Page 49 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 49

16  SECTION | I General

             FIGURE 1.5 Interrelationships for radioiodine (I 131 ): Intake by cows, cows thyroid and milk and human thyroid. Adapted from Bustad, L.K.,
             McClellan, R.O., Garner R.J., 1965. The significance of radionuclide contamination in ruminants. In: Physiology of Digestion in the Ruminant.
             Butterworth Inc., Washington, DC, pp. 131 146.

             illustrates the results of a controlled study conducted at  populations from ingestion of milk following the
             the Hanford Laboratories, Richland, Washington, in the  Chernobyl accident in 1986 and the Japanese population
             early 1960s with I 131  administered to dairy cows (Bustad  following the Fukushima, Japan accident in 2011.
             et al., 1965). The “old” radiation units of microcuries for
             quantifying the amount of radioactive material are used in  Toxicokinetics
             the scale on the left and the “new” International units of
             Becquerls are used in the scale on the right. Rather than  The simple schematic rendering shown in Fig. 1.1 can be
             contaminate a large quantity of feed, instead the cows  used to illustrate several important concepts. First, it is
             were given two feed pellets each day, the feed pellets all  important to recognize that contrary to common usage,
             contained 5 μCi/L (185 Bq) of I 131  on the first day of the  exposure and dose are not the same. The exposure envi-
             study. The I 131  decayed with a physical half-life of 8.06  ronment is characterized by the concentration of the toxi-
             days so the cows ingested less I 131  each day (the straight  cant in the media, be it water, air or feed, the quantities
             line in the figure). The cows’ thyroids and milk were  taken in and the time course of the intake. Dose is the
             monitored for I 131  content. Aliquots of the I 131  contami-  concentration, over time, of the toxicant and/or its meta-
             nated milk were ingested by five volunteers, and their  bolites in the various tissues of the subject, whether it be
             thyroids were monitored for I  . As an aside, the calcu-  a cow, a human, or a laboratory rat.
             lated radiation dose to the thyroids of the volunteers was  For example, in Fig. 1.5 the exposure of the cows
                                                       131                             131
             less than what would have been received from a I  thy-  would be the quantity of I  ingested. An example of
             roid uptake study conducted for diagnostic purposes. Let  dose would be the measured quantity of I 131  in the thyr-
             me hasten to note that the control limits for radionuclides  oids of the cows and human volunteers that were ingest-
             in milk intended for human consumption would be suffi-  ing aliquots of the contaminated milk. A more precise
             ciently stringent that the radiation dose to the cows would  estimate of dose would be the calculated radiation dose in
             be much lower than required to produce toxicity in the  rem (old radiation unit) or Sievert (new radiation unit).
             cows. These results have been used to estimate allowable  The information presented in Fig. 1.5 may be viewed
             intakes from I 131  contaminated milk and to develop guid-  as being a limited toxicokinetic study. The key data
             ance for monitoring pasture and hay to control milk con-  acquired were the intake of I 131  and the changing concen-
             tamination. Data such as presented in Fig. 1.5 were useful  tration of I 131  in the cow’s thyroid and milk. The informa-
             input to the control of radiation exposure of European  tion on the relationship between I 131  intake and milk
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