Page 473 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 473

440 SECTION | V Metals and Micronutrients  from the GI tract than do adults. Animals with a calcium  Intracranial pressure rises as edema accumulates in the
                                                                brain because of the physical restraint of the skull. When
             deficiency have increased absorption of lead. Pregnancy
                                                                the intracranial pressure approaches the systemic pressure,
             or lactation as well as deficiencies of iron, zinc, or vita-
             min D can also enhance lead absorption. Lead crosses the  cerebral perfusion decreases, and brain ischemia occurs.
             placental barrier, and the residue can be detected in sig-  Many of the neurotoxic effects of lead appear related
             nificant amounts in fetal blood and organs. Among the  to the ability of lead to mimic, or in some cases, inhibit
             fetal organs, the highest concentrations are found in the  the action of calcium as a regulator of cell function
             blood and liver (Kelman and Walter, 1980; O’Hara et al.,  (Bressler and Goldstein, 1991). At a neuronal level, expo-
             1995; Flora and Agrawal, 2017). Lead also passes through  sure to lead alters the release of neurotransmitters (dopa-
             the milk.                                          mine, acetylcholine and γ-aminobutyric acid) from nerve
                Adult monogastric animals absorb approximately 10%  endings. Spontaneous release is enhanced and evoked
             of dietary lead, and adult ruminants absorb less than 3%.  release is inhibited. The former may be due to activation
             Young animals can absorb up to 90% of the ingested  of protein kinases in the nerve endings and the latter to
             lead. Following absorption, a large proportion of lead is  blockade of voltage-dependent calcium channels. Lead
             carried on erythrocyte membranes (60% 90%, species  also inhibits N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors containing
             dependent) with most of the remainder of lead bound to  NR2A, NR2C and NR2D subunits, thereby causing
             protein or sulfhydryl compounds, with only a very small  decreased calcium influx and reduced brain derived neu-
             proportion found free in the serum. Lead is widely distrib-  rotrophic factor, leading to neuroinflammation and neuro-
             uted in the body, including crossing the blood brain bar-  nal injury and death.
             rier (BBB) (Seimiya et al., 1991). In the soft tissues, lead  Brain homeostatic mechanisms are disrupted by expo-
             binds to various proteins as well as metallothionein but  sure to higher levels of lead. The final pathway appears to
             accumulates in the active bone matrix (about 90%) serv-  be a breakdown in the BBB. Again, the ability of lead to
             ing as a relatively inert reservoir of lead in the body. This  mimic or mobilize calcium and activate protein kinases
             reservoir can be mobilized by lactation, pregnancy, or the  may alter the properties of endothelial cells, especially in
             action of certain chelating agents. Otherwise, lead has a  an immature brain, and disrupt the barrier. In addition to a
             very slow turnover rate from the bone. Lead is normally  direct toxic effect upon the endothelial cells, lead may alter
             very slowly excreted via the bile with very little in the  indirectly the microvasculature by damaging the astrocytes
             urine. Chelation therapy greatly increases the urinary out-  that provide signals for the maintenance of BBB integrity,
             put of lead.                                       and necrosis in neurons with shrunken cytoplasm, pyknotic
                                                                nuclei and increased perineuronal space.
                                                                  Recent studies provide evidence of increased produc-
                                                                tion of reactive oxygen species following lead exposure.
             Lead interferes with several biochemical processes in the  Lead induces oxidative damage in several tissues by
             body by binding to sulfhydryl and other nucleophilic  enhancing lipid peroxidation through Fenton reaction or by
             functional groups causing inhibition of several enzymes  direct participation in free radical-mediated reactions, such
             and changes in calcium/vitamin D metabolism. Lead also  as inhibition of δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD)
             contributes to oxidative stress within the body. Lead inhi-  activity or accumulation of ALA, a metabolite that can
             bits the body’s ability to make hemoglobin by interfering  release Fe 21  from ferritin and induce oxidative damage.
             with several enzymatic steps in the heme pathway.
             Specifically, lead decreases heme biosynthesis by inhibit-  TOXICITY
             ing delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and ferrochela-
             tase activity. These changes contribute to the anemia that  Mammals, birds and reptiles have all been found to
             develops in chronic lead poisoning. An increased fragility  develop lead poisoning. The toxic dose of lead has been
             of red blood cells also contributes to the anemia.  determined for several species but is difficult to apply to
                From various experimental studies, biochemical and  clinical cases where the exposure history is unclear
             pathological evidence demonstrates that lead is a neuro-  (Gwaltney-Brant, 2004). In general, young animals are
             toxicant, as it significantly disrupts certain brain struc-  more susceptible to lead toxicosis because they are more
             tures and functions. High-dose exposure to lead (i.e.,  prone to lead pica and have a higher rate of absorption
             blood levels in excess of 4 μM 5 0.83 ppm) disrupts the  (about 90%) from the intestinal tract. Cattle have been
             BBB. Molecules such as albumin that normally are   most widely reported with lead toxicosis, probably
             excluded will freely enter the brain of immature animals  because of their propensity to ingest discarded lead acid
             exposed to these concentrations of lead (Clasen et al.,  batteries and construction materials including paints.
             1973; Goldstein et al., 1974; Bressler and Goldstein,  Dogs are also commonly reported with lead toxicosis,
             1991). Ions and water follow, and edema is produced.  probably because of their chewing habits and ingestion of
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