Page 668 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 668

Toxic Gases and Vapors Chapter | 48  633  studies of the acute (exposure durations between 1 and  most commonly produced by incomplete hydrocarbon com-
                                                                bustion. A component of CO poisoning is almost always
             120 min) lethality effects of poison gases (specifically gas
                                                                present in cases of smoke inhalation injury (Alarie, 2002;
             weapons in the case of Fritz Haber, notably phosgene,
             methylchloroformate, cyanide gas, chloracetone, xylybro-  Jones, 2003; Fitzgerald et al., 2006). CO is also produced
             mide, and chlorine) that exposure to a low concentration  by the mixed function oxidase-mediated biotransformation
             of a poisonous gas for a long time often had the same  of methylene chloride (dichloromethane), a common sol-
             effect (death) as exposure to a high concentration for a  vent component present in paint strippers and degreasers
             short time. They discovered that, in general, a simple  (Weaver, 2004). The combustion of methylene chloride
             mathematical relationship applied: C 3 t 5 k, where C is  produces phosgene. CO is also produced endogenously as a
             the concentration of the poisonous gas, t is the time of  byproduct of erythropoiesis.
             exposure, and k (the “toxic load” required to produce the  CO commonly causes poisoning and high-mortality in
             effect) is a constant (Haber, 1924; Lohs, 1990; Witschi,  humans in the United States (Sadovnikoff et al., 1992;
             1999, 2000). If different concentrations and times of  Meredith, 1993; McGuigan, 1999; Hampson and Stock,
             exposure are used, this implies that C 1 3 t 1 5 C 2 3 t 2 .  2006; Harduar-Morano and Watkins, 2011). Epidemics of
             This relationship, in theory, can also be used to extrapo-  CO poisoning in humans and animals are notoriously
             late concentration values between short-term and long-  associated with the occurrence of storms, cold snaps or
             term exposures, i.e.,                              other severe weather, particularly when such events are
                                                                accompanied by a loss of electrical power and/or the fail-
                                     C 1 3 t 1
                                C 2 5                           ure of heating systems. Veterinarians, farm workers, and
                                       t 2
                                                                animals are at risk of exposure to CO in intensive animal
                In modern risk assessment, the ten Berge modification  production units that are heated by hydrocarbon combus-
             of Haber’s law is commonly used: C 3 t 5 k (ten Berge  tion. Both acute lethal and sublethal CO poisonings are
             et al., 1986). The exponential n is a regression coefficient  well-known problems in intensive pig operations, particu-
             for the exposure concentration exposure duration rela-  larly those relying on gas heating systems (Boller, 1976;
             tionships for the relevant effect. In general, the value of n  Keller, 1976; Wood, 1979; Stuart and Oehme, 1982;
             lies between 1 and 3. If suitable data are not available to  Dominick and Carson, 1983; Morris et al., 1985a,b;
             derive n, a default value of n 5 1 is used for extrapolating  Pejsak et al., 2008). CO in engine fumes may also reduce
             from shorter to longer exposure durations and a default  egg hatchability (Swarbrick, 1989).
             value of n 5 3 is used for extrapolating from longer to  CO has also been investigated as a veterinary
             shorter exposure durations. Using the ten Berg modifica-  euthanasia agent, and has some utility when mass
             tion, the Haber’s law equation becomes:            euthanasia of poultry is necessary (Moreland, 1974;
                                                                Simonsen  et  al.,  1981;  Chalifoux  and  Dallaire,
                                     C 3 t 1
                                C 2 5                           1983; Lambooy et al., 1985; Enggaard Hansen et al.,
                                       t 2
                                                                1991; Kingston et al., 2005; Gerritzen et al., 2006).
                However, note that there are many cases in which  However, there are substantial operator safety concerns
             Haber’s law and the ten Berge-modified Haber’s law do  with the use of CO for this purpose. CO treatment has
             not accurately describe the dose time relationships for  also been used for improving the color of muscle foods
             the toxicological effects of gases. The use of these simple  (Hamling et al., 2008; Mantilla et al., 2008; Jeong and
             relationships may seriously over- or under-estimate the  Claus, 2010, 2011). Again, strict safety standards are
             degree of toxicological effects, particularly when there  necessary  to  protect  human  workers  in  such
             are large extrapolations in terms of the time of exposure  circumstances.
             (Weller et al., 1999; Miller et al., 2000; Hoyle et al.,
             2010). High-quality data for the specific duration of expo-
             sure of interest are often preferable to the use of Haber’s  Toxic Dose
             law or the ten Berge modification.                 At physiological equilibrium, an atmospheric CO level of
                                                                50 ppm produces a carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) level of
                                                                8% in humans, which is the basis for the US
                                                                Occupational Safety and Health Administration PEL 8-h
             Carbon Monoxide                                    time-weighted average level of 50 ppm (Weaver, 2004).
                                                                Reduction in cognitive performance occurs in humans
             Overview, Uses, and Sources of Exposure            exposed to levels as low as 17 ppm for 1.5 2.5 h (COHb
             CO is colorless, odorless and virtually undetectable without  level of 2%). Situations that result in lower alveolar oxy-
             the use of gas detection technologies, hence its reputation  gen partial pressure (e.g., high altitudes), increased alveo-
             as a “silent killer” (Weaver, 2004). CO is ubiquitous and  lar ventilation (e.g., higher metabolic rates and increased
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