Page 665 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 665

630 SECTION | IX Gases, Solvents and Other Industrial Toxicants  effectively resulting in extremely short diffusion distances;  in the blood (particularly blood triglycerides) can signifi-
                                                                cantly increase the blood:gas partition coefficient of lipo-
             and (3) gases absorbed through the alveoli are rapidly
                                                                philic xenobiotics and thus affect their inhalation absorption
             removed by the blood, thus maintaining the diffusion con-
             centration gradient (Rozman and Klaassen, 2001; Witschi  kinetics (Lin et al., 2002). Ingestion of a high-fat meal dur-
             and Last, 2001; Renwick, 2008; Valentine and Kennedy,  ing or before inhalation may result in an increased absorbed
             2008). There are two exceptions: (1) CO absorption is diffu-  dose of an inhaled lipophilic gas and affect the rate of excre-
             sion limited (the basis for its use in the lung diffusion  tion by exhalation of such substances.
             capacity test or determination of the DLCO; referred to as  The alternate extremes are gases that are ventilation
             the TLCO or transfer capacity in Europe), and (2) the pres-  limited (Rozman and Klaassen, 2001; Witschi and Last,
             ence of interstitial lung disease that increases the pulmonary  2001; Renwick, 2008; Valentine and Kennedy, 2008).
             diffusion distance, resulting in diffusion-limited absorption  Ventilation-limited gases are highly soluble in blood
             for gases (notably oxygen).                        (tend to be hydrophilic or, in rare cases, zwitterion-like)
                In a broad sense, the rate of establishment of the equi-  and often have low octanol:water partition coefficients
             librium between the respiratory airspaces and the blood-  (Fiserova-Bergerova and Diaz, 1986). Again, other fac-
             stream depends on: (1) whether or not uptake of the gas is  tors, such as the affinity of the particular gas to protein
             perfusion limited; and (2) whether or not the uptake of  and other elements in blood, may also significantly
             the gas is ventilation limited (Rozman and Klaassen,  impact the blood:gas partition coefficient, e.g., a high
             2001; Witschi and Last, 2001; Renwick, 2008; Valentine  affinity for erythrocytes or blood proteins may result in a
             and Kennedy, 2008). These innately characteristic proper-  high blood:gas partition coefficient irrespective of other
             ties of a substance are directly related to the blood:gas  physicochemical properties (Veltman et al., 2009). The
             partition coefficient, an innate physicochemical property  majority of a ventilation-limited gas present in alveoli is
             of the substance. The blood:gas partition coefficient is the  removed during each respiratory cycle because of its high
             ratio of the substance’s concentration in the gaseous phase  affinity for blood, i.e., replenishment of the gas in the
             and the blood phase at equilibrium. For substances with  gas-exchange regions is dependent on the subsequent
             low blood:gas partition coefficients (i.e., substances that  inhalation of fresh gas. In this situation, relatively small
             have a low affinity for dissolving in blood), the ability of  changes in respiratory minute volume can produce rela-
             blood in blood:gas exchange regions of the lungs to  tively large effects on the rate of transfer of the gas from
             absorb the substance is rapidly saturated, and thus only a  the respiratory system to the blood and tissues. The rate
             small amount of the substance in the respiratory tract is  of pulmonary blood perfusion has little effect on the
             removed by blood during passage through the pulmonary  rate of transfer of the gas from the respiratory system
             circulation. In such circumstances, changes in the respira-  to the blood because virtually all of the gas is removed
             tory minute volume have relatively little effect on the rate  from the gas-exchange site during each pulmonary circu-
             of transfer of the gas from the alveolar spaces to the  lation, i.e., increasing the rate of blood flow through the
             bloodstream. However, small changes in the rate of flow  lung during each circulation would result in little addi-
             of blood through the respiratory tract (i.e., pulmonary per-  tional gas absorption and decreasing the rate of blood
             fusion) have proportionally large effects on the rate of  flow through the lung would result in little reduction of
             transfer of the gas from the respiratory system to the  absorption. The time to blood:gas equilibration for gases
             blood; i.e., increasing pulmonary perfusion results in  that are ventilation limited is at least 1 h and often much
             more rapid removal of the gas from the site of equilibra-  longer (days or, in some cases, never).
             tion (the alveolar membranes) and thus a proportionally  Gases may also be absorbed in the upper respiratory
             more rapid rate of transfer of the gas from the respiratory  tract, particularly the nasal cavity (Rozman and Klaassen,
             system to the bloodstream occurs and vice versa. Thus,  2001; Witschi and Last, 2001; Renwick, 2008; Valentine
             for gases with a low blood:gas partition coefficient, blood  and Kennedy, 2008; Morris and Buckpitt, 2009). In this
             gas equilibration occurs relatively quickly (B8 21 min  case, gases may be systemically reversibly absorbed via
             for relatively blood-insoluble gases), and the absorption  diffusion processes in which the mucus:blood:tissue:air
             of such gases is described as being perfusion limited. As  partition equilibria (and associated coefficients) are
             a general rule, perfusion-limited gases tend to be spar-  important; alternatively, the gas may react with tissue
             ingly soluble in water, are relatively lipophilic and hydro-  macromolecules in the upper respiratory tract (including
             phobic, and have high octanol:water partition coefficients  enzymes with subsequent metabolism). In general, gases
             (Fiserova-Bergerova and Diaz, 1986). However, other fac-  that are absorbed in the upper respiratory tract tend to be
             tors, such as the affinity of the particular gas to protein  highly soluble in aqueous solutions (particularly in the
             and other elements in blood, may also significantly  mucous lining of the upper respiratory tract), or highly
             impact the blood:gas partition coefficient (Veltman et al.,  reactive (i.e., site-of-first-contact toxicants), or both
             2009). Notably, alteration in the level of lipid components  (Renwick, 2008). In such cases, the nasal cavity can be
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