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Manganese Chapter | 30  447  MECHANISM OF ACTION                              from the ETC (Turrens and Boveris, 1980), potentially
                                                                damage mitochondria directly or through the effects of
             Mn is generally described as a neurotoxicant, selectively
                                                                secondary oxidants like superoxide, H 2 O 2 or peroxynitrite
             affecting basal ganglia structures. Although it is known
                                                                (ONOO ),  mediate  Mn-induced  oxidative  damage.
             that Mn is a cellular toxicant which can impair the trans-
                                                                Moreover, superoxide produced in the mitochondrial ETC
             port system, enzyme activity and receptors function, the                               21       31
                                                                may catalyze the transition shift of Mn  to Mn
             principal mechanism by which Mn neurotoxicity occurs
                                                                through a set of reactions similar to those mediated by
             has not yet been clearly established (Aschner and
                                                                superoxide dismutase and thus lead to the increased
             Aschner, 1991; Aschner et al., 2007; Martinez-Finley
                                                                oxidant capacity of this metal (Gunter et al., 2006).
             et al., 2013; O’Neal and Zheng, 2015). Since mitochon-
                                                                Consequent oxidative damage produces an array of dele-
             dria are the principal intracellular repository for metals
                                                                terious effects: it may cause structural and functional
             (Cotzias and Greenough, 1958), binding of Mn to inner
                                                                derangement of the phospholipids bilayer of membranes,
             mitochondrial membrane or matrix proteins (Gavin et al.,
                                                                disrupt energy metabolism, metabolite biosynthesis, cal-
             1990) directly interacts with proteins involved in oxida-
                                                                cium and iron homeostasis and initiate apoptosis (Attardi
             tive phosphorylation. Mn directly inhibits complex II
                                                                and Schatz, 1988; Yang et al., 1997; Uchida, 2003).
             (Singh et al., 1974) and complexes I IV (Zhang et al.,
                                                                  Consistent and preceding the Mn-induced increased in
             2003) in brain mitochondria, and suppresses ATP-
                                                                biomarkers of oxidative damage (F 2 -IsoPs) (Fig. 30.1),
             dependent calcium waves in astrocytes, suggesting that
                                                                Milatovic et al. (2007) demonstrated an early decrease in
             Mn promotes potentially disruptive mitochondrial seques-
                                                                astrocytic ATP levels. As a consequence, ATP depletion
             tration of calcium (Tjalkens et al., 2006). Elevated matrix
                                                                or a perturbation in energy metabolism might diminish
             calcium increases the formation of ROS by the electron
                                                                the ATP-requiring neuroprotective action of astrocytes,
             transport chain (ETC) (Kowaltowski et al., 1995) and
                                                                such as glutamate and glutamine uptake and free radical
             results in inhibition of aerobic respiration (Kruman and
                                                                scavenging (Rao et al., 2001). In addition, depletion of
             Mattson, 1999). Recent studies with primary astrocytes                                        21
                                                                high-energy phosphates may affect intracellular Ca  in
             and neurons have shown that Mn exposure induces an
                                                                astrocytes through mechanisms involving the disruption
             increase in the biomarkers of oxidative stress (Milatovic           21
                                                                of mitochondrial Ca  signaling. This assertion is sup-
             et al., 2007, 2009). Measurement of F 2 -isoprostanes (F 2 -                            1
                                                                ported by data showing that Mn inhibits Na -dependent
             IsoPs) (Morrow and Roberts, 1999; Milatovic and      21
                                                                Ca   efflux (Gavin et al., 1990) and respiration in brain
             Aschner, 2009), a group of arachidonic acid-derived pros-
                                                                mitochondria (Zhang et al., 2004), both critical for main-
             tanoid isomers generated by free radical damage due to
                                                                taining normal ATP levels and ensuring adequate intermi-
             arachidonic acid, revealed that astrocytes exposed to Mn
                                                                tochondrial signaling. Decrease in ATP following Mn
             at a neurotoxic level (100 μM, 500 μM or 1 mM) induced
                                                                exposure is also associated with excitotoxicity, suggesting
             significant elevations in F 2 -IsoPs (Fig. 30.1). Thus,
                                                                a direct effect on astrocytes with subsequent impairment
             increases in ROS, which are generated by electron leak
                                                                of neuronal function. Mn down-regulates the L-glutamate/
                                                                L-aspartate transporter in astrocytes (Erikson and Aschner,
                500     *      *                 *    1 mM      2002) and decreases levels of glutamine synthase in
               F2-IsoPs Formation (% of contorl)  175  *  * *  *  500 μM  channel agonist, and nimodipine, a Ca channel antago-
                                                                exposed primates (Erikson et al., 2008). Studies with
                                                                a neonatal rat model indicated that both pinacidil, a K
                                                                nist, reversed Mn neurotoxicity and loss of glutamine
                                                                synthase activity, further indicating excitotoxicity in the
                                                                mechanism of Mn-induced neurotoxicity. Excessive Mn
                                                                may lead to excitotoxic neuronal injury both by decreased
                                                                astrocytic glutamate uptake and by loss of ATP-mediated
                                                                inhibition of glutamatergic synapses.
                                                       100 μM
                                                                  Another consequence of Mn-associated increased
                                                                oxidative stress and mitochondrial energy failure is the
                      0   1    2   3    4   5    6
                                Hours                           induction of the mitochondrial permeability transition
                                                                (MPT), a Ca -dependent process characterized by
             FIGURE 30.1 Effects of MnCl 2 on F 2 -IsoPs formation in cultured  the opening of the permeability transition pore in the inner
             astrocytes. Rat primary astrocyte cultures were incubated at 37 C in the  mitochondrial membrane. This process results in increased

             presence or absence on MnCl 2 (100 μM, 500 μM or 1 mM), and F 2 -IsoPs  permeability to protons, ions and other solutes (Zoratti and
             levels were quantified at 30 min, 2 h and 6 h. Data represent the
             mean 6 S.E.M. from three independent experiments. * Significant differ-  Szabo, 1995), which subsequently leads to a collapse of
             ence between values from control and Mn-treated astrocytes (*p , .05).  the mitochondrial inner membrane potential (ΔΨ m ). Loss
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