Page 656 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 656

Non-Anticoagulant Rodenticides Chapter | 47  621  chlorinated hydrocarbons, and plant alkaloids.   1-naphthyl-thiourea,  N(1-naphthyl)-2  thiourea,  Alrato,
                Differential diagnosis should include lead, strychnine,
                                                                Anturat, Bantu, Dirax, Krysid, Rat-tu, and Rattrack.

             Treatment                                          Toxicokinetics and Mechanism of Action

             There is no specific antidote for compound 1080 poison-  Following ingestion, ANTU is rapidly absorbed from the
             ing. Use of glyceryl monoacetate has shown some posi-  GI tract. The exact mechanism of action of ANTU is not
             tive results because it provides acetate ions to allow  known. ANTU stimulates the sympathetic nervous sys-
             continuation of the cellular respiration process, which is  tem, and causes a major increase in the permeability of
             interrupted by compound 1080. Other symptomatic and  the lung capillaries; consequently, extensive pleural effu-
             supportive measures following decontamination proce-  sion and pulmonary edema develop. This results in respi-
             dures (to prevent further absorption by activated charcoal)  ratory failure.
             include use of anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants, and
             mechanical ventilation. Induction of emesis is contraindi-
             cated because of potential arrhythmias and convulsions.  Toxicity
             Special attention should be paid to stabilize cardiac and
                                                                All animal species are susceptible to ANTU, but lethal
             CNS functions.
                                                                doses differ widely. Lethal doses of ANTU (in mg/kg) in
                Acetate and ethanol have been found to be potentially
                                                                various species are as follows: rats (3), dogs (10), pigs
             effective in mice, guinea pigs, and rabbits, but not in
                                                                (25), horses (30), cows (50), cats (75), and fowl (2500).
             dogs. A combination of calcium gluconate and sodium
                                                                  Clinical signs of poisoning due to ANTU include
             succinate has proven effective in mice (Omara and
                                                                vomiting, abdominal pain, dyspnea, shortness of breath,
             Sisodia, 1990). Calcium chloride has antidotal effects in
                                                                seizures, bluish discoloration, coarse pulmonary rales,
             cats (Roy et al., 1980).
                                                                pulmonary edema, and liver damage. In a time-course
                                                                study, ANTU at a dose rate of 5 mg/kg induced lung
             Conclusion                                         edema in adult albino rats (Vivet et al., 1983). After 6 h,
                                                                pulmonary extravascular water increased by 50% in
             Fluoroacetate converts to fluorocitrate, which is an
                                                                ANTU-treated rats, and the volume of the pulmonary
             extremely toxic metabolite. Symptoms vary markedly
                                                                effusion reached 3.4 6 0.1 mL. The most characteristic
             between species. For example, carnivores exhibit more
                                                                feature is the absence of hypoxemia in ANTU-intoxicated
             signs related to the CNS, herbivores exhibit signs related  rats. The absence of hypoxemia is common with normo-
             to cardiac effects, and omnivores show signs of both CNS  baric oxygen. ANTU can produce hyperglycemia of three
             and cardiac effects. Treatment relies on symptomatic and  times normal in 3 h.
             supportive measures.                                 Chronic sublethal exposure to ANTU may cause
                                                                enlarged thyroid gland (goiter) and interfere with normal
                                                                thyroid function. Repeated sublethal doses in rats lead to
                                                                the development of tolerance so that resistance to several
             Introduction                                       lethal doses develops (Peoples, 1970).
             Alpha-naphthyl thiourea (ANTU) is a colorless, odorless,
             crystalline powder that is exclusively used as rodenticide.  Diagnosis
             The technical product is gray powder. Its chemical formula
             is C 11 H 10 N 2 S, and it has a molecular weight of 220.28. Its  Diagnosis of ANTU poisoning is based on evidence of
             structural formula is shown in Fig. 47.6. ANTU has several  rodenticide exposure, clinical signs, lung and liver dam-
             other names, including alpha-naphthyl thiocarbamide,  age, and chemical confirmation. ANTU can be quantified
                                                                using HPLC.

                                                                There is no specific antidote; therefore, treatment relies
                                                                on symptomatic and supportive measures. Induce vomi-
                                                                tion if the patient is not showing convulsions and seizures.
                                                                The decontamination procedure includes administration of
             FIGURE 47.6 Structural formula of alpha-naphthyl thiourea.  activated charcoal.
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