot-  elongated toes, especially in the rear legs. In long-term
             tling (alternating white opaque horizontal areas or stria-  studies with cattle on varying levels of fluoride intake, skel-
             tions in the enamel), hypoplasia, dysplasia (abnormal soft  etal neoplasms were not seen even in cattle with severe
             dull white chalky enamel or horizontal zones of constric-  osteofluoritic lesions (Shupe et al., 1992).
             tion), erosion or pitting of enamel and affected teeth are  A great deal of effort has gone into the classification
             prone to excessive abrasion and discoloration.     of dental lesions in cattle produced by excess fluoride
                Acute fluoride toxicosis occurs when soluble forms of  ingestion. The incisor teeth are evaluated for enamel
             fluoride (e.g., sodium fluoride) are ingested in large  defects and abrasion pattern. The usual classification sys-
             doses. Absorption is rapid and clinical signs can appear  tem ranges from a value of 0 for normal teeth to a value
             within 30 60 min following ingestion. Although the  of 5 for severe fluoride effects (Shearer et al., 1978;
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