Page 474 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 474

Lead Chapter | 29  441  small lead objects around the house. Both cats and dogs  white matter. Astrocytic proliferation was also observed.
                                                                Blood capillaries were congested with enlarged and
             have been exposed to lead by the renovations of older
                                                                increased endothelial cells. Meningeal blood vessels were
             homes containing leaded paints. The main route seems to
             be the ingestion of fine dust by the grooming habits of  prominently congested with mild lymphocytic infiltration.
             indoor pets and their tendency to ingest small objects. A  Edema of Purkinje cell layer in the cerebellum and mild
             proximal renal tubulopathy has been described in a dog  neuronal degeneration in the nucleus of mesencephalon
             diagnosed with lead intoxication (King, 2016).     were seen.
                Clinical signs of lead toxicosis vary with the species  Lead is also a reproductive and developmental toxi-
             involved, duration of exposure, and amount of lead  cant and details can be found in other publications (Flora
             absorbed. The major systems affected by lead poisoning  and Agrawal, 2017).
             are the GI system, central nervous system, and hemato-  Diagnosis of lead poisoning in animals should be
             logical system. Abdominal pain and diarrhea can be  made with a combination of history, clinical or
             common clinical signs in animals exposed to excess lead.  necropsy  findings,  and  lead  analysis  of  tissue.
             Anorexia is common as well as vomiting in those species  Basophilic stippling of erythrocytes and inhibition of
             that are able to. Neurological signs including depression,  hemoglobin synthesis are characteristic hematological
             weakness and ataxia can progress to more severe clinical  features of lead poisoning. From a living animal, whole
             signs of muscle tremors or fasciculations, head pressing  blood is the best sample for laboratory determination of
             (especially in ruminants), blindness, seizure-like activity,  lead. The normal background concentration of lead in
             and death. Many animals with chronic lead poisoning will  the blood of mammals is below 0.1 ppm. Whole blood
             show subtle and nonspecific clinical signs such as abdom-  lead concentrations above 0.35 ppm, when combined
             inal discomfort, vague GI upsets, anorexia, lethargy,  with indicative clinical signs in the suspect animal, are
             weight loss, and behavior changes. Horses develop acute  compatible with a diagnosis of lead toxicosis. Many
             lead toxicosis and show clinical signs of laryngeal paraly-  authors use a blood lead concentration of 0.6 ppm and
             sis and “roaring,” in addition to colic and seizure-like  above as diagnostic for lead toxicosis. Postmortem sam-
             activity. Evidence suggests that horses may be more sus-  ples of choice are kidney and liver with lead concentra-
             ceptible to chronic lead toxicosis than cattle. Horses  tions above 10 ppm on a wet weight basis being
             exposed to a daily intake as low as 1.7 mg/kg body  diagnostic for lead toxicosis in domestic species.
             weight (approximately 80 ppm Pb in forage dry matter)
             were poisoned (Aronson, 1972). A maximum tolerated  TREATMENT
             dose of 10 ppm lead in dog and cat food products was
             determined by the FDA-CVM in response to confusion  Acute lead poisoning in animals is usually fatal if the ani-
             concerning the misinterpretation of lead analytical results  mals are not treated promptly. The treatment approach for
             in pet food products (FDA-CVM, 2011). Clinical signs of  lead poisoning in animals includes stabilizing and support-
             lead toxicosis in avians vary with waterfowl and raptors  ing the animal, especially if severe clinical signs are pres-
             mainly displaying a chronic wasting disorder with appar-  ent, preventing additional exposure to lead, and chelation
             ent peripheral neuropathy. Psittacines are more likely to  therapy to quickly reduce the body burden of lead. The
             display GI problems and neurological abnormalities.  exposure history of the animal should be reviewed for
                Gross lesions in animals dying of lead poisoning are  potential sources of lead and the need for GI decontamina-
             often minimal and nonspecific, although lead-containing  tion. The use of chelating agents when large amounts of
             objects may be visible in the GI tract. Histologically, there  lead are present in the GI tract may actually enhance the
             may be degeneration and necrosis of the renal tubular epi-  absorption of lead into the body. Physical removal of lead-
             thelium or the presence of acid-fast inclusion bodies  containing objects by surgical means may be necessary
             (Hamir et al., 1988; O’Hara et al., 1995). Brain lesions in a  with larger objects. The parenteral use of calcium disodium
             calf poisoned with lead included multiple focal or laminar  ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (CaEDTA) has been com-
             lesions of neuronal necrosis in the cerebral cortex, cauda-  monly used for several decades as a chelation agent in
             tum, and medial nuclei of thalamus, predominantly at the  domestic animals (Kowalczyk, 1984).
             tips of gyri in the occipital and parietal lobes. The lesions  Although other chelators may be superior, CaEDTA is
             spread occasionally to the deeper region of the gyri along  still widely used in veterinary medicine, especially in
             the sulci (Seimiya et al., 1991). The affected neurons were  large animals. CaEDTA is given intravenously (IV) or
             shrunken and angular, sometimes triangular in outline with  subcutaneously (SQ) and chelates and mobilizes the lead
             pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. The nuclei showed pyknosis  from bone resulting in a transient increase in blood lead
             and rhexis. Edematous dilation of perivascular and peri-  levels. This increase in blood lead can increase soft tissue
             neuronal spaces with spongiotic state of neuropil was  lead levels leading to an exacerbation of clinical signs.
             observed from the molecular layer to outer zone of the  Preceding CaEDTA usage with a chelator that specifically
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