Page 479 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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446 SECTION | V Metals and Micronutrients  1997; Malecki et al., 1999; Aschner et al., 2002;  Neuronal uptake of Mn involves transferrin (Suarez and
                                                                Eriksson, 1993) and utilization of specific transporter sys-
             Fitsanakis and Aschner, 2005). This chapter describes
                                                                tems, such as the dopamine transporter (Chen et al.,
             deficiency and toxicity of Mn in animals.
                                                                2006a; Anderson et al., 2007). At the subcellular level,
                                                                Mn preferentially accumulates in mitochondria, where
                                                                it disrupts oxidative phosphorylation and increases
             Absorption of Mn is via oral and inhalation routes.  the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Gunter
             Absorption of Mn through the skin is negligible. Apparent  et al., 2006).
             absorption of orally administered  54 Mn has been esti-  Rodent studies of enhanced CNS uptake during
             mated to range from 1% to 5% in rats, humans and live-  development have been contradictory. While one study
             stock (Hurley and Keen, 1987; Davis et al., 1993). In  indicates that the amount of Mn that crosses the pla-
             young rats, Mn absorption has been reported to be 8%.  centa was not increased by enhanced maternal exposure
             Absorption of Mn appears to occur by a low-capacity sat-  via diet (Jarvinen and Ahlstrom, 1975), another study
             urable process and by diffusion (Garcia-Aranda et al.,  indicated increased neonatal brain Mn following
             1983; ATSDR, 2000). Uptake and retention of dietary Mn  chronic high-level exposure of the dam to Mn in drink-
             was found to be greater in suckling than postweaning rats  ing water throughout gestation (Kontur and Fechter,
             (Keen et al., 1986). In cattle, using MnSO 4 as 100% avail-  1985). Other studies also showed that, when compared
             able, MnO is 58%, MnO 2 is 33% and MnCO 2 is 28%   with adults, neonatal rodents attained higher brain Mn
             available (Puls, 1994). Mn is more available from hay  levels following similar oral exposures (Kontur and
             to cattle than from silage. It is important to note that  Fechter, 1985; Dorman et al., 2000). This tendency of
             newborn calves absorb and retain more dietary Mn than  neonates to attain higher brain Mn concentrations may
             adults.                                            reflect a less than optimal BBB, markedly reduced bili-
                Absorption of Mn can be influenced by various dietary  ary Mn excretion rates, and/or increased placental Mn
             factors such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, phytate, and  concentration (Aschner and Aschner, 2005; Austinc
             amino acids. Henry (1995) estimated the relative bioavail-  et al., 2016). However, an increase in the placental con-
             ability of Mn to poultry was 0.55 from manganese carbon-  centrations does not necessarily mean higher placental
             ate, 0.3 from manganese dioxide and 0.75 from manganese  transfer of Mn to the fetus or higher fetal exposure
             monoxide, when the bioavailability of manganese from  (Dorman et al., 2005; Yoon et al., 2009a). Furthermore,
             manganese sulfate and manganese chloride was considered  brain Mn concentrations are higher in developing
             to be 1. Manganese from manganese carbonate, dioxide  animals, suggesting that high amounts of Mn are
             and monoxide (relative bioavailabilities were 0.3, 0.35 and  required for normal brain development in infants (Keen
             0.6, respectively) was even less available to sheep than  et al., 1986; Takeda et al., 1999). Therefore, whether
             manganese sulfate (relative bioavailability was 1).  the relatively higher net increase in brain Mn observed
                Following absorption, Mn can be distributed to many  in neonates compared to adults would pose an increased
             organs. The average adult human has about 12 mg of Mn,  risk for neurotoxicity requires further understanding of
             of which about 43% resides in the skeletal system and the  the Mn requirements for normal brain development
             rest in soft tissues including the liver, pancreas, kidneys,  (Yoon et al., 2009b).
             and central nervous system (CNS). Such information   The absorbed Mn can be excreted via urine and
             about Mn is not available for animals. It is interesting to  bile. Excretion of Mn through urine is minor. Bile is
             note that in dogs, the pancreas accumulates 3 60 times  the major excretory route of injected or ingested Mn.
             more Mn than other soft tissues. Furthermore, colored  Rats excreted 15% 40% (Ballatori et al., 1987)and
             hair has higher Mn levels than noncolored hair.    calves excreted 21% (Abrams et al., 1977) of injected
                After absorption from the gut, Mn is transported to the  doses of Mn in bile. In humans, Mn is eliminated
             liver by α2-macroglobulins and albumin (Andersen et al.,  almost entirely with feces, and only 0.1% 1.3% of
             1999). This protein-bound Mn is efficiently cleared in the  daily intake through urine. Klaassen (1974) observed
             liver and is bound to transferrin. Transferrin is believed to  that rats excreted proportionately more Mn into bile
             be the primary transporter of Mn across the blood brain  than rabbits and dogs. Following ingestion, effective-
             barrier (BBB) and Mn is taken up into astrocytes and  ness of the gut in preventing excess absorption blunts
             neurons in the brain. Astocytes serve as the major  the effect of biliary excretion (Abrams et al., 1977;
             homeostatic regulator and storage site for Mn in the  Davis et al., 1993; Malecki et al., 1996). Calves
             brain (Aschner et al., 1992; Sidoryk-Wegrzynowicz and  excreted 0.2% of a duodenal dose of Mn into bile in
             Aschner, 2013). Increased accumulation of Mn in astro-  one study (Abrams et al., 1977), and 2.1% 3.6% of
             cytes  may  alter  release  of  glutamate  and  elicit  high levels of Mn infused intraduodenally in another
             excitatory neurotoxicity (Erikson and Aschner, 2003).  study (Symonds and Hall, 1983).
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