Page 467 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 467

434 SECTION | V Metals and Micronutrients  loss. Under normal conditions, iron is poorly absorbed from  hemoglobin to cells in the peripheral tissues; myocytes bind
                                                                O 2 for intracellular utilization; mitochondrial proteins of the
             most diets with approximately 5% 15% absorbed from the
                                                                electron transport chain bind O 2 for energy production; and
             gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This uptake can double in iron
             deficiency. The body has a very limited ability to excrete  P450 enzymes bind O 2 for its use in phase I metabolism of
             iron; therefore, iron homeostasis is maintained by adjusting  endogenous and xenobiotic chemicals. However, because of
             iron absorption to the body’s needs. The amount of dietary  its reactivity, iron in its ferrous state must be carefully
             iron that is absorbed through the GI tract is determined by  sequesteredawaytoprevent theformationofhighlyROS
             the needs of the individual animal and is inversely related to  which can elicit severe cellular damage. Ferrous iron (Fe )
             serum ferritin concentrations (Bothwell et al., 1979). There  and other transition metal ions, Cu ,Cr ,Ni 21  or Mn ,
             are four main factors influencingironabsorption inthe GI  can catalyze the formation of hydroxyl ion (HO )and the
             tract: (1) individual factors including the animal’s age, iron  extremely reactive and dangerous hydroxyl radical (HO )
             status, and health; (2) conditions in the GI tract; (3) the  from the reduction of endogenous hydrogen peroxide
             chemical form and amount of iron ingested; and (4) other  (HOOH) via the Fenton reaction:
             components of the diet which can enhance or reduce intesti-        21    31     2
                                                                      HOOH 1 Fe -Fe     1 HO 1 HO         (28.1)
             nal absorption. Iron is absorbed by enterocytes of the small
             intestine in ferrous (Fe ) form and transferred to the serum  The Fenton reaction causes site-specific accumulation
             where it is converted to the ferric (Fe ) form and bound to  of free radicals and initiates biomolecular damage. Free
             transferrin (Goyer and Clarkson, 2001). In normal animals,  radicals are molecules or molecular fragments that contain
             most of fecal iron comes from ingested iron, which is not  one or more unpaired electrons in their outer orbital shell.
             absorbed. Once absorbed, the body vigorously retains  If produced in great enough quantities to overwhelm the
             ingested iron unless bleeding occurs with daily iron loss lim-  cellular antioxidant and radical-quenching protective
             ited to about 0.01% (of the body total) per day (Goyer and  mechanisms, hydroxyl radicals promote the formation of
             Clarkson, 2001). It has been found that even in the face of  more hydroxyl radicals and other ROS such as superoxide.
             hemolytic anemia with destruction of erythrocytes, less than  Superoxide combines with nitric oxide and forms peroxyni-
             1% of the iron is excreted in the urine and feces  trite, which is as detrimental as hydroxyl radical. These
             (Underwood, 1977).                                 ROS and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) damage and
                In the bloodstream, serum iron is primarily bound to  destroy proteins and DNA by causing cross-linking, which
             transferrin with lesser amounts bound to ferritin. Iron in  inhibits their normal functions, or by initiating extensive
             the serum forms a pool from which it enters, is transported,  damage and spontaneous degeneration of molecules such
             leaves and reenters at a variable rate for the synthesis of  as lipids (Avery, 2011). ROS/RNS not only cause DNA
             hemoglobin,  ferritin,  cytochromes,  and  other  iron-  damage but also inhibit repair activities. ROS induce lipid
             containing proteins. Of the total iron in the body, approxi-  peroxidation, which if not quenched, can initiate a chain
             mately two-thirds is bound to hemoglobin and 10% to  reaction of lipid destruction and ROS formation destroying
             myoglobin and iron-containing enzymes, with the remain-  vital cell membranes in mitochondria, nuclei and the cell
             der bound to the storage proteins ferritin and hemosiderin  periphery. Together, these effects can be of great enough
             (Goyer and Clarkson, 2001). Ferritin and hemosiderin are  magnitude to cause cell death, organ dysfunction, and
             found throughout the body with the main concentrations  death. However, it is also of interest to note that iron is
             being in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow. They are pro-  necessary for the normal functioning of macrophages and
             tective in that they keep cellular iron in a bound form.  other leukocytes during the respiratory burst in inflamma-
             Ferritin contains up to 20% iron, while hemosiderin is up  tion to catalyze the formation of bactericidal hydroxyl radi-
             to 35% iron. In the normal animal, nonviable RBCs are  cal (Gregus and Klaassen, 2001).
             removed from the circulation by cells of the reticuloendo-
             thelial system in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow. There,
             heme is broken down, and the iron recycled for further use.  TOXICITY
             In aged animals, when large amounts of iron are injected  General
             and rapidly cleared from the serum, or during chronic iron
             storage disease, the iron is preferentially deposited as  Iron poisoning is not common in animals, although poten-
             hemosiderin, thereby increasing intracellular concentrations  tially it could occur in any species. Clinical cases of acute
             and giving rise to the hemosiderosis that can be seen histo-  iron toxicosis have been reported in dogs, pigs, horses,
             logically (Underwood, 1977; Goyer and Clarkson, 2001).  cattle and goats (Greentree and Hall, 1983; Ruhr et al.,
                                                                1983; Osweiler et al., 1985; Holter et al., 1990). Toxicity
                                                                can occur through ingestion or parenteral administration.
                                                                Because of their indiscriminate eating habits and close
             For many functions, the body utilizes ferrous (Fe )ironto  proximity to people and their nutritional supplements,
             bind molecular O 2 .In thisway, O 2 is transported by  dogs are the species most likely to ingest large quantities
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