Page 466 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 466  Chapter 28


             Stephen B. Hooser

             INTRODUCTION                                       transport chain are essential for oxidative phosphorylation
                                                                and energy production. Iron is also contained in enzymes
             Iron is an essential element for animal and plant life. It
                                                                of the Krebs cycle and in cytochromes P450, which are
             works as an oxygen (O 2 ) carrier in hemoglobin/myoglobin
                                                                necessary for the metabolism of chemicals (Fairbanks,
             and is involved in numerous biological oxidation reduction
             reactions, including photosynthesis. Iron is present in cyto-
                                                                  The iron content of feedstuffs can be highly variable
             chrome P450 and is crucial for the metabolism of many che-
                                                                depending on the components. Iron in plants is subject to
             micals in the liver, kidney, and other organs. Deficiencies in  wide variation depending on the type of plant and the
             iron can result in anemia. Excess iron can cause iron over-
                                                                amount of iron in the soil, while many animal-based feed
             load and organ damage, while oxidation of ferrous to ferric
                                                                components are often rich in usable iron. The iron content
             iron in hemoglobin results in methemoglobinemia and an
                                                                of water can also vary greatly (Klasing, 2005). Large
             inability of red blood cells (RBCs) to carry O 2 .
                                                                amounts of iron in water give the water a rusty color and
             Consequently, because of its importance, the uptake, distri-
                                                                a metallic taste, but upper limits of iron in drinking water
             bution, storage, and excretion of iron is very tightly regu-
                                                                for livestock and poultry have not been established since
             lated in animals under normal conditions. Because of their
                                                                experimental data are not sufficient to make definite
             reactivity, free iron compounds are sequestered with proteins
                                                                recommendations (NRC, 1974).
             to ensure that they do not initiate intracellular oxidative
                                                                  Worldwide, iron-deficiency anemias affect large num-
             damage through electron donation and the formation of reac-
                                                                bers of people, but nutritional iron deficiencies are much
             tive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydroxyl radical. In this
                                                                less of a problem in animals. However, there are groups
             chapter, we will deal primarily with clinical animal expo-
                                                                of animals that are vulnerable to iron deficiency including
             sures to excess iron through ingestion, parenteral administra-
                                                                newborn piglets, veal calves, and those animals with para-
             tion, or genetic iron storage abnormalities. Nutritional
                                                                sitic infestations (Underwood, 1977). For instance, new-
             deficiencies or exposure to chemicals causing methemoglo-
                                                                born piglets have very low concentrations of liver iron
             bin formation such as nitrates in ruminants, or nitrites and
                                                                (29 mg/kg) compared to newborn rabbits whose liver iron
             chlorates in all species, are discussed elsewhere.
                                                                stores average 135 mg/kg.
                                                                  There is accumulating experimental evidence in labo-
             BACKGROUND                                         ratory animals that excessive iron deposits in the brain
                                                                and abnormal iron homeostasis play an important role in
             Iron is abundant in the universe and is the fourth most
                                                                neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease
             abundant element on earth. Its atomic number is 26 and
                                                                and Parkinson’s disease (Connor et al., 1995; Lan and
             its atomic weight is 55.847. It has been recognized to be
                                                                Jiang, 1997; Fredriksson et al., 1999; Dal-Pizzol et al.,
             an essential nutrient for more than 100 years and is pres-
                                                                2001; Qian and Shen, 2001; Arosio and Levi, 2002;
             ent in all the cells of the body. The largest amount of iron
                                                                Jomova et al., 2010; Singh et al., 2013; Ward et al., 2014;
             is  incorporated  into  proteins,  hemoglobin,  and
                                                                Zecca et al., 2004).
             myoglobin. Within RBCs (erythrocytes), hemoglobin
             transports O 2 from the lungs to cells throughout the body,
             while myoglobin binds O 2 for use in muscle cells  PHARMACOKINETICS/TOXICOKINETICS
             (Klasing, 2005). Iron present in the serum is bound to the
             protein transferrin and in milk is bound to lactoferrin.  The homeostatic regulation of iron in the body is complex
             Iron-containing proteins in the mitochondrial electron  and involves uptake, transport, utilization, storage, and
             Veterinary Toxicology. DOI:
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