Page 666 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Toxic Gases and Vapors Chapter | 48  631  regarded as being analogous to a “gas scrubber” that pre-  pulmonary macrophages (although there are important
                                                                examples of metabolic toxication by type II pneumocytes
             vents or limits the exposure of the deeper respiratory tract
                                                                and/or alveolar macrophages). The immunohistochemical
             tissues (i.e., a protective mechanism). As with any “gas
             scrubber,” the capacity to remove a gas from the inhaled  distribution and biochemical activity of biotransformation
             air can be “overcome” if the scrubbing capacity becomes  enzymes in the rat nasal cavity are shown in Table 48.1.
             saturated due to high concentrations and/or long durations  As can be seen from the table, biotransformation potential
             of exposure. As a general rule, gases that are poorly water  is predominantly located in the olfactory and respiratory
             soluble and are not highly reactive are generally poorly  epithelia of the nasal cavity. Whether or not metabolism
             absorbed/scrubbed out in the upper respiratory tract. A  in the olfactory or respiratory epithelium predominates
             further general rule is that relatively little gas exchange  depends on which enzymes are involved and the particu-
             occurs in the conducting airways (anatomic dead space)  lar substrate. Although it is notable that both phase I and
             areas of the respiratory tract. However, adverse site-of-  phase II biotransformation reactions occur in the nasal
             contact effects can certainly still occur in these anatomic  cavity, the biotransformation capacity of the nasal cavity
             dead spaces of the respiratory system.             is a prime source of local toxication of many inhaled (and
                                                                noninhaled) xenobiotics (Bogdanffy, 1997).
             Metabolism                                           Numerous studies have demonstrated that club cells
                                                                are a rich source of cytochrome P450-dependent mixed-
             Metabolism of gases can occur locally in the respiratory
                                                                function oxidases and a prime site for P450-mediated
             tract or at other distant sites (discussed elsewhere in this
                                                                phase I metabolism and toxication in the lung (Devereux,
             book). As a generalization, biotransformation of gases
                                                                1984; Devereux et al., 1985; Baron and Voigt, 1990;
             within the respiratory tract primarily occurs at two main
                                                                Hukkanen et al., 2002; Castell et al., 2005).
             locations: within the epithelia of the nasal cavity and
             within the club cells of the lung (Bogdanffy et al., 1986,
             1987; Castranova et al., 1988; Baron and Voigt, 1990;  Excretion via the Respiratory Tract
             Bogdanffy, 1990; Keller et al., 1990; Hukkanen et al.,  Simple single-phase excretion (single compartment kinet-
             2002; Castell et al., 2005). Phase I biotransformation also  ics) of inhaled gases through the respiratory tract is in
             occurs to a lesser degree in type II pneumocytes and in  many ways dependent on the same factors as gas

               TABLE 48.1 Distribution of Biotransformation Enzymes in the Rat Nasal Cavity

               Tissue Type   AldH    CarbE     FdH      NBE       P450 red  P450     EH       GSHt      BαPOH
               Squamous      Low     No data   No data  Low       No data   No data  No data  No data   No data
               Respiratory   High    High      Present  Moderate  Present   Present  Present  Present   Present
               Seromucous    No      No data   No data  Low       Present   Present  Present  Present   Present
               glands        data
               Olfactory     Absent  Present in  Present  Moderate  Present  Present  Present  Present  Present
               sustentacular         olfactory
               cells                 mucosa
               Olfactory     Absent            Present  Absent    Absent    Absent   Absent   Absent    Absent
               Bowman’s      Low               Present  High      Present   Present  Present  Present   Present
               AldH, acetaldehyde dehydrogenase; CarbE, carboxylesterase; FdH, formaldehyde dehydrogenase; NBE, alpha-naphthyl butyrate esterase; P450 red,
               NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase; P450, cytochrome P450s; EH, epoxide hydrolase; GSHt, glutathione-S-transferases; BαPOH, benzo(a)pyrene
               Source: Data from Bogdanffy, M.S., Randall, H.W., Morgan, K.T., 1986. Histochemical localization of aldehyde dehydrogenase in the respiratory tract of
               the Fischer-344 rat. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 82:560 567; Bogdanffy, M.S., Kee, C.R., Hinchman, C.A., Trela, B.A., 1991. Metabolism of dibasic esters by
               rat nasal mucosal carboxylesterase. Drug Metab. Dispos. 19:124 129; Bogdanffy, M.S., 1990. Biotransformation enzymes in the rodent nasal mucosa: the
               value of a histochemical approach. Environ. Health Perspect. 85:177 186 (Bogdanffy et al., 1991); Keller, D.A., Heck, H.D., Randall, H.W., Morgan, K.T.,
               1990. Histochemical localization of formaldehyde dehydrogenase in the rat. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 106:311 326; Trela, B.A., Bogdanffy, M.S., 1991a
               Carboxylesterase-dependent cytotoxicity of dibasic esters (DBE) in rat nasal explants. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 107:285 301; Trela, B.A., Bogdanffy, M.S.,
               1991b. Cytotoxicity of dibasic esters (DBE) metabolites in rat nasal explants. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 110:259 267 (Trela and Bogdanffy et al., 1991a,b);
               and Bogdanffy, M.S., Taylor, M.L., 1993. Kinetics of nasal carboxylesterase-mediated metabolism of vinyl acetate. Drug Metab. Dispos. 21:1107 1111
               (Bogdanffy and Taylor, 1993).
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