Page 592 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Toxicity of Herbicides Chapter | 44  557                  Paraquat                OUT           IN Hexose monophosphate shunt  3

                           CH 3 + N   NCH                                                     +
                                        3                             NADPH              NADP
                                0.702 nm
                                                  >0.5 nm       PQ 2+                              PQ +2
                             1                            Receptor  2

                                                                        O 2                O 2
                                                                     +   +     2H +
                                                               Then O 2  + O 2      H O 2
                                                                      3+   +           2+
                                                                    Fe  + O          Fe  + O
                                                            5              2           .   2
                        Putrescine                                  Fe  + H O               −   3+
                      +        +                                          2  2       OH + OH + Fe
                      NH  (CH )       NH3   H O
                       3           2 4       2  2
                         0.622 nm                        Glutathione                  4
                                                 GSSH               GSH
                                                         Glutathione      Lipid peroxidation
                              epithelial         NADPH              NADP +
                              cell wall                                      Cell death
                                                     monophosphate shunt
             FIGURE 44.3 Schematic representation of mechanism of toxicity of paraquat. (1) Structure of paraquat and putrescine; (2) putative accumulation
             receptor; (3) redox cycling of paraquat utilizing NADPH; (4) formation of hydroxyl radical (OH   ) leading to lipid peroxidation; and (5) detoxication
             of H 2 O 2 via GSH reductase peroxidase couple, utilizing NADPH. Reproduced with permission from Smith, L.L., 1997. Paraquat. In: Sipes, I.G.,
             McQueen, C.A., Gandolfi, A.J. (Eds.), Comprehensive Toxicology: Toxicology of the Respiratory System, vol. 8. Pergamon, New York, NY,
             pp. 581 589.

             affinity for the lung and does not appear to involve the  also affects at least some form of development and/or
             same mechanism that selectively concentrates paraquat in  reproduction in one or more species of animals. Some
             the lung (Rose and Smith, 1977).                   herbicides have been associated with birth defects in
                Glyphosate, a member of the phosphonomethyl     humans. For example, 2,4-D in combination with
             amino acid group, selectively inhibits the enzyme  2,4,5-T or dioxin, oryzalin, butiphos, picloram, Silvex
             5-enolpyruvoylshikimate 3-phosphate synthetase. The  (2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) propionic acid) and TCDD
             enzyme plays a key role in the biosynthesis of the inter-  (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) are known to cause
             mediate, chorismate, which is necessary for the synthesis  reproductive problems/malformations in humans. A non-
             of the essential amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine and  exhaustive list of herbicides that cause developmental
             tryptophan. This aromatic amino acid biosynthesis path-  toxicity in experimental animals is presented in Table 44.1.
             way is found in plants as well as in fungi and bacteria but
             not in insects, birds, fish, mammals and humans, thus pro-  Inorganic Herbicides and Organic Arsenicals
             viding a specific selective toxicity to plant species (Franz
             et al., 1997).                                     Substances such as sodium arsenite, arsenic trioxide,
                                                                sodium chlorate, ammonium sulfamate and borax were
                                                                formerly used on a large scale. The disadvantage of such
                                                                herbicides from an agricultural standpoint is that they are
             More than 200 active ingredients are used as herbicides;  nonselective; thus, their use has declined due to the avail-
             however, some are believed to be obsolete or have been  ability of better and selective organic preparations (Marrs,
             discontinued. Of these, several have been evaluated for  2004; Gupta, 2016a,b).
             their toxic potential, and acceptable daily intake has been
             recommended by the Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues  Phenoxy Acid Derivatives
             (IPCS, 2002). In general, with a few exceptions, most of
             the newly developed chemicals have a low order of toxic-  This class of herbicides includes 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, 2,4-DB,
             ity to mammals. However, there is increasing experimen-  dalapon, dichlorprop or 2,4-DP, mecoprop or MCPP,
             tal and anecdotal evidence that exposure to herbicides  MCPA and Silvex. Some of the phenoxy derivatives are
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