Page 659 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 659

624 SECTION | VIII Rodenticides  is twice that of the kidneys because of its involvement in  compounds are extremely toxic to humans and animals.
                                                                Tl has been classified as the most toxic cumulative metal
             enterohepatic circulation. Tl is known to pass in the milk
                                                                cation. A single dose of 15 mg Tl/kg body weight has
             of poisoned female rats, mice, guinea pigs, and humans.
             A significant fraction of free plasma Tl also crosses the  been found to be lethal in guinea pigs, dogs, and humans.
             placental barrier. A small amount of Tl can also be found  The LD 50 is 15 mg/kg in rats and 16 27 mg/kg in mice.
             in hair. Following chronic exposure, Tl can be deposited  Of course, these values vary depending on the form of Tl
             in the bones, which may account for its cumulative  (Mulkey and Oehme, 1993).
             toxicity.                                            Onset of signs and symptoms of Tl poisoning is slow
                                                                (i.e., within 48 h). The signs and symptoms of Tl toxicity
                                                                (thallotoxicosis) can vary depending on the species, age,
             Mechanism of Action
                                                                form of Tl, dose, and acute versus chronic exposure.
             Tl produces toxicity in mammals through multiple   Gastroenteritis, polyneuropathy, and hair loss are the
             mechanisms. Tl 1  and K 1  have common cellular targets  dominant features of Tl poisoning (Mulkey and Oehme,
             and receptor sites associated with biological activity and  1993). Acutely poisoned animals show abdominal pain,
             toxicity. Tl replaces K in the intracellular environment,  vomiting, and constipation or diarrhea. At a high-dose
             and shows a 10-fold greater affinity over K for Na /K -  exposure, neurologic signs dominate with peripheral neu-
             ATPase. Tl at higher concentrations competitively inhibits  ropathy. Sensory disturbances include pain, ataxia, and
             Na /K -ATPase activity. Mitochondria have an abun-  paresthesia, which progress to muscle atrophy. Muscle
             dance of Na /K -ATPase, and are particularly suscepti-  fibers can show myopathic changes with abnormal central
             ble to the effects of Tl. Tl inhibits the influx and efflux of  nucleoli, striated transverse fibers disappearance, necrosis,
             K   in mitochondria without causing any alterations in  and fibrosis. Cats dosed with Tl at 4 mg/kg body weight
             movement of Na . In addition, Tl inactivates sulfhydryl  developed hypotonia and ataxia mainly due to pathologi-
             groups, including those affecting the permeability of the  cal changes in sensory neurons (Sager, 1994). Dogs and
             outer mitochondrial membrane. As a result of mitochon-  cats exposed to Tl also showed hemorrhagic gastroenteri-
             drial dysfunction, a variety of morphological changes,  tis and hepatic and renal damage.
             including mitochondrial swelling and vacuolization, occur  Surviving animals usually show signs of alopecia,
             in mitochondria in kidney, liver, brain, pancreas, and  bloody lesions of the skin, tremors, neuropathy (involving
             other tissues of mammals. Tl compromises mitochondrial  both central and peripheral nervous systems), and paraly-
             energy production by inhibiting pyruvate dehydrogenase  sis of muscles. In addition, Tl causes structural and func-
             complex and succinate dehydrogenase by uncoupling oxi-  tional changes in the heart and kidneys. Evidence from
             dative phosphorylation. Tl is also known to disrupt nor-  experimental animal studies suggests that the reproductive
             mal cell metabolism by stimulating several K -dependent  system is highly susceptible to Tl. Humans and animals
             enzymes such as phosphatase, homoserine dehydrogenase,  accumulate Tl in testes, where morphological and bio-
             vitamin B 12 -dependent diol dehydrogenase, L-threonine  chemical changes occur. Tl is embryotoxic and terato-
             dehydratase, and AMP deaminase.                    genic in chick embryo, causing achondroplasia, leg bone
                Tl has been demonstrated to increase the levels of  curvature, beak deformity, microcephaly, and decreased
             hydrogen peroxide and decrease the levels of glutathione,  fetal size. However, teratological investigations in mam-
             which leads to enhanced lipid peroxidation, oxidative  mals have produced conflicting results (Gregotti and
             stress, and energy depletion primarily in the brain (Hasan  Faustman, 1998). For further details on Tl toxicity, refer
             and Ali, 1981; Hanzel and Verstraeten, 2005). Tl-induced  to Mulkey and Oehme (1993) and Galvan-Arzate and
             changes, such as cellular energy loss, depletion of flavopro-  Santamaria (1998).
             teins, and binding of Tl to active sulfhydryl sites of
             enzymes, are the proposed mechanisms for Tl neuropathy.  Diagnosis
             The complexing of Tl to cysteine appears to inhibit cross-
             linking of proteins, and thereby, causes inhibition of kerati-  Diagnosis of Tl poisoning is based on evidence of Tl expo-
             nization of hair. Tl blocks formation of the disulfide bonds  sure, clinical signs, and chemical confirmation in body tis-
             in keratin and, thus, leads to hair loss (Mulkey and Oehme,  sue/fluid. Quantitative analysis for Tl in urine, serum,
             1993). Most evidence supports direct involvement of Tl  feces, saliva, or hair is performed to assess the extent of Tl
             with the hair follicles as the mechanism of hair loss.  exposure and to monitor treatment. Tl residue analysis at
                                                                diagnostic labs is commonly carried out using atomic
                                                                absorption spectrometer, inductively coupled plasma (ICP),
                                                                or ICP mass spectrometer-based methods. Tl-induced
             Tl toxicity has been studied extensively in rats, mice,  hematological changes may include anemia, leukocytosis,
             guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, and humans. In general, Tl  eosinophilia, and lymphocytopenia. Decreased creatinine
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