Page 652 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 652

Non-Anticoagulant Rodenticides Chapter | 47  617                                                   of the kidney leads to renal failure and death.
                                                                Cholecalciferol and its metabolites exert their effects by
                                                                binding to vitamin D receptors in tissues. 1,25-
                                                                Dihydrocholecalciferol is the most metabolically active
                                                                form, with 500 times greater binding to the vitamin D
                                                                receptors than that of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol and 1000
                                                                times greater binding than that of cholecalciferol.

                                                                Cholecalciferol is of low toxicity to mammalian species,
                                                                as it is classified as a class III toxic chemical. The oral
                                                                LD 50 of cholecalciferol in rats is 43.6 mg/kg and 42.5 mg/
             FIGURE 47.3 Structural formula of cholecalciferol.
                                                                kg in mice. The dermal LD 50 in rabbits is 2000 mg/kg.
                                                                Studies suggest that cholecalciferol is of low toxicity to
             structural formula is shown in Fig. 47.3. Cholecalciferol
                                                                birds (oral LD 50 is .2000 mg/kg in mallard ducks and
             has other names, and is marketed as a rodenticide under
                                                                dietary LC 50 is 4,000 ppm in mallard ducks and
             the brand names Quintox, True Grit Rampage, and Ortho
                                                                2000 ppm in bobwhite quail).
             Rat-B-Gone; it is also marketed as a feed additive under
                                                                  Pets such as dogs are poisoned by ingesting rodenti-
                                                                cide bait, whereas farm animals are affected by overdose
                                                                of additive vitamin D 3 in the feed. Signs and symptoms
             Background                                         of poisoning are similar to those of hypercalcemia, such
                                                                as anorexia, fatigue, headache, itching, weakness, nausea,
             Cholecalciferol is a rodenticide that is used in and around
                                                                vomiting, and diarrhea. In acute cases, cholecalciferol
             buildings and inside transport vehicles. Vitamin D 3 ,as
                                                                causes severe polyneuropathy. Dogs poisoned with
             such, does not have significant biological activity but, in
                                                                cholecalciferol-containing rodenticide bait usually show
             two steps, is metabolized in the body to make an active
                                                                signs of depression, anorexia, vomiting, bloody diarrhea,
             form. In the liver, cholecalciferol is hydroxylated to
                                                                cardiac irregularities, hypertension, seizures, and death. In
             25-hydroxycholecalciferol (calcifedion) by the enzyme
                                                                dogs, signs of poisoning may occur with as little as a
             25-hydroxylase. In the kidney, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol
                                                                2 mg/kg dose, and death may occur with a 10 mg/kg dose
             serves as a substrate for 1-α-hydroxylase, forming
                                                                of cholecalciferol.
             1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (calcitriol), which is the
             biologically active form. Cholecalciferol is formulated in
             the granular form (0.075% bait), and is very effective
             against Norway rats, roof rats, and house mice.
                                                                Decontamination, including induction of emesis, gastric
                                                                lavage, and administration of activated charcoal, is
             Toxicokinetics                                     beneficial. Administration of intravenous fluids helps
             Very little information is available on the toxicokinetics  reduce serum calcium levels by increasing urine produc-
             of cholecalciferol. Cholecalciferol is transported in  tion and calcium excretion. Biphosphonate pamidronate
             blood bound to carrier proteins. The major carrier protein  disodium is used to decrease serum calcium levels.
             is a vitamin D-binding protein. The half-life of 25-hydro-  Seizures can be controlled by diazepam or barbiturates.
             xycholecalciferol is several weeks, whereas that of 1,25-  Treatment needs to be continued for 2 or 3 weeks
             dihydroxycholecalciferol is just a few hours.      because the elimination half-life of cholecalciferol is
                                                                more than 2 weeks. Poisoned animals should receive
                                                                feed devoid of vitamin D 3 .
             Mechanism of Action
             Ingestion of cholecalciferol-containing bait is known to  Conclusion
             cause a marked increase in calcium level in blood and tis-
             sues. Cholecalciferol not only increases the absorption of  Cholecalciferol is a single- or multiple-dose rodenticide
             calcium, but also mobilizes calcium and phosphorus from  that has low toxicity to mammalian and avian species. It
             bones to the circulation. High calcium causes heart pro-  produces toxicity by marked increases in calcium and
             blems and bleeding secondary to mineralization of the  mineralization of tissues. Once animals develop severe
             vessels, kidneys, stomach wall, and lungs. Mineralization  signs, they usually die.
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