Page 483 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 483

450 SECTION | V Metals and Micronutrients  neurological syndrome of gait disorders is common and  Shukla, 1978). Developmental studies involving the use
                                                                of laboratory animals have also detected subtle changes
             indicative of Mn-induced injury to the extrapyramidal
                                                                in growth (decreased body weight in animals provided with
             motor system in the brain.
                Mn can have a damaging effect on many body organs,  relatively high doses of Mn). These changes were observed
             including the brain, liver, pancreas and reproductive system.  both when the animals were exposed while in utero or post-
             In addition to these well-established neurotoxic effects, Mn  partum. In a developmental rat model of chronic Mn toxic-
             has been extensively studied for its reproductive and devel-  ity, administration of Mn in drinking water was associated
             opmental effects. Evidence obtained from laboratory ani-  with increased levels of iron, copper, selenium, and calcium
             mals indicates that exposure to high levels of Mn may  in various brain regions. The biochemical mechanisms
             adversely affect sperm quality (Elbetieha et al., 2001;  underlying the interaction between Mn and other minerals
             Ponnapakkam et al., 2003a,b), cause decreased testicular  are unclear. For further details on Mn-induced reproductive
             weights (Laskey et al., 1982) and impair development of the  and developmental effects, readers are referred to a recent
             male reproductive tract. Impaired fertility was observed in  publication (Milatovic et al., 2017).
             male mice exposed to Mn in drinking water for 12 weeks at  Several studies have also addressed gene expression
             a daily dose level of 309 mg/kg/day, but not at doses  changes in Mn-treated cells and animals and the complex
              # 154 mg/kg/day (Elbetieha et al., 2001). Decreased sperm  interaction of Mn with other minerals (Baek et al., 2004;
             motility and sperm counts were observed in male CD-1  HaMai et al., 2006). Mn-induced expression changes were
             mice after 43 days of exposure to manganese acetate  noted in genes involved in inflammation, DNA replication
             (4.6 9.6 mg/kg/day). But these doses did not impair the  and repair. Recent work in nonhuman primates (Guilarte
             ability of these males to impregnate unexposed females  et al., 2008) detected Mn-induced brain gene expression
             (Ponnapakkam et al., 2003a,b). Szakmary et al. (1995)  changes associated mainly with genes affecting apoptosis,
             reported that Mn did not result in any reproductive effect in  protein folding and degradation, inflammation and axo-
             the rabbit when exposed to 11, 22 or 33 mg/kg/day on  nal/vesicular transport. Cumulative evidence has estab-
             gestation days 6 20. In 13-week dietary studies, no gross or  lished that Mn exposure induces signs and symptoms
             histopathological lesions or organ weight changes were  similar but not identical to Parkinson’s disease (Tuschl
             observed in reproductive organs of rats fed up to 618 mg  et al., 2013; Rutchik et al., 2012; O’Neal and Zheng,
             Mn/kg/day or mice fed up to 1950 mg Mn/kg/day.     2015; Kwakye et al., 2015; Guilarte and Gonzales, 2015).
                Many developmental toxicity studies in animals
             exposedtoMnhavefocused on possible effects on      DIAGNOSIS
             reproductive and neurological functions. Animal studies
             have shown that Mn exposure decreased the growth of  Diagnosis of Mn deficiency and toxicity is based on quanti-
             reproductive organs (preputial gland, seminal vesicle  tative determination of Mn in biological specimens (body
             and testes) (Gray and Laskey, 1980). Testes weights in  tissue or fluid). Normal valuesofMninliver andkidneyare
             males were significantly decreased from controls only  reported in cattle (2.5 6.0 ppm and 1.2 2.0 ppm), horses
             when Mn was administered in conjunction with an iron-  (1.0 6.0 ppm and 0.5 2.4 ppm), sheep (2.0 4.4 ppm and
             poor diet (Laskey et al., 1982). Studies in neonatal ani-  0.8 2.5 ppm), goats (2.0 6.0 ppm and 1.0 3.0 ppm), pigs
             mals have detected structural and neurochemical changes  (2.30 4.00 ppm and 1.30 2.0 ppm), dogs (3.0 5.0 ppm
             at dosesofMnsimilarto orslightlyabove dietarylevels  and  1.2 1.8 ppm)  and  rabbits  (1.0 2.0 ppm  and
             (1 10 mg Mn/kg/day) (Chandra and Shukla, 1978;     2.0 3.0 ppm). Mn levels are also reported for blood
             Deskin et al., 1980), suggesting that young animals  in cattle (0.07 0.09 ppm), sheep (0.02 0.025 ppm), dogs
             might be more susceptible to Mn than adults. Another  (0.02 ppm), pigs (0.04 ppm) and poultry (0.085 0.091 ppm).
             study by Dorman et al. (2000) also suggested that neona-  From human studies it is indicated that neither blood nor
             tal rats are at greater risk than adults for Mn-induced  urinary Mn levels correlates with any neurological manifesta-
             neurotoxicity when compared under similar exposure  tions. Analysis is performed by Flame Atomic Absorption or
             conditions. Their study showed that oral Mn exposure  Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometer or Inductively
             (11 or 22 mg/kg/day for 21 days) induced a significant  Coupled Plasma (ICP)/ICP-Mass Spectrometer. It is worth
             increase in amplitude of the acoustic startle reflex and  mentioning that none of the methods distinguish between
             an increase in striatal DA and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic  different oxidation states of Mn.
             acid concentrations in neonates treated with high doses.
             In a similar study, neonatal rats exposed to Mn (0.31 mg
             Mn/kg/day for 60 days in water) suffered neuronal
             degeneration and increased brain monoamine oxidase on  The very first step in the treatment of Mn poisoning
             day 15 and 30 of the study, but did not show any clinical  should be to remove the animals from any further
             or behavioral signs of neurotoxicity (Chandra and  exposure by avoiding contaminated feed, water or any other
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