Page 50 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 50

Concepts in Veterinary Toxicology Chapter | 1  17  content are sufficient to provide input for estimating lim-  toxicodynamic or pharmacodynamic models. It is obvious
                                                                that multiple pathways and interactions may be involved
             its of daily intake of I
                                  in forage by the cows in order to
                          content of milk to some prescribed limit
             limit the I
                                                                in a toxicant producing disease and that knowledge of the
             such as an Intervention Level as will be discussed later.  individual steps and interactions will increase as knowl-
             Because the physical half-life of I  is quite short, 8.06  edge of basic biological mechanisms increase. For exam-
             days, and the I  is concentrated in the thyroid and milk  ple, the explosion of knowledge of basic biology at the
             concern does not develop for the I  content of the rest  level of the genome (genomics), proteins (proteomics),
             of the carcass. If the radionuclide or specific chemical  and metabolism (metabolomics) has provided a basis for
             were found in edible portions of the carcass, then infor-  exploring the mechanistic basis of toxicant-induced dis-
             mation on the radionuclide, chemical, or metabolite of the  ease with a degree of refinement that could not even be
             chemical in the edible tissues such as muscle would be of  envisioned even a few years ago. In recent years, the
             interest. For example, cesium behaves like potassium and,  picture has become even more complicated, as it has
             thus, concern exists for radiocesium concentrations in  become apparent that mammalian organisms contain large
             muscle as well as milk. Strontium behaves like calcium,  and diverse populations of microbes that may influence
             thus, concern exists for radiostrontium in milk and  normal function and disease process; hence concern
             in skeleton.                                       for the “microbome.”
                The characterization of the kinetics linking exposure  Later chapters review the basic mechanisms of toxic-
             with dose is referred to as toxicokinetics (for a toxic  ity. In addition, many of the chapters on organ toxicity
             agent) or pharmacokinetics (for a pharmaceutical). In  and specific toxicants contain detailed information on
             actual practice, the term pharmacokinetics is frequently  mechanisms of toxicity. As the reader reviews this mate-
             used when it would be more appropriate to use the term  rial, and especially the detailed discussion of biochemical
             toxicokinetics. Several chapters in the book deal specifi-  mechanisms of action, it will be important to place those
             cally with kinetics of toxicants and pharmaceuticals.  in the context of processes at the cellular and tissue level:
                Toxicokinetics (see Fig. 1.1) are used to describe the  i.e., inflammation, cell death, cell proliferation, hypertro-
             movement and disposition of the toxicant in the organism.  phy, hyperplasia, metaplasia, and neoplasia. A strength of
             This includes consideration of the route of entry: inges-  the veterinary medical curriculum, as with the human
             tion, inhalation, dermal, or purposeful administration by  medical curriculum, is the emphasis given to understand-
             injection. A complete description of the toxicokinetics of  ing both normal body processes and disease processes
             a toxicant will take into account (1) the intensity and  extending from the molecular level to cells to tissues to
             duration of the exposure; (2) the rate and amount of  organs and, ultimately, to the integrated mammalian
             absorption of the toxicant from the site of entry; (3) the  organism and populations. A special opportunity exists
             distribution of the toxicant within the body; (4) potential  for medically trained personnel, both veterinarians and
             biotransformation to less, equal or more toxic form; and  physicians, to put the expanding knowledge of molecular
             (5) the rate of excretion by route (urine, feces, or exhala-  and cellular processes into the context of overt disease.
             tion). All of these aspects of toxicokinetics may be influ-  And vice versa, there is a need for molecular and cellular
             enced by species differences in physiological and  biologists to become more knowledgeable of disease pro-
             biochemical characteristics. Modern approaches to model-  cesses. After years of emphasis on a reductionist approach
             ing toxicokinetics attempt to take account of both species  to basic biomedical science, it has become recognized
             differences and similarities in influencing the fate in the  that this approach needs to be complemented by an inte-
             body of toxicants. It is also important to recognize that  grative approach. This has recently been termed “systems
             the exposure or dose level may influence the kinetics of  biology.” In my view, this is not really a new concept.
             a toxicant and its metabolite(s). This is an especially  It is more a rediscovery and refinement of the concepts
             important consideration in extrapolating from laboratory  of integrated biology and pathobiology used in veterinary
             studies that may be conducted at high exposures and doses  medicine for decades.
             to lower more environmentally relevant exposures/doses.  There has been great enthusiasm for the use of mecha-
                                                                nistic information in safety/risk evaluations as will be dis-
                                                                cussed later. Recognition of the difficulty of characterizing
                                                                all of the individual mechanistic steps by which
             The linkage between dose and adverse health outcome  a chemical may cause disease has given rise to the term
             shown in Fig. 1.1 involves multiple mechanisms, as vari-  “mode of action,” which has been defined as the dominant
             ous toxicants may potentially impact all the cells and  step(s) involved in producing a given toxic endpoint. An
             organ systems of the body. Increasingly, scientists have  example is the role of cell killing as the mode of action
             attempted to model these relationships that, in parallel  for large intakes of chloroform (Butterworth et al., 1995)
             to the nomenclature for the kinetic phase, are called  or formaldehyde (Conolly et al., 2004) over extended
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