Page 560 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 560

Amitraz Chapter | 41  527  TABLE 41.1 Acute Toxicity of Amitraz      Mitac EC           Taktic              Mitac 50 WP

                                          LC50 or LC50
                                                         Amitraz (20%       Amitraz (12.5%
                                          Amitraz        Emulsifiable       Emulsifiable        Amitraz (50%
               Species      Route         (Technical)    Concentrate)       Concentrate)        Wettable Powder)
               Mouse        Oral          .1600 mg/kg
                            Intraperitoneal  .100 mg/kg
               Rat          Oral          400 938 mg/kg  200 400 mg/kg      2000 mg/kg          1427 mg/kg
                            Dermal        .1600                             2043 mg/kg
                            Inhalation (6 h)  65 mg/L    2.3 mg/L                               .1.6 mg/L (4 h)
                            Intraperitoneal  800 mg/kg
               Guinea pig   Oral          400 800 mg/kg
                            Dermal        Negative       Negative
               Dog          Oral          100 mg/kg
               Rabbit       Oral          .100 mg/kg
                            Dermal        .200 mg/kg     .1000 mg/kg                            .2000 mg/kg
                            Dermal        Negative       Moderate           Moderate            Mild
                            Eye irritation  Negative     Moderate-severe    Mild                Moderate
               Baboon       Oral          100 250 mg/kg
               Mallard ducks  Diet (8 day)  7000 mg/kg/day
               Japanese     Diet (8 day)  1800 mg/kg/day
               Bobwhite     Oral          788 mg/kg
               Rainbow trout  96-h exposure  2.7-4 mg/L
               Bluegill     96-h exposure  1.3 mg/L
               Harlequin fish  96-h exposure  3.2 4.2 mg/L
               Daphnia      96-h exposure  35 μg/L
               Bee          Oral          12 μg/bee
                            Direct        3.6 mg/L

             amitraz. Another important aspect is the gender difference  suggested that xylene is more toxic to kidneys in females
             where the sensitivity to the formulation was found to be  than it is in males (Jones, 1990).
             higher in females (by nearly 30%). The fact that no such  Acute amitraz poisonings are encountered most in cats
             difference occurred when technical amitraz was used alone  and dogs. Although poisonings mostly occur by oral
             indicates that the difference between sensitivity was  intake, dermal or inhalation exposure may also be the
             caused by the solvent and the excipients (Filazi et al.,  cause. After the oral intake, clinical signs are expected to
             1998a). One other assessment that supports this hypothesis  appear within 30 min to 2 h. Gastrointestinal disorders,
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