Page 539 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 539

506 SECTION | VI Insecticides  are esters of phosphorus-containing acids. Almost half a  TOLERANCE DEVELOPMENT
             century ago, tri-o-cresyl phosphate (TOCP) was known
                                                                Tolerance development to the toxicity of OPs was noted
             to produce delayed neurotoxic effects in man and chick-
             ens, characterized by ataxia and weakness of the limbs,  more than half a century ago. Following prolonged expo-
                                                                sure to an OP, the physiological effects often diminish
             developing 10 14 days after exposure (Johnson, 1969).
                                                                more than expected from the degree of AChE inhibition
             This syndrome was called OP-induced delayed neuropa-
                                                                or repeated additions of OP give lower responses with
             thy (OPIDN). In recent literature, the syndrome has been
                                                                time. Tolerance to AChE inhibiting OPs (such as DFP,
             renamed OP-induced delayed polyneuropathy (OPIDP).
                                                                disulfoton, methyl parathion, and others) has been
             OPIDP is characterized by distal degeneration of long
                                                                observed using different forms of administration and in
             and large-diameter motor and sensory axons of both
                                                                different species, such as mice, rats, guinea pig, and man
             peripheral nerves and spinal cord. Among all animal spe-
                                                                (Fonnum and Sterri, 1981, 2006; Gupta and Dettbarn,
             cies the hen appears to be the most sensitive and is there-
                                                                1986; Gupta et al., 1986; Gupta, 2004).
             fore used as an animal model. TOCP and certain other
                                                                  Tolerance to OP toxicity can develop in several ways.
             compounds have minimal or no anti-AChE property;
                                                                Most often, it occurs due to receptor changes either in the
             however, they cause phosphorylation and aging (dealky-
                                                                number of receptors or by decreased affinity of the recep-
             lation) of a protein in neurons called neuropathy target
                                                                tor molecule. However, it can also occur due to the pres-
             esterase (NTE), and subsequently lead to OPIDP (Gupta
                                                                ence of other proteins that can bind or inactivate the
             and Milatovic, 2012). Studies on the sensitivity of the tar-
                                                                inhibitor and thereby make it less readily available. Some
             get enzymes of a variety of OPs showed that the compar-
                                                                of the examples for binding to the OPs are carboxyles-
             ative inhibitory power of OPs against hen AChE and
                                                                terases, butyrylcholinesterases, lysophospholipase, acetyl-
             NTE in vitro correlates with their comparative effects
                                                                hydrolase, or other binding proteins such as albumin
             in vivo (i.e., delayed neuropathy or death). The relation-
                                                                (Sogorb and Vilanova, 2010; Mangas et al., 2017). In
             ship between the degree of NTE inhibition and the sever-
                                                                addition, tolerance can be achieved through more rapid
             ity of OPIDP changes according to the compound
                                                                metabolism of the OP compounds by OP-hydrolyzing
             involved and the source of NTE. For example, certain
                                                                enzymes such as paraoxonases (PONs), DFPase, and
             compounds cause OPIDP with a minimum of 70% NTE
                                                                somanases (Costa et al., 2006; Fonnum and Sterri, 2006).
             inhibition, while others require almost complete inhibi-
                                                                  ACh receptors (both mAChRs and nAChRs) are
             tion to cause OPIDP. Inhibition of peripheral nerve NTE
                                                                involved in the development of tolerance to OP toxicity.
             is required to develop OPIDP and no clinical deficits
                                                                Treatment with a cholinergic agonist for a prolonged time
             appear if only brain NTE is inhibited. For neuropathy to
                                                                leads to a decrease in the mAChRs. This is common
             occur, a second reaction called “aging” of NTE must take
                                                                for G protein-linked receptors. In some studies, OPs
             place and this involves cleavage of the lateral side chain
                                                                have been found to cause a decrease in the numbers
             from the phosphorylated NTE. This reaction is called
                                                                of mAChRs in the brain, while in others both the number
             aging because it is a slow progressive process and the
                                                                of mAChRs and the affinity to the ligand in ileum and
             product is no longer responsive to nucleophilic reactivat-
             ing agents, such as oximes. The cascade of events from
                                                                  Significant reductions in nAChRs numbers (B max ),
             NTE inhibition/aging to impairment of retrograde axonal
                                                                without change in affinity (K D ), have been found in brain
             transport and axonal degeneration is yet to be explained
                                                                of tolerant rats treated with disulfoton (Costa and
             (Moretto and Lotti, 2006; Gupta and Milatovic, 2012;
                                                                Murphy, 1983) and in skeletal muscle of rats treated with
             Mangas et al., 2017). Today, many compounds, such as
                                                                DFP (Gupta et al., 1986; Gupta and Dettbarn, 1986). In
             DFP, N,N -diisopropyl phosphorodiamidic fluoride (mipa-
                                                                tolerant rats, significant recovery of CarbEs and BuChEs
             fox), tetraethyl pyrophosphate (TEPP), parathion, o-cre-
                                                                has also been found. In essence, tolerance development
             syl saligenin phosphate, and haloxon, are known to
                                                                following subchronic or chronic treatment with AChE
             produce this syndrome. Some OPs as well as non OP
                                                                inhibiting OPs occurs through multiple mechanisms.
             inhibitors (such as carbamates and sulfonyl fluorides)
             also covalently react with NTE but cannot undergo the
             aging reaction. As a result, these inhibitors do not cause  CONCLUDING REMARKS
             OPIDP, and when given to experimental animals prior to  AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
             neuropathic OP, may protect from OPIDP when they
             occupy at least 30% of the NTE active site. For the  OPs and CMs constitute a large number of chemicals that
             details of OPIDP syndrome, readers are referred to  are used in agriculture primarily as insecticides and in
             Morreto and Lotti (2006) and Wu and Chang (2010).  veterinary medicine as parasiticides. These chemicals
             Treatment of this syndrome is symptomatic.         exert a broad range of toxic effects, varying from mild
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