Page 481 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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448 SECTION | V Metals and Micronutrients  of the ΔΨ m results in colloid osmotic swelling of the  oxidative damage, Mn exposure also induced an increase
                                                                in biomarkers of inflammation, prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ),
             mitochondria matrix, movement of metabolites across the
                                                                in vitro and in vivo (Milatovic et al., 2007, 2009). Results
             inner membrane, defective oxidative phosphorylation,
             cessation of ATP synthesis and further generation of ROS.  from an in vivo study showed that Mn exposure induced a
             Researchers have shown a concentration-dependent effect  time-dependent increase in PGE 2 (Table 30.1). Recent
             of Mn on the mitochondrial inner membrane potential in  studies have also shown an inflammatory response of glial
             cultured astrocytes (Rao and Norenberg, 2004; Milatovic  cells following Mn exposure (Chen et al., 2006b; Zhang
             et al., 2007). Zhang et al. (2004) revealed that high levels  et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2009). Mn potentiates
             of Mn chloride (1 mM) cause a significant dissipation of  lipopolysaccharide-induced increases in proinflammatory
             the ΔΨ m in isolated rat brain mitochondria, consistent with  cytokines in glial cultures (Filipov et al., 2005) and
             induction of the MPT.                              increases in nitric oxide production (Chang and Liu,
                Oxidative stress as an important mechanism in Mn-  1999). An increase in proinflammatory genes, such as
             induced neurotoxicity has also been confirmed in the  tumor necrosis factor-α, iNOS and activated inflamma-
             in vivo model. Analyses of cerebral biomarkers of oxida-  tory proteins such as P-p38, P-ERK and P-JNK have been
             tive damage revealed that a one-time challenge of mice  measured in primary rat glial cells after Mn exposure
             with Mn (100 mg/kg) was sufficient to produce significant  (Chen et al., 2006b). However, data from a recent study
             increases in F 2 -IsoPs (Table 30.1) 24 h following the last  indicate that release of proinflammatory mediators follow-
             injection. Increased striatal concentrations of ascorbic  ing Mn exposure is not only associated with glial
             acid and glutathione (GSH), antioxidants that when  response, but neurons as well, and suggests that these two
             increased signal the presence of an elevated burden from  events are mechanistically related, with neuroinflamma-
             ROS, as well as other markers of oxidative stress, have  tion either alone or in combination with activated glial
             been previously reported (Desole et al., 1994; Dobson  response contributing to oxidative damage and consequent
             et al., 2004; Erikson et al., 2007). Mn-induced decrease in  cell injury.
             GSH and increased metallothionein was reported in rats  Dysregulation of excitatory glutamatergic neurotrans-
             (Dobson et al., 2003) and nonhuman primate studies  mission by Mn is also associated with DAergic and
             (Erikson et al., 2007). ROS may act in concert with reac-  GABAergic neuronal dysfunction. It is known that
             tive nitrogen species derived from astroglia and microglia  in vitro Mn can promote autooxidation of dopamine,
             to facilitate the Mn-induced degeneration of dopaminergic  which leads to the creation of reactive quinones (Miller
             (DAergic) neurons. DAergic neurons possess reduced  et al., 1990; Shen and Dryhurst, 1998). However, rodent
             antioxidant capacity, as evidenced by low intracellular  and nonhuman primate data offer conflicting evidence on
             GSH, which renders these neurons more vulnerable to  the influence of Mn exposure on catecholamine concen-
             oxidative stress and glial activation relative to other cell  trations (Olanow et al., 1996; Struve et al., 2007).
             types (Sloot et al., 1994; Greenamyre et al., 1999).  Additional evidence from nonhuman primate data sug-
             Therefore, the overactivation of glia and release of addi-  gests an Mn-induced postsynaptic decrease of D2-like
             tional neurotoxic factors may represent a crucial compo-  dopamine receptor levels (Eriksson et al., 1992). Several
             nent associated with the degenerative process of DAergic  rodent studies support an association between Mn expo-
             neurons.                                           sure and increased brain GABA concentration (Gwiazda
                Mn-induced ROS generation is also associated with  et al., 2002; Reaney et al., 2006). However, other rodent
             inflammatory responses and release of inflammatory med-  studies suggested that Mn decreases striatal and frontal
             iators, including prostaglandins. Recent studies confirmed  cortex GABA levels (Seth et al., 1981; Brouillet et al.,
             that in parallel with an increase in biomarkers of  1993) or has no effect on GABA levels (Bonilla et al.,

               TABLE 30.1 Cerebral F2-IsoPs and PGE2 Levels in Saline (control) or MnCl2 (100 mg/kg, s.c.) Exposed Mice
               Exposure                              F 2 -IsoPs (ng/g tissue)                   PGE 2 (ng/g tissue)
               Control (saline)                      3.013 1 0.03939                            9.488 1 0.3091
               Single Mn                             4.302 1 0.3900 a                           12.03 1 0.4987 a
               Multiple Mn                           4.211 1 0.4013 a                           14.22 1 1.019 a
               Brains from mice exposed once or three times (day 1, 4 and 7) to MnCl2 were collected 24 h post last injection. Values of F 2 -IsoPs represent mean 6 SEM
               (n 5 4 6).
                Significant difference between values from control and Mn-treated mice (*P , .05).
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