Page 472 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 472  Chapter 29


             Larry J. Thompson

             INTRODUCTION                                       environmental contamination from mining, smelting, and
                                                                recycling operations. As a result of increased regulation
             Lead is a bluish white to gray heavy metal that was prob-
                                                                of lead and the decreasing use of lead-containing pro-
             ably the first toxic element recognized by man and still
                                                                ducts, the overall incidence of lead poisoning (also called
             has great relevance today. The chemical symbol for lead,
                                                                plumbism) in animals and humans has been decreasing.
             Pb, is short for the Latin word plumbum, meaning liquid
                                                                While environmental contamination with lead does not
             silver. The main source of lead is the ore named galena,
                                                                resolve readily, the overt poisoning of domestic animals
             which contains lead sulfide. The main use of lead today is
                                                                from environmental sources (e.g., from contaminated
             in lead-acid storage batteries, but historically it has had
                                                                forages, plants, water, or other food sources) has been
             widespread usage in paints (white, yellow and red pig-
                                                                decreasing in number. Still, lead poisoning in animals is
             ments) and as a gasoline additive (tetraethyl lead),
                                                                encountered with greatest frequency compared to any
             although these latter uses have essentially been phased
                                                                other metal.
             out. A debate still continues as to the role lead played in
             the fall of the Roman Empire. Although lead was indeed
             used in some Roman water pipes (the word plumbum   TOXICOKINETICS
             leading to our modern word plumber), the main source of
                                                                The main route of entry of lead into the body is the diges-
             lead for the Romans was probably sapa, a syrup used to
                                                                tive tract with absorption dependent upon the chemical
             sweeten wine and preserve fruit, which was made by boil-
                                                                form of lead and the physiological state of the animal.
             ing grape juice in lead pots thereby adding lead acetate to
                                                                Organic lead compounds are, in general, more readily
             the liquid. The use of lead continues in our modern world
                                                                absorbed than either inorganic lead salts or the metallic
             with lead-containing solder in our electronics as well as
                                                                form of lead. Dermal absorption of organolead com-
             lead-containing glass, from cathode ray tube monitors to
                                                                pounds can be significant, but the salt or metallic forms
             fine crystal. Among all the metals, lead poisoning is
                                                                of lead are not absorbed dermally. The fumes from heated
             encountered with greatest frequency in certain species of
                                                                lead or very fine particles (,0.5 μm) of lead can enter the
             animals and poses a serious concern to animal health.
                                                                lung alveoli and be absorbed with the larger particles
             This chapter describes the toxicity of lead in mammalian
                                                                lodging in the ciliated portion of the bronchial tree. These
             and avian species.
                                                                larger particles can be transported up by mucociliary
                                                                action and then swallowed with absorption through the
                                                                gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Fine particles of lead and lead
                                                                salts can be solubilized in the acid environment of the
             Lead is a toxic element and has not been shown to be an  stomach, and the small intestine is the site of most lead
             essential trace element for nutrition. The historical use of  absorption. Absorption of lead from the alimentary tract
             lead in gasoline, paint, construction materials, and many  is usually influenced by dietary factors and by the size of
             other products has resulted in lead being one of the most  lead particles. High dietary fat and mineral deficiency can
             significant environmental contaminants in the world.  increase lead absorption by seven and 20-fold, respec-
             Additional sources of lead have included lead weights  tively. In an experimental study, dogs maintained on a
             (e.g., for fishing or curtains), small lead trinkets and toys,  high-fat, low-calcium diet absorbed significantly more
             lead shot and bullets for weapons, lead arsenate pesti-  lead than those kept on a balanced diet (Hamir et al.,
             cides, and many other products as well as single source  1988). Young animals absorb a larger portion of the lead
             Veterinary Toxicology. DOI:
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