Page 650 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 650

Non-Anticoagulant Rodenticides Chapter | 47  615  GC mass spectrometry (GC-MS). It is important to note  Background
             that strychnine causes elevation of serum enzymes, includ-
                                                                Bromethalin was developed for use against warfarin-
             ing glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, creatine phosphoki-
             nase, and lactate dehydrogenase. In addition, lactic  resistant rodents. It is a restricted-use rodenticide used in
                                                                and around buildings and sewers and inside transporta-
             acidosis, hyperkalemia, and leukocytosis are the character-
                                                                tion and cargo vehicles. It is extremely toxic, and only a
             istic laboratory findings. In differential diagnosis, tetanus
                                                                single dose of bromethalin is needed to cause death in
             must be ruled out.
                                                                rats and mice. Bromethalin is marketed in a 0.01% for-
                                                                mulation (2.84 mg of bromethalin per ounce of bait), and
             Treatment                                          comes in bait pellets, bars, and packs. It is important to
                                                                note that bromethalin cannot be distinguished from other
             There is no specific antidote for strychnine poisoning, so
                                                                rodent baits by color or appearance alone. Secondary poi-
             treatment rests with symptomatic and supportive thera-
                                                                soning usually occurs in dogs and cats that eat a mouse
             pies. Seizures need to be controlled as soon as possible
                                                                killed by bromethalin. There are few cases of brometha-
             with diazepam or phenobarbital. Artificial respiration can
                                                                lin poisoning in humans following accidental exposure or
             be used for apnea. Once the seizures are controlled,
                                                                suicidal intent (Pasquale-Styles et al., 2006; Huntington
             detoxification can be performed using gastric lavage with
                                                                et al., 2016).
             potassium permanganate. Give activated charcoal with a
             saline cathartic to stop further absorption in the GI tract.
             Animals should be kept in a quiet environment and pro-  Toxicokinetics
             tected from any secondary sensory input.
                                                                Toxicokinetic information on bromethalin is available from
                                                                laboratory animals such as rats. Bromethalin is rapidly
             Conclusion                                         absorbed following oral ingestion. Plasma concentration
                                                                peaks in approximately 4 h. Metabolism takes place in the
             Strychnine is an extremely toxic plant alkaloid that is pri-
                                                                liver, where bromethalin undergoes N-demethylation,
             marily used as rodenticide. Due to inadvertent use or
                                                                forming desmethyl bromethalin. This metabolite is toxic,
             malicious intent, the poisoning is frequently encountered
                                                                as its LD 50 is 7.5 mg/kg body weight. The plasma half-life
             in dogs. Onset of clinical signs occurs very quickly, and
                                                                of bromethalin is approximately 6 days (Dorman et al.,
             the poisoning is characterized by convulsions, seizures,  1990c), suggesting slow elimination. Excretion occurs
             and hypersensitivity to any external stimulus. Treatment  mainly in bile, as it enters into enterohepatic circulation.
             is symptomatic, and warranted immediately.
                                                                Mechanism of Action
                                                                Bromethalin is a neurotoxicant, and affects the CNS. It
             Introduction                                       uncouples oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria,
                                                                thereby decreasing ATP synthesis. With a marked deple-
             Chemically, bromethalin is a diphenylamine compound
                                                                tion of ATP, very little energy is available to maintain
             with an appearance of a pale, odorless, and solid crystalline  1  1
                                                                Na /K -ATPase pump. As a result, cells lose their ability
             powder. It has a chemical formula of C 14 H 17 Br 3 F 3 N 3 O 4 ,           1
                                                                to maintain osmotic control, Na is retained intracellularly,
             with a molecular weight of 577.93. Its chemical structure
                                                                and the cells swell with water. This leads to fluid accumu-
             is shown in Fig. 47.2. It is commonly used as rodenticide
                                                                lation within myelin sheaths and vacuolation of the nervous
             for the control of rats and mice. Bromethalin has many
                                                                system, resulting in nerve conduction impairment. Damage
             other names, and is sold under brand names such as
                                                                to neuronal axons and increased intracranial pressure occur,
             Assault, Trounce, Vengeance, and Wipe Out.
                                                                followed by convulsions, paralysis, and death (Van Lier
                                                                and Cherry, 1988; Dorman et al., 1992).
                                                                Bromethalin is a single-dose rodenticide. It is classified as
                                                                highly toxic if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through
                                                                skin. The acute oral LD 50 of bromethalin is 2.38 5.6 mg/kg
                                                                in bait for dogs and 0.4 0.71 mg/kg in bait for
                                                                cats (Dorman et al., 1990c). Its LD 50 is 2 mg/kg in mice,
             FIGURE 47.2 Structural formula of bromethalin.     5 mg/kg in rats, 13 mg/kg in rabbits, and 0.25 mg/kg in pigs.
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