Page 555 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 555

522 SECTION | VI Insecticides          CI     N               NO 2              imidacloprid in rats has been demonstrated at doses above
                                                                300 mg/kg with 100% mortality at 500 mg/kg. At doses
                                                                in rats above 300 mg/kg, clinical signs were observed
                                             N                  within 15 min of dosing and recovery was observed
                                   H C                          within 8 24 h. A subchronic 13-week oral dosing study
                                        N                       of imidacloprid in rats also demonstrated toxicity at a
                                              N   H
                                                                dose of 300 mg/kg in male rats. At a dose of 300 mg/kg
                                                                in male rats, hypertrophy of hepatocytes and sporadic cell
                                                                necrosis was observed in the liver. This mild liver damage
             FIGURE 40.1 Structure of imidacloprid.
                                                                was not observed after a 4-week recovery period. Serum
                                                                alkaline phosphatase and alanine aminotransferase were
                                                                elevated in male and female rats treated at 300 mg/kg and
             A second route of metabolism involves hydroxylation of the
                                                                above. In dogs, a 13-week oral dose of imidacloprid at
             imidazolidine ring followed by elimination of water and for-
                                                                15 mg/kg and above produced a tremor that increased
             mation of an unsaturated metabolite. In rats, more than 90%
                                                                with dose. A 52-week study in dogs at oral doses up to
             of a dose of imidacloprid is eliminated within 24 h.
                                                                72 mg/kg/day of imidacloprid did not produce tremors.
             Approximately 80% of the dose is excreted by the urine
                                                                The no observed effective level for this chronic oral expo-
             with the remainder eliminated in the feces. Specific informa-
                                                                sure dog study was 15 mg/kg. Carcinogenicity was not
             tion on the toxicokinetics of the rat and other species can be
                                                                observed in rats dosed orally at doses up to 103 mg/kg for
             found in Thyssen and Machemer (1999) and Rose (2012).
                                                                2 years. Studies confirm that imidacloprid is nonmuta-
                                                                genic, nonembryotoxic, and nonteratogenic.
             MECHANISM OF ACTION                                  In a developmental and neurobehavioral toxicity study,
                                                                Abou-Donia et al. (2008) treated timed pregnant Sprague-
             The neonicotinoids act on postsynaptic nicotinic receptors
                                                                Dawley rats on day nine of gestation with a single large ip
             (Buckingham et al., 1997). These receptors are located
                                                                dose of imidacloprid (337 mg/kg), and on postnatal day 30
             entirely in the CNS of insects. Imidacloprid acts on at
                                                                evaluated male and female offspring for histopathological,
             least three different subtypes of nicotinic receptors in the  neurochemical and behavioral alterations. The offspring
             cockroach. Neonicotinoids cause a bi-phasic response: an  exhibited significant sensorimotor impairments during
             initial increase in the frequency of spontaneous discharge  behavioral assessment. These changes were associated
             followed by a complete block to nerve propagation.  with increased acetylcholinesterase activity in the mid-
             Insecticidal activity is increased by adding synergists that  brain, cortex, and brainstem. Ligand binding densities for
             inhibit oxidative degradation (Liu and Casida, 1993).  [ H]cytosine for α4β2 type nicotinic acetylcholine recep-
                Mammalian tissue also contains multiple subtypes of  tors did not show any significant change, whereas [ H]
             nicotinic receptors. The various subtypes are formed from
                                                                AFDX 384, a ligand for m2 muscarinic acetylcholine
             different combinations of nine α, four β, γ, δ, and ε subu-
                                                                receptors, was significantly increased in the cortex.
             nits (Tomizawa et al., 1999). Nicotinic receptors in mam-
                                                                Histopathological evaluation of brain regions did not show
             mals are located in the autonomic ganglia, skeletal
                                                                any alteration in surviving neurons. On the other hand,
             muscle, spinal cord, and in different regions of the brain.
                                                                there was a rise in glial fibrillary acidic protein immunos-
             Neonicotinoids have much lower activity in vertebrates
                                                                taining in motor cortex layer III, CA1, CA3, and the den-
             compared to insects due to the different binding properties
                                                                tate gyrus subfield of the hippocampus. Recently, Sheets
             of the various receptor subtypes (Yamamoto et al., 1998;
                                                                et al. (2016) reviewed the neonicotinoids for developmen-
             Tomizawa and Casida, 2011). Acute toxicity of the neoni-
                                                                tal neurotoxicity and found the decreased body weight of
                                                                F1 animals during development (e.g., delayed sexual mat-
             cotinoids in mammals is related to the potency at the α 7
             nicotinic receptor subtype with the activity at the α 4 , β 2 ,
                                                                uration, decreased brain weight, and morphometric mea-
             α 3 , and α 1 receptors having a decreasing effect on toxic-
                                                                surements) and acute toxicity (decreased motor activity
             ity. Toxicity in mammals involves complex interactions at
                                                                associated with peak exposure via the diet and milk).
             multiple receptor sites with some of the receptor types
                                                                  In a recent experimental study, male rats exposed to
             even having a combination of agonist and antagonist
                                                                an LD 50 dose of imidacloprid (170 mg/kg, ip) showed
             effects on the synapse.                            susceptibility to the genotoxic effects of imidacloprid
                                                                (Arslan et al., 2016). In another study, Pandit et al. (2016)
             TOXICITY                                           exposed mice to imidacloprid orally at 1/20th of LD 50
                                                                dose for 30 days. Semiquantitative histopathology
             The   following  studies  were  conducted  by  Bayer  revealed lung injury without any change in the expression
             CropScience (Sheets, 2001). Acute oral toxicity of  of TLR-4 and TNF-α both at mRNA and protein levels.
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