Page 536 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 536

Organophosphates and Carbamates Chapter | 37  503         Acetylcholine                      II. Carbamates              III. Organophosphates
                       I. Acetylcholine

                    + CH 3       +  HO   AChE            Carbaryl                   Chlorpyrifos-oxon
                   CH 3 N               Active Site
                       CH 2                                                             CI    CI
                                                          O                                              AChE
                          –O                                                     CH 3  O           HO
                        CH 2                                                                    +
                     CH 3                                                                               Active Site
                                                              CH 3                  O  P
                             O                          O   N                          O   N
                                 Rapid                                                        CI
                          CH 3
                                                 H          H         AChE
                                                             +  HO                              Rapid
                            CH 3                                     Active Site        CH 3
                            +                                                  Phosphorylated Enzyme
                          CH 3 N  CH 2                                                            Trichlorpyridinol
                                CH 2 –O
                                                                                CH 3
                            CH 3                                Rapid              O  P  O  AChE    CI     CI
                                        AChE                                              Active Site
                                CH 3 –C  O–  Active Site              α-naphthol    O             +
                                               Carbamylated Enzyme
                                 –O                                        OH                       OH  N  CI
                                                   O                                  CH 3
                  Acetylated Enzyme  Choline       C  O    AChE                    Very         Aging
                                                          Active Site  &           Slow
                                               CH 3 N
                          AChE       CH 3                                         (H 2 O)
                 CH 3  O
                         Active Site  &  +        H      Slow                                   O      AChE
                                   CH 3  N  CH 2                                                  O
                   O                                     (H2O)                                OH  P   Active Site
                                           –OH                                        O
                                         CH 2                                     CH 3
                                     CH 3                                                       O
                             Rapid                                                  O  P  OH
                             (H 2 O)
                                                  HO  C                               O          CH 3
                   Acetate                                      AChE
                                                   C  O  &  HO  Active Site         &   CH 3
                   HO  CH 3                    CH 3 N
                     C      HO   AChE                                                  AChE
                         &      Active Site                                       HO  Active Site
                     O                            H
             FIGURE 37.5 Interaction of acetylcholine (I), the carbamate carbaryl (II), and the organophosphate chlorpyrifos-oxon (III) with the active site of
             acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The general rate of bound AChE hydrolysis is ACh . carbaryl . chlorpyrifos-oxon (Timchalk, 2006).
                                                                whereas the carbamylated enzyme t 1 /2 for hydrolysis is
                Peripheral anionic
                  binding site                                  substantially slower (B15 30 min). The phosphorylated
                                                                enzyme is highly stable (t 1 /2 Bdays), and further dealkyla-
                                                                tion of the phosphorylation group produces an “aged”
                                R 3   Oxyanion hole             AChE that is irreversibly inhibited (Taylor, 2006;
                                   O                            Timchalk, 2006). In general, OPs and CMs are considered
                      Acyl       P
                     binding  R 1 O  OR 2                       as irreversible and reversible AChE inhibitors, respec-
                      site           HN    N      O             tively. Details of ChEs, interaction of OPs and CMs with
                                – O           HO                ChEs,  and  reactivation/regeneration  of  ChEs,  are
                                                                described elsewhere (Radic and Taylor, 2006; Sultatos,
                               Ser-203   His-447 Glu-334        2006; Timchalk, 2006; Jokanovic, 2010; Gupta and
                                                                Milatovic, 2012; Mangas et al., 2017).
                                      Catalytic triad
                                                                  By now, it is established that OP/CM-induced seizures
             FIGURE 37.6 Schematic drawing of the active site gorge of AChE,  and lethality are also associated with noncholinergic
             with the entry of an OP molecule. R 1 and R 2 on the OP are usually iden-  mechanisms, such as N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) recep-
             tical alkyl chains, whereas R 3 is the leaving group. The catalytic triad  tors, and adenosinergic, gamma-aminobutyric (GABA-
             consists of Ser203, His447 and Glu334. The acyl binding site is likely
                                                                ergic), monoaminergic systems, and others (Gupta, 2004;
             important in positioning the inhibitor for the nucleophilic attack from
             Ser203 (Ordentlich et al., 1996), whereas the oxyanion hole may polarize  Gupta et al., 2007; Dekundy and Kaminski, 2010; Myhrer,
             the PO bond, thereby facilitating the nucleophilic attack (Ordentlich  2010; Gupta and Milatovic, 2012; Marrs and Maynard,
             et al., 1998). Binding of ligand to the peripheral anionic site can lead to  2013; Kaur et al., 2014). Furthermore, the persistence of
             inhibition or activation. Additionally, the peripheral anionic site plays an
                                                                excitotoxicity for more than an hour can lead to oxidative
             important role in the stereoselectivity of AChE toward methylphospho-
                                                                and nitrosative stress, neuroinflammation and neurodegen-
             nates (Ordentlich et al., 2004). Adapted from Sultatos, L.G., 2006.
             Interactions of organophosphorus and carbamate compounds with choli-  eration in cortex, amygdala and hippocampus, which are
             nesterases. In Gupta, R.C. (Ed.), Toxicology of Organophosphate  the areas of brain primarily involved in initiation and propa-
             and Carbamate Compounds. Academic Press/Elsevier, Amsterdam,  gation of convulsions and seizures (Gupta, 2004; Gupta
             pp. 209 218.
                                                                et al., 2007; Gupta and Milatovic, 2012).
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