Page 544 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 544

Organochlorines Chapter | 38  511  dechlorination and oxidation. The intermediates of OC  terminal and inhibition of release of other neurotransmit-
             insecticide production may be more toxic than the parent
                                                                ters. Because of this inhibition, postsynaptic stimulation
                                                                of other nerves by other transmitters (e.g., acetylcholine)
                The major excretory route of OCs is from bile into the  is reduced. When GABA is inhibited, there is no synaptic
             digestive tract, and as a result enterohepatic recycling can  downregulation, and other neurotransmitters can be
             occur. Metabolites are also lipophilic, will move into adi-  released in excess. The inhibitory mechanism of GABA
             pose tissue and are released slowly from lipid depot stor-  explains the cholinergic effects (over stimulation by ace-
             age (Sell et al., 1977). The half-life of some diphenyl  tylcholine) of dieldrin and lindane on some species.
             aliphatics, such as DDT and the cyclodienes, may range  A description of the GABA A receptor in the human
             from days to years (Council for Agricultural Science  brain is presented in Figs. 38.2 and 38.3 to clearly
             and Technology, 1974). Elimination can sometimes be  describe the chloride ion channel. The GABA A receptor
             explained by a two-compartment model, where the first  of the human brain consists of four or five 50 60 kDa
             phase is rapid elimination and the second is prolonged.  glycoprotein subunits, each of which contains four
                Excretion of OCs does not follow first order kinetics.  (M 1  M 4 ) hydrophobic domains. The five M 2 domains
             As the body stores get lower, the half-life of the remain-  are arranged to form a 5.6 A diameter ion channel.
             ing OC increases dramatically. This is due to lipoprotein
             binding, where different forms of the OC exhibit different
             dissociation kinetics. Aldrin is biotransformed in cattle to
             dieldrin, this is stored in adipose tissue. Dieldrin in fat is
             slowly biotransformed to hydroxydieldrin that can be con-
             jugated and excreted in urine (Casteel et al., 1993).
             MECHANISM OF ACTION                                    δ   4                                 β
                                                                                      M 2
                                                                                  M        M
             There are at least two different mechanisms of action for    1         2       2
             OC insecticides (Shankland, 1982; Narahashi, 1987;                      M 2  M 2
             Osweiler, 1996; Smith, 2012). DDT-type OC (dichlorodi-
             phenylethanes) insecticides affect the peripheral nerves
             and brain by slowing sodium (Na ) influx and inhibiting
             potassium (K ) efflux. This results in excess intracellular
             K   in the neuron, which partially depolarizes the cell.
             The threshold for another action potential is decreased,           ¡              α
             resulting in premature depolarization of the neuron.
                The aryl hydrocarbons and cyclodienes, in addition to  FIGURE 38.2 Illustration of the GABA A receptor of the mammalian
                                                                brain. The M 2 segments form the chloride ion channel (McDonald and
             decreasing action potentials, may inhibit the postsynaptic
                                                                Olsen, 1994).
             binding of GABA (Bloomquist and Soderlund, 1985;
             Lummis et al., 1990; French-Constant, 1993; Hahn, 1998;
             Carr, et al., 1999; Mrema et al., 2013). The cyclodiene        GABA-binding region
                                                                                              Chloride ion
             OC insecticides act by competitive inhibition of the bind-                        channel
             ing of GABA at its receptor, causing stimulation of the
             neuron, as described below (Joy, 1976, 1982; Gandolfi                                     Outside
             et al., 1984).
                GABA is a neurotransmitter in the mammalian and                                          Lipid
             insect central nervous system and the inhibitory neuro-                                     bilayer
             transmitter for insects at the neuromuscular junction.
             GABA A receptors, present in mammalian and insect syn-  M 3  M 4   M 1     M 2
             apse, are ligand gated chloride ion channels. In mammals,
             GABA B receptors are coupled to calcium and potassium
             channels and the action of GABA is mediated by G-
             proteins. GABA B receptors are not important in insect
             physiology. When GABA is released in the synapse it dif-                                 Cytoplasm
             fuses to the presynaptic terminal of another nerve, where
             it binds to a GABA A receptor. This causes chloride ions  FIGURE 38.3 Illustration of the GABA A receptor of the mammalian
             to enter the synapse resulting in hyperpolarization of the  brain (McDonald and Olsen, 1994).
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