Page 48 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 48

Concepts in Veterinary Toxicology Chapter | 1  15  use, require the development of new risk-based safety
             standards, and provide increased public transparency for
             chemical hazard/risk information. During the first year
             after passage of the Lautenberg amendment, over 300
             chemical reviews were completed by the USEPA, more
             than in any comparable period in the past. It will be of
             interest to see if the Lautenberg amendments accelerate    Deposition
             the validation and use of in vitro (nonanimal systems) to  on water
             evaluate the toxicity hazards and risks of new chemicals  Runoff              on ground
             entering commerce.
                                                                               on food
                                                                               and feed             Eating
             A FRAMEWORK FOR ACQUIRING                                                            vegetables
             Linkages From Sources to Health Impacts                milk                               Soil
             The purpose of this section is to provide a conceptual
                                                                            fish                       Dermal
             framework for using information to evaluate specific      Drinking                       absorption
             cases of actual or alleged toxicosis and to facilitate the  water
             acquisition of new knowledge that will have an impact in
                                                                       Uptake by
             understanding potential toxic effects. Earlier, in Fig. 1.1,
             a conceptual framework was provided for evaluating the
             linkages extending from a source of a toxic material to
             manifestation of an adverse health outcome in an individ-
             ual or a population. The conceptual framework is equally  FIGURE 1.4 Schematic rendering illustrating exposure pathways
             applicable to humans or other animal species.      extending from a source of toxicants to exposure of livestock and people.
                The source to exposure linkage has been expanded in  From Paustenbach (2008).
             Fig. 1.4 (Paustenbach, 2001). In this example, an indus-
             trial plant is illustrated as the source. The figure serves to  ecosystem may be impacted as individuals. Moreover,
             illustrate the complex nature of the exposure pathways  natural populations may be impacted. In addition, these
             that may be encountered including the role of livestock.  pathways may ultimately result in the toxicant reaching
             The focus in the figure is on the multiple pathways by  people. An example is mercury in fish. In practice, veteri-
             which a potential toxicant may reach a human population:  narians may encounter situations where poisonous plants
             inhalation, drinking water, dermal absorption, ingestion of  in the pasture or in harvested forage may be the source of
             soil, and ingestion of a variety of foodstuffs including  the toxicant. Feed may be contaminated at a mill or pro-
             milk and meat from domestic animals. All of these path-  cessing plant and serve as the pathway by which a toxi-
             ways might also serve to expose the cow in the figure to  cant reaches the livestock. A recent case in Europe
             the toxicant. Obviously, the quantities of the toxicant  involves contamination of eggs by a pesticide used to
             taken in by the single cow could also cause toxicity in a  control lice in chicken houses. In other cases, the potential
             herd of cows if the combination of exposure intensity and  human toxicant may be a pharmaceutical agent purpose-
             duration were sufficient. Equally as important is the role  fully given to the cow with the pharmaceutical appearing
             of the cow as a pathway for the toxicant to reach people.  in the milk or in the tissues of the cow if it were
             For example, the figure illustrates that a toxicant could be  slaughtered and, thus, available for human consumption.
             present in cow’s milk and the milk could be consumed by  Likewise, the “contaminated” materials may be used to
             people. The cow could also be slaughtered and the meat  produce products intended for consumption by other ani-
             ultimately consumed by people. Thus, it is important to  mals such as pet food.
             recognize that the cow, or any other food animal species,  The utility of using the conceptual approach in
             can both manifest toxic effects and serve as a pathway for  Fig. 1.4 can be illustrated using the transfer of a specific
             toxicants to reach people via the food supply.     radionuclide, I 131 , from the diet of cows to the cow’s milk
                It is readily apparent that the schematic rendering  to intake by humans and thyroid uptake. This situation
             shown in Fig. 1.4 can be expanded or contracted. In natu-  was of concern when nuclear weapons were being tested
             ral ecosystems, multiple species might be involved as a  in the atmosphere resulting in world-wide fallout and for
             toxicant moves from a source or multiple sources via  releases from reactor accidents in England (Windscale),
             various pathways. In some cases, various species in the  Ukraine (Chernobyl), and Japan (Fukushima). Fig. 1.5
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