Page 591 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 591

556 SECTION | VII Herbicides and Fungicides  The dermal penetration in monkeys is relatively slow.  and lack of relevance to humans for the nasal turbinate,
                Substituted anilines are well absorbed in rats orally.
                                                                stomach and/or thyroid oncogenic effects produced in
                                                                rats. The data support grouping of alachlor, acetochlor,
             The metabolism of alachlor in rats is complex due to
             extensive biliary excretion, intestinal microbial metabo-  and butachlor with respect to a common mechanism of
             lism and enterohepatic circulation of metabolites. The  toxicity for nasal turbinate and thyroid tumors, and
             main routes of excretion are urine and feces, and nearly  grouping of alachlor and butachlor for stomach tumors
             90% of the dose is eliminated in 10 days. Dimethenamid,  (Heydens et al., 2010).
             an amide derivative, is slowly but well absorbed after oral  The mechanism of action of paraquat and diquat is
             administration (90% in rats) and is extensively metabo-  very similar at the molecular level and involves cyclic
             lized in rats. The maximum concentration in blood is not  reduction oxidation reactions, which produce reactive
             achieved until approximately 72 h. Excretion is primarily  oxygen species and depletion of nicotinamide adenine
             via bile. By 168 h after treatment, an average of 90% of  dinucleotide phosphate hydrogen (NADPH). However,
             the administered dose is eliminated. In rats, the triazolo-  the critical target organ differs for the two compounds, so
             pyrimidine compounds are rapidly absorbed and urinary  the mammalian toxicity is quite different. Although both
             elimination is rapid, with half-lives ranging from 6 to  herbicides affect kidneys, paraquat is selectively taken up
             12 h. Excretion is mainly through urine, and small  in the lungs. Paraquat causes pulmonary lesions as a result
             amounts are excreted in feces.                     of type I and type II pneumocytosis. The primary event in
                                                                the mechanism of toxicity within cells is paraquat’s abil-
                                                                ity to undergo a single electron reduction from the cation
                                                                to form a free radical that is stable in the absence of
             There are a number of biochemical changes or free  oxygen. If oxygen is present, a concomitant reduction of
             radical-mediated processes; some may also be produced  oxygen takes place to form superoxide anion (O ).
             by other mechanisms that have been used to assess tissue  Superoxide radical, in turn, is nonenzymatically converted
             injury. For example, the loss of tissue GSH may reflect  to singlet oxygen, which attacks polyunsaturated lipids
             alkylation reactions, not oxidation. Furthermore, some  associated with cell membranes to form lipid hydroperox-
             free radical-mediated changes that may cause injury are  ides. Lipid hydroperoxides are normally converted to
             also the result of injury. In most situations, it is difficult  nontoxic lipid alcohols by the selenium-containing GSH-
             to pinpoint the exact mechanism of action. The mecha-  dependent enzyme, GSH peroxidase. Selenium deficiency,
             nism of action of phenoxy derivatives, triazines, triazolo-  deficiency of GSH, or excess lipid hydroperoxides allows
             pyrimidines, imidazolinones, dinitroaniline, and many  the lipid hydroperoxides to form lipid-free radicals. Lipid
             other classes of herbicides is not precisely known.  hydroperoxides are unstable in the presence of trace
             However, phenoxy compounds are known to depress ribo-  amounts of transition metal ions and decompose to free
             nuclease synthesis, uncouple oxidative phosphorylation  radicals, which in turn cause further peroxidation of poly-
             and increase the number of hepatic peroxisomes. The  unsaturated lipid in a process that is slowed by vitamin E.
             relationship of these biochemical changes to clinical  Peroxidation of the membranes could in turn cause cellu-
             effect is not clear. In dogs, these herbicides may directly  lar dysfunction and hence lead to cell damage or death
             affect muscle membranes (Sandhu and Brar, 2000).   (Smith, 1997). Genes associated with oxidative stress,
             Herbicides such as 2,4-D, 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic  redox cycling and apoptosis have been shown to play a
             acid (2,4,5-T) and dicamba act as peroxisome prolifera-  key role in the development of lung fibrosis (Tomita
             tors. Oxadiazinon causes hepatic porphyria in both mice  et al., 2007; Lock and Wilks, 2010). The neurotoxicity of
             and rats. The phenyl urea herbicides linuron and monuron  paraquat is under debate (Lock and Wilks, 2010), but
             are rodent liver carcinogens. Chloroacetanilide and meto-  its involvement in neurodegenerative diseases like
             lachlor have shown weak hepatocarcinogenicity in female  Parkinson’s is well established (Jones et al., 2014). A
             rats and are nongenotoxic, suggesting a tumor-promoting  schematic diagram incorporating these elements of the
             action. The dinitro compounds markedly stimulate respi-  mechanism of paraquat-induced lung toxicity is shown in
             ration while simultaneously impairing adenosine triphos-  Fig. 44.3.
             phate synthesis. The main toxic action is uncoupling of  The mechanism of action of diquat differs somewhat
             oxidative phosphorylation, converting all cellular energy  from that of paraquat because it undergoes alternate
             in the form of heat and causing extreme hyperthermia.  reduction followed by reoxidation—a process known as
             In addition, the gut flora in ruminants is able to further  redox recycling. Like paraquat, diquat can redox cycle,
             reduce the dinitro compounds to diamine metabolites,  with the major difference being that diquat can more
             which are capable of inducing methemoglobinemia.   readily accept an electron than can paraquat (Gage,
                The available information on substituted anilines indi-  1968). The major target organs are the GI tract, the liver
             cates that there is a nongenotoxic mechanism of action  and the kidneys. Unlike paraquat, diquat shows no special
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