Page 484 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Manganese Chapter | 30  451  source. Some studies investigatingMnpoisoningsuggest  its effects on signal transduction pathways, as well as
                                                                studies on effective diagnosis and treatment, are needed.
             that chelation therapy may be considered to reduce the body
             burden of Mn and to alleviate toxicity symptoms. Chelators
             bind metal ions in a stable form and the compound chelator  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
             plus metal are then excreted by the urinary and/or biliary
             routes. Ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a polya-  The authors gratefully acknowledge support by a grant from the
             minocarboxylic acid that chelates many divalent metals,  Department of Defense W81XWH-05-1-0239 (DM). The authors
             a property that finds commercial application as a metal  would like to thank Mrs. Robin B. Doss for her technical assistance
             sequestrant in food additives. Several studies suggested that  in the preparation of this chapter.
             EDTA successfully increased Mn excretion in urine and
             decreased Mn concentration in blood. However, EDTA  REFERENCES
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