Page 516 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 516  Chapter 35


             Jeffery O. Hall

             INTRODUCTION                                         In addition to dietary sulfur, other sulfur-containing
                                                                compounds can be toxic. Sulfur dioxide gas from indus-
             Sulfur is a necessary dietary component that can be toxic
                                                                trial waste gas, as well as hydrogen sulfide gas from
             at excessive concentrations. Animal bodies are about
                                                                manure pits, natural gas production and crude oil produc-
             0.15% sulfur by weight (NRC, 1989, 2006). Sulfur is
                                                                tion, can be toxic to livestock. The toxic effects of these
             incorporated into many essential molecules, including
                                                                gaseous forms of sulfur are better summarized separately
             biotin, chondroitin sulfate, cartilage mucopolysaccharides,
                                                                from the dietary toxicoses.
             coenzyme A, fibrinogen, glutathione, heparin, lipoic acid,
                                                                  Plants can accumulate high sulfur concentrations.
             mucins, and thiamine (NRC, 1989, 1998, 2006). In addi-
                                                                High sulfate water can cause a dual increase in total daily
             tion to these biologically active compounds, sulfur is an
                                                                sulfur intake by way of the water and ingested proximal
             intricate component of sulfur-containing amino acids,
                                                                vegetation. Plant sulfur concentrations have been shown
             such as methionine, cysteine, cystine, homocysteine, and
                                                                to increase with increasing sulfate in the soil (Reddy
             taurine. With the exception of thiamine and biotin, all
                                                                et al., 1981; Hardt et al., 1991; Leustek and Saito, 1999).
             sulfur-containing compounds in the body can be synthe-
                                                                In soil matrices, sulfate can be actively reduced and pre-
             sized from methionine (NRC, 1996). Thus, thiamine, bio-
                                                                cipitated; however, this only sequesters the sulfur until
             tin, and methionine are essential nutrients in the diet of
                                                                environmental change allows the reoxidation of sulfur
             monogastric animals, but ruminant microbes can synthe-
                                                                back to sulfate. During drought conditions, precipitated
             size these compounds from inorganic sulfate in the diet
                                                                sulfur in the subsurface soil is exposed to greater oxygen
             (Block et al., 1951). Species differences are such that cats
                                                                and potentially reoxidized. The resultant sulfate is then
             cannot synthesize taurine from methionine, making it an
                                                                bioavailable for plant uptake during subsequent periods of
             essential nutrient in their diets. Recommended daily die-
                                                                normal or high precipitation.
             tary intakes of sulfur are 0.15%, 0.14% 0.26%, 0.15%
             0.2%, and 0.2% 0.25% of the diet for horses, sheep, beef
             cattle, and dairy cattle, respectively (NRC, 1985, 1988,  BACKGROUND
             1989, 1996).
                Ruminants tend to be more sensitive to the toxic  Sulfur is a nonmetal within group VIA of the periodic table.
             effects of dietary sulfur/sulfate due to efficient microbial  This group is sometimes referred to as the chalcogenides or
             conversion to bioactive sulfur species in the rumen. But  ore-formers, since many metal ores are sulfide or sulfate
             both dietary and water sources of sulfur/sulfate have simi-  salts. Sulfur has an atomic number of 16, an atomic weight
             lar toxic potential and must be factored into the total daily  of 32.07, and has four different naturally occurring atomic
             intake in order to establish potential risk. Dietary feed  masses from 32 to 36 (Rosman and Taylor, 1998). It can
             sources that can contain high sulfur concentrations, which  occur in four different oxidation states: 22 (sulfide), 0 (ele-
             are frequently overlooked, include distiller’s byproducts,  mental sulfur), 14 (sulfite), and 16 (sulfate). All valence
             wet and dry distiller’s grains and gluten feeds. These pro-  states, except elemental sulfur, are found in biologic mole-
             ducts can also have significant batch-to-batch variability  cules. Sulfur is utilized in the production of sulfuric acid,
             in sulfur content, even from the same production plant.  fertilizers, pigments, dyes, drugs, explosives, rubber, insec-
             Due to their relative inexpensive nature, compared to  ticides and detergents, as well as many inorganic salts and
             grains, these potentially high sulfur materials are more  esters. Although uniformly found in nature, industrialized
             and more frequently being added to ruminant diets.  countries are the largest users of sulfur materials.

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