Page 518 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 518

Sulfur Chapter | 35  485  been reported in sheep (Moshtaghi-Nia et al., 1989; Van  maximum tolerable content of sulfur in the total diet is
                                                                  In contrast, for sheep, beef cattle and dairy cattle the
                                                                0.4% (NRC, 1985, 1988, 1996, 2001), while concentra-
             (Wittenberg and Boila, 1988). High forage and water sul-
             fur have also been associated with selenium deficiency  tions slightly below this tolerable content (0.36%) have
             (Ivancic and Weiss, 2001). Decreased serum and wool  resulted in toxic effects (Gould et al., 1991). When 0.36%
             selenium have been reported with increasing dietary sul-  sulfur was fed in a high concentrate ration that slightly
             fate (White and Somers, 1977; White, 1980). In addition,  decreased rumen pH, which can enhance the formation of
             increased soil sulfate inhibits plant uptake of selenium,  hydrogen sulfide. In a review of the toxicology of sulfur
             thereby increasing the potential for inducing a selenium  in ruminants, it was stated that concentrations of sulfur
             deficiency  in  ingesting  herbivores  (Newman  and  greater than 0.3% 0.4% may cause toxic effects
             Schreiber, 1985), which may be an important mechanism  (Kandylis, 1984). Since dietary toxicity of sulfur is not
             in grazing animals.                                mutually exclusive to the various sulfur-containing com-
                                                                pounds, as different chemicals containing sulfur can have
                                                                the same clinical effects, total doses of sulfur/sulfate from
                                                                both water and dietary material must be taken into
             Toxicity of sulfur can be divided into three main catego-  account when evaluating potential toxicity (Suttle, 1974).
             ries that are likely to be encountered. The first is acute  For example, water sulfate content of 500 mg/L would
             oral poisoning. The second is subacute to chronic direct  provide approximately half of the recommended maximal
             toxicosis. And the third is subacute to chronic indirect  daily intake for ruminants. In ruminants, the typical
             toxicosis, as a secondary interference with other essential  clinical presentation of subacute sulfur poisoning is
             minerals that result in deficiencies.              one of ataxia, weakness, blindness, recumbency, seizures,
                Reports of acute oral sulfur poisoning are scarce in the  and death.
             literature. In a group of Holstein heifers, sulfur ingested  Subacute ingestion of toxic doses of sulfate/sulfur has
             at 0.85 3.8 g/kg body weight resulted in high morbidity  been associated with Polioencephalomalacia (PEM), a
             and moderate mortality (Gunn et al., 1987), while 20 hei-  necrotizing lesion of the brain (Beke and Hironaka, 1991;
             fers given 250 g sulfur in grain had high mortality (Julian  Gould et al., 1991; Olkowski et al., 1992; Hamlen et al.,
             and Harrison, 1975). Ewes fed a barley-sulfur mix  1993; McAllister et al., 1997). Gross and histologic
             that provided approximately 40 45 g sulfur/ewe were  lesions are primarily in the brain, but ruminal changes can
             poisoned (White, 1964). Five horses administered 300 g  be observed. Gross pathologic lesions include a darkening
             sulfur succumbed to sulfur poisoning (Ales, 1907).  of the rumen contents from precipitated sulfide salts,
                Clinical and pathological manifestations of acute oral  swelling of the cerebral hemispheres, softening of the
             sulfur poisoning are similar across species (White, 1964;  cerebral hemispheres, and yellow discoloration of the cor-
             Julian and Harrison, 1975; Gunn et al., 1987). Abdominal  tical gray matter. Histological lesions include necrosis of
             pain, colic, rumen stasis, fetid diarrhea, dehydration, met-  the cortical gray matter and occasional areas of necrosis
             abolic acidosis, tachypnea, recumbency, and hydrogen  in the thalamus or midbrain. The clinical condition can be
             sulfide smell are expected clinical signs. Irritation, edema,  an additive effect of the total sulfur in the diet and sulfate
             and hemorrhage of the gastrointestinal tract and respira-  in the drinking water (Beke and Hironaka, 1991). PEM
             tory tract also should be expected. In addition, renal tubu-  has been reported to be associated with high sulfur/sulfate
             lar necrosis can be seen.                          ingestion in cattle (Beke and Hironaka, 1991; Gould
                Monogastric animals are much less susceptible to the  et al., 1991; Hamlen et al., 1993), pigs (Dow et al., 1963),
             subacute direct and indirect toxic effects of excessive sul-  and sheep (Olkowski et al., 1992). However, sodium ion
             fur intake than ruminants. Pigs can tolerate 1000 mg/L  poisoning in the pigs was likely the primary causative fac-
             sulfur in the drinking water with only a mild cathartic  tor, as the exposure was to sodium sulfate.
             effect (Paterson et al., 1979), and 0.42% in the diet for  The peak rumen production of hydrogen sulfide can
             several months without adverse effects (Dale et al., 1973).  be somewhat delayed from the time of initiating high sul-
             Similarly, chicks had decreased growth rates at 1.2%  fur intake. Peak rumen gas cap sulfide occurred at 1 3
             dietary sulfur (Leach et al., 1960), and chickens had  weeks after placing cattle on a high sulfur diet (Gould
             decreased egg production, decreased feed intake and  et al., 1997). But, continuing exposure resulted in a grad-
             deaths at 4000 mg/L sulfate in their drinking water  ual decline in the gas cap sulfide content. This would
             (Adams et al., 1975). Since the indirect toxic effects of  indicate an adaptation of the rumen microbes to favor
             excessive sulfur, related to the interferences with other  direct utilization of the sulfide or diminished rates of
             essential minerals, are related to rumen conversion to sul-  production.
             fides, these effects are not observed in monogastric  Subacute to chronic sulfur-induced mineral deficien-
             animals.                                           cies can result in severe health problems. Copper
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